
Bouguerra F, Saidi L. Simplified ANN for 256 QAM Symbol Equalization Over OFDM Rayleigh Channel. 2018 International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT). 2018 :19-24.
Bouguerra F, Saidi L. Simplified ANN for 256 QAM Symbol Equalization Over OFDM Rayleigh Channel. International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT) [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Increasing the specter efficiency has been an object for many studies. In this paper, we investigate the higher modulation 256 QAM using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) as an equalization model. Multilayer perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) are considered as non-linear equalizer based on back-propagation and Euclidian norm respectively. They are designed in a simplified architecture and employing some performing strategies for a better learning and an increased processing speed. ANNs are presented and applied with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) over Rayleigh fading channel in order to optimize the modulation scheme's processing and performances despite its sensitivity to noise. The models will be compared to the theoretical BER simulation in terms of BER, and also in terms of MSE to show performance and efficiency; by that, this work will show the supremacy of MLP in decision making with 256 QAM.

Kadri A, Menacer F, DJEFFAL F. Simulation and analysis of Graphene-based nanoelectronic circuits using ANN method. Materials Today: ProceedingsMaterials Today: Proceedings. 2018;5 :15959-15967.
Abdelmalek K, Farid M, Fayçal DJEFFAL. Simulation and analysis of Graphene-based nanoelectronic circuits using ANN method. Part of special issue: 14th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN17), 4-7 July, 2017 [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The Graphene–based Double Gate Field-Effect Transistors (G-DG FETs) have received great attention in recent years due to their high electrical performance provided for analog and Radio-frequency (RF) nanoelectronic applications. To calculate accurately the drain current and the Figures-of-Merit (FoMs) of the nanoscale G-DG FETs requires the solution of Schrödinger/Poisson equations, assuming the quantum effects are to be fully accounted. However, for nanoelectronic circuit simulation, the 2D numerical solution through the fully self-consistent coupled Schrödinger/Poisson equations is an overkill approach in terms of both complexity and computational time cost. Hence, new approach and simulation tools which can be applied to design and simulate Graphene-based nanoelectronic circuits are required to overcome the limitations imposed by the accuracy and computational time cost. In this paper, we investigate the efficiency of a new approach based on the ANN-based computation (Artificial neural network) to analyze and simulate Graphene-based nanoelectronic circuits. In this context, this work presents the applicability of ANN for the simulation of the voltage amplifier by investigating the impact of the G-DG FET design parameters on the analog and RF performances. The ANN-based model can be easily implemented into commercial circuit simulators like: SPICE, Cadence and Silvaco.

OUZANI R, SI-AMEUR M. Simulation Numérique Des Grandes Echelles Du Mélange Turbulent Dans Les Ecoulements Compressibles. 2ème Conférence Nationale sur les CFD et la Technologie (CFD & Tech 2018) .12-14 Novembre, CRN Draria. 2018.
Chibani A, Bougriou C, Merouani S. Simulation of hydrogen absorption/desorption on metal hydride LaNi5-H2: mass and heat transfer. Applied Thermal EngineeringApplied Thermal Engineering. 2018;142 :110-117.
Abdessamed H. Simulation, réalisation et caractérisation d&⋕39;une structure Schottky. 2018.
Chebila M. Simultaneous evaluation of safety integrity’s performance indicators with a generalized implementation of common cause failures. Process Safety and Environmental ProtectionProcess Safety and Environmental Protection. 2018;117 :214-222.
MCHEBILA. Simultaneous evaluation of safety integrity’s performance indicators with a generalized implementation of common cause failures. Process Safety and Environmental ProtectionProcess Safety and Environmental Protection. 2018;2018 :214-222.Abstract
The average unavailability and the average unconditional failure intensity of safety-instrumented systems represent the main performance indicators of safety integrity. This paper employs an approach based on the exploitation of the availability expression to obtain both performance measures in a simultaneous and straightforward way for any KooN configuration. The implementation of such an approach is generalized to take into account the contribution of common cause failures using any parametric model. The validation of the obtained results is verified through their application using several architectures and using Beta Factor and Binomial Failure Rate models to handle such type of dependent events. Therefore, the contribution of this paper lies in proposing one single formula that can be used to estimate the two main safety integrity’s performance indicators for any KooN architecture using any kind of common cause failures parametric model.
Belkhiri L, Mouni L, Tiri A, Narany TS, Nouibet R. Spatial analysis of groundwater quality using self-organizing maps. Groundwater for Sustainable DevelopmentGroundwater for Sustainable Development. 2018;7 :121-132.
BentrciaYoussouf, Sarah B, Siham B, Tarek F. Spectral domain analysis of rectangular stacked patches printed on a substrate characterized by dielectric and magnetic anisotropy, e-ISSN 1572-8137. Journal of Computational ElectronicsJournal of Computational Electronics. 2018;Volume 17 :pp 399–405.Abstract
Spectral domain formulation is provided for the analysis of rectangular stacked patches printed on a substrate characterized by dielectric and magnetic uniaxial anisotropy. Detailed analytical expressions of the dyadic Green’s functions are derived. Galerkin’s procedure is applied to solve the electric field integral equations, and the resonance characteristics are determined by solving the characteristic equation. Numerical results show that the influence of the magnetic anisotropy on the resonant frequencies is highly dependent on the permeability of the medium, where for a non-magnetic medium, the impact of the existing anisotropy was found negligible. However, for a magnetic medium, the anisotropy has a large impact on the resonant frequencies. Moreover, the influence of each of the components of the permeability tensor has been also reported.
Bentrcia Y, Bouttout S, BENKOUDA S, FORTAKI T. Spectral domain analysis of rectangular stacked patches printed on a substrate characterized by dielectric and magnetic anisotropy. Journal of Computational ElectronicsJournal of Computational Electronics. 2018;17 :399-405.
Gourdache S, Bilami A, Barka K. Spectrum harvesting for heterogeneous wireless networks integration. Wireless NetworksWireless Networks. 2018;26 :431–447.Abstract
Massive capacity demand is a major impetus behind the advances, in various ways, of today and near future wireless communication networks. To face this challenge, more wireless spectrum is needed, efficient usage of this spectrum is necessary, and adequate architectures are required. In this paper, we present a conceptual solution based on a cognitive-radio-inspired cellular network, for integrating idle spectrum resources of different wireless networks into a single mobile heterogeneous wireless network. We describe the conceptual architecture of this integrating network, referred to as Integrating cognitive-radio-inspired cellular network (I-CRICNet), and present a cooperative spectrum-harvesting scheme that keeps the former supplied with spectrum resources. In the latter scheme, we make extensive use of cross-correlated sequences (CSSs), for events signaling purposes. This choice is motived by the particularly interesting characteristics of the CSSs, namely, duration shortness, robustness to bad radio conditions, detection rather than decoding, and low probability of collision. As an illustration, we propose a reporting and detection scheme, in the context of OFDMA systems, and provide performance results from simulations to validate our proposal.
Cherifa AZOUI, Brahim BENMOHAMMED. Stability lobes prediction in high speed milling , ISSN 2067–3604. International Journal of Modern Manufacturing TechnologiesInternational Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies. 2018;Vol. X :pp 37-42.Abstract
Different techniques are used to obtain approximate solutions for delayed functional differential equations (RFDEs). All these models used the so-called stability lobe diagrams, to choose the maximum axial depth of cut for a given spindle speed associated with a free chatter in machining. In this research paper, the ZOA (Zeroth Order Approximation) and SD (Semi Discretization) methods are explained, developed and used to obtain the stability lobe diagrams for a milling cutting system with two degree of freedom, in high speed machining case.
Ali B, Nafaa B, Tahar N. Statistical and hydro-geochemical characteristics of the M’daourouch-Drea plain’s groundwater; North-east of Algeria, ISSN / e-ISSN 1429-7426 / 2083-4535. Journal of Water and Land DevelopmentJournal of Water and Land Development. 2018 :pp 19–26. (VII-IX) 2018 (promesse de publication).Abstract
This work was conducted on 23 samples distributed between springs, wells and boreholes tapping the shal-low and deep aquifer in the M’Daourouch-Drea area located in extreme northeast of Algeria. Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl–, SO42–, HCO3– and NO3– were analysed. The interpretation of the geological-geophysical data allowed us to highlight two aquifers. The first consists of conglomerates, sandstones, gravels, sands, marls, limestones, la-custrine and alluvial deposits varying in thickness from a few tens to a few hundred meters, representing Neo-gene-Quaternary filling of the studied basin. The second is more important localized in the cracked and karstified limestones of upper Cretaceous age; these limestones are outcropped on the flanks of the syncline and the bor-ders of the basin. The first aquifer sometimes rests directly on the second which allows hydraulic communication between them. The hydogeochemical and statistical study, with the combination of numerous tools, indicates that the chemistry of groundwater in the M’Daourouch-Drea Plain is controlled both by the dissolution of the miner-als of the evaporite formations and those of the carbonate formations.
Bouhafna K, Aitouche S, Mohamed-Djamel M, Hanane Z. A strategic method for steering a photovoltaic generator. EKNOW 2018 International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

There are several forms of electricity generation, first, by burning fuels, such as coal, natural gas or oil, which have an effect on the atmosphere, especially increasing greenhouse gases, or, second, from renewable sources, such as wind, hydro and solar, which are clean and renewable sources of energy. Our work focuses on solar sources, especially photovoltaics; we have treated the steering part of photovoltaic generators using artificial intelligence methods, specifically, case-based reasoning. The system we have built generates actions to be applied to the generator based on its current state and reasoning from previous cases recorded in the case ba

Bendjerad A, Abdelhamid B, Mourad Z, Fatiha S, Abdelilah L, Malika Y, Sebti B, Faycal D. Structural and magnetic study of the influence of the thickness on multilayer (Ni/NiO) deposits at room temperature. International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE) [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The article describes a study on the influence of RF magnetron cathode sputter thickness, (09) Ni/NiO thin multilayer (each multilayer varies from 35Å to 3000Å). Measurements exploited by different MEB and XRD measurement techniques were obtained to give structural results and the average variation of the multilayer strength and the hysteresis cycles follow the two directions parallel and perpendicular to the substrate by VSM at room temperature. magnetic results.

Bendjerad A, Benhaya A, Zergoug M, Smaili F, Lahmar A, Yakhlef M, Boukhtache S, Djeffal F. Structural and magnetic study of the influence of thickness on multilayer (Ni/NiO) deposits at room temperature. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-5.
FERROUDJI F, KHELIFI C, OUTTAS T. Structural Dynamics Analysis of 3-D Bi-axial Sun-Tracking System Structure Determined by Numerical Modal Analysis. Journal of Solar Energy EngineeringJournal of Solar Energy Engineering. 2018.Abstract
Sun-tracking system is a key factor for solar photovoltaic (PV) future and new answers for the solar market. It will expand large scale PV-projects (PV farms) worldwide, and it is possible to collect more energy from the sun. PV farms consist of thousands of sun-tracking systems (STS) that are subject to dynamic loads (wind, snow, etc.), vibration, and gravitational loads. This paper presents the structural dynamic analysis of a 24 m² bi-axial sun-tracking system (azimuth-elevation) at different elevation angles based on its modal parameters (natural frequencies, modal shapes and modal damping ratios) and dynamic performance indices (Modal participation factors, forcing frequencies and mechanical quality factors) by means of the Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The simulation results show that the structural dynamic design of the STS meets the desired structural requirements and agrees well with structural dynamic standards (EN 1991-1-4 and ASHRAE). These results can be used for further analysis on optimal design and vibration safety verification for the bi-axial sun tracking systems (PV applications).Structural Dynamics Analysis of Three-Dimensional Bi-Axial Sun-Tracking System Structure Determined by Numerical Modal Analysis | Request PDF. Available from: [accessed Oct 31 2018].
