Publications by Type: Book

Bourdim S, Hemses KE, Harbouche Y, Abdessemed R. Stator Inter-Turn Short-Circuits& Rotor Broken Bar Induction Machine Diagnosis Using 3-D CWT.; 2013.
SLIMANI S, Haddouche A, Bencharif I, Ladjouze-Rezig A. Superiority Of Knee Ultrasound Over Radiographs In Osteophyte Detection In Knee Osteoarthritis. Spain; 2013.
Wail R. SVM and Fuzzy-neural network for the diagnosis by pattern recognition of a photovoltaic system, ISBN : 978-9931-9117-0-8.; 2013.
Wail R. SVM and Fuzzy-neural network for the diagnosis by pattern recognition of a photovoltaic systemة ISBN : 978-9931-9117-0-8.; 2013.
ABDENEBI H, ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, HADDAD D. Thermal field of a planar SOFC fed by methane : steam reforming and water gas shift reaction effect. Maroc; 2013.
SAIGHI S, ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H. Three-dimensional numerical study of SOFC temperature field: Polarization heat source effect. Maroc; 2013.
Abid M, al. Traitement chirurgical métastasique des cancers colo-rectum. Algérie; 2013.
Fateh B. Une méthode pour l’optimisation du processus de développement du produit basée sur la matrice de structure de conception, ISBN : 978-9931-9117-0-8.; 2013.
SLIMANI S, Haddouche A, Bendali S, Makhsoum K, Benmebarek A, Ladjouze-Rezig A. Validity Of A Simplified Enthesitis Ultrasound Score In The Diagnosis Of Spondyloarthritis. Spain; 2013.
H. Madani, Valtz A, C.Coquelet, D. Ramjugernath. (Vapor-liquid equilibrium data concerning refrigerant systems (R3110 + R365mfc).; 2013.
Rouabhi R, Abdessemed R, Helali A. Vector control strategy for variable speed wind turbine.; 2013.
