
Hachani L, Saadi B, Wang XD, Nouri A, Zaidat K, Belgacem-Bouzida A, Ayouni-Derouiche L, Raimondi G, Fautrelle Y. Experimental analysis of the solidification of Sn–3 wt.% Pb alloy under natural convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass TransferInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012;55 :1986-1996.
Mokhtari B, Ameur A, Benkhoris MF, Mokrani L, Azoui B. Experimental DTC of an induction motor applied to optimize a tracking system. Renewable Energy & Power Quality JournalRenewable Energy & Power Quality Journal. 2012;10, 2012.
Lynda SACI, Mahamdi R, Mansour F, Temple-Boyer P. Experimental study of the boron redistribution in two series of bilayer films silicon-based. IU-Journal of Electrical & Electronics EngineeringIU-Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. 2012;12 :1453-1456.
BELKACEMI Z, BOUGRIOU C. Faisabilité du réfrigérateur à adsorption solaire Dans les zones rurales ou arides algériennes. universitaires europeennes EUE.; 2012 pp. 112.Abstract
Au début, les systèmes de réfrigération solaire ont été principalement utilisés comme un moyen complémentaire pour faire prolonger la chaîne de production du froid aux zones rurales pour la conservation des médicaments (conservation des vaccins). Mais ces dernières années, plusieurs travaux ont été réalisés pour mieux comprendre et maîtriser cette nouvelle technique. Cet ouvrage entre dans le même cadre ; nous avons modélisé le réfrigérateur solaire à adsorption et nous avons réalisé son étude technico-économique afin de voir sa faisabilité pour encourager les chercheurs, les industriels, etc. à entamer ce domaine. Ces appareils sont rentables pour des pays du sahel et plus particulièrement à l’Algérie où se trouvent des zones arides non desservies par aucune énergie.
KADRI O, Mouss LH, Mouss MD. Fault diagnosis of rotary kiln using SVM and binary ACO. Journal of mechanical science and technologyJournal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2012;26 :601-608.
Rafik M. Fault prognosis by temporal Neuro-Fuzzy systems: Application for manufacturing systems.; 2012.
Djeffal EA, Djeffal L. Finding a strict feasible dual initial solution for quadratic semidefinite programming. Applied Mathematical SciencesApplied Mathematical Sciences. 2012;6 :2029-2034.
Chibani S, Bensouici C, Kabouche Z, Kabouche A, Al-Dabbas M-M, Aburjai T. Flavonoids and antioxidant activity of Santolina rosmarinifolia from Algeria. Chemistry of Natural CompoundsChemistry of Natural Compounds. 2012;48 :779–780.Abstract
Santolina is a small genus of the large subfamily Asteraceae of the family Compositae. Species of this genus are used in folk medicine as anthelmintic, antispasmodic, and antifectious agent [1]. Sesquiterpene lactones and volatile terpenes have been isolated from the Spanish subspecies S. rosmarinifolia subsp. canescens, S. rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia, and S. chamaecyparissus [2, 3, 4, 5]. Terpenes and acetylene derivatives were reported from the roots of S. corsica [6], but no flavonoids have been reported from these two subspecies. The Algerian species S. rosmarinifolia L. [7] has not been the subject of any phytochemical study. It will be interesting to investigate the presence of 6-methoxyflavones previously reported from S. chamaecyparissus [8, 9]. The aerial parts of S. rosmarinifolia were collected on may 2008 in the region of Batna (North Eastern Algerian) [7]. The voucher specimen was identified by Prof. Gerard De Belair (University Badji-Mokhtar, Annaba) and was...
Laamayad T, Naceri F, Abdessemed R. Fuzzy adaptive controller based on the Lyapunov Theory for control of the dual star induction machine. Journal of Electrical EngineeringJOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 2012;12.
Naceri F, Laamayad T, Belkacem S. Fuzzy Sliding Mode Speed Controller Design of Induction Motor, Drives.; 2012.
Leila-Hayet M. Genetic Algorithm Based Approaches for the Modified Weibull Renewal Approximation.; 2012.
Toufik B, Hayet ML, Kinza M, Farouk Y, Abderrahmane B. Genetic Algorithm Based Approaches for the Modified Weibull Renewal Approximation.; 2012 pp. pp-975 – 980.
Belkhiri L, Mouni L, Boudoukha A. Geochemical evolution of groundwater in an alluvial aquifer: Case of El Eulma aquifer, East Algeria. Journal of African Earth SciencesJournal of African Earth Sciences. 2012;66 :46-55.
Smadi H, Sargeant JM, Shannon HS, Raina P. Growth and inactivation of Salmonella at low refrigerated storage temperatures and thermal inactivation on raw chicken meat and laboratory media: mixed effect meta-analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and global HealthJournal of Epidemiology and global Health. 2012;2 :165-179.
el Houda Hedjazi N, Ouacifi M, Bouchouareb R, Ourghi M, Gareh M, Benatia D. The Handover in the Constellations of Satellites in Low Orbit. International Journal of Advanced Science and TechnologyInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. 2012;41 :39-48.
BENSALEM A, Ammari A, Benmerzouk A, Ghoubiche S, Bouzid K. Hematologic toxicities in cancer patients treated with sorafenib; a multityrosine kinase drug. France; 2012.
Khamsa M, A B, Kamel H, H M, R AH, Soraya T. Hépatite virale A : étude épidémio-clinique.; 2012.
Soraya T, A A, W B, N K. Hépatite virale B chez la femme enceinte.Cas clinique.; 2012.
Khennaoui B, Malouki MA, Salah ZR, Zertal A. Homogeneous Photodegradation of an Azo Dye (Orange Methyl) by Decatungstates of Sodium. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering. AJournal of Environmental Science and Engineering. A. 2012;1 :844.
Mokrani K, Tebbal S, Raoult D, Fournier PE. Human rickettsioses in the Batna area, eastern Algeria. Jounal of ScienceDirect, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 152, ISSN: 1877-9603, PMID: 23182273, DecJounal of ScienceDirect, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 152, ISSN: 1877-9603, PMID: 23182273, Dec. 2012;3 :pp 364-366.Abstract
In order to investigate the prevalence of rickettsioses in febrile exanthemas in eastern Algeria, we conducted a prospective serological analysis of all patients presenting with this clinical picture at the Infectious Diseases Department in the Batna Hospital from January 2000 to September 2006. One hundred and eight adult patients were included in the study, 46% of whom younger than 25 years, and 72.5% were admitted from May to September. Patients were tested for antibodies to Rickettsia conorii conorii, R. conorii israelensis, R. aeschlimannii, R. felis, R. sibirica mongolitimonae, R. africae, R. massiliae, R. typhi, and R. prowazekii using microimmunofluorescence and Western blot as confirmation procedure. Both methods confirmed the diagnosis ofMediterranean spotted fever in 5 patients (4.6%), flea spotted fever in 2 patients (1.9%), and R. aeschlimannii infection in 2 patients (1.9%). In addition, 4 patients were diagnosed as having murine typhus (3.7%) and one with epidemic typhus (0.9%). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report ofR. felis infection and R. aeschlimannii infection in Algeria. In conclusion, at least 5 different kinds of rickettsiosis coexist in eastern Algeria and, being responsible for 13% of cases of febrile exanthemas, should be considered among major causes of this clinical picture in this area. In addition, we emphasize the high incidence of typhus group rickettioses, includingepidemic typhus, in this area.
