Publications by Type: Book

Assia A. Les stratégies thérapeutiques dans les infections urinaires du nourrisson et de l&⋕39;enfan.; 2015.
FRIHA S, GUERRI R. L’alimentation : facteur déclenchant ou protecteur du cancer de la prostate. Oran, Algérie; 2015.
Houria M. L’hémophile aux urgences.; 2015.
Houria M. l’hémophilie acquise et le post partum.; 2015.
Soraya T. Méningite à méningocoque révélatrice d’un déficit en fractionC3 du complément.; 2015.
Khamsa M. Méningite récidivante à méningocoque révélatrice d’un déficit en fraction C3 du compléméent.; 2015.
OUTTAS T, FERROUDJI F. Modal analysis of a new electro-hydraulic dual axis solar tracking system prototype using the finite element method,May 15 to 19, 2015. Macedonia: Skopje; 2015.
Maamir M, Aboub H, Azoui B. Modeling and Simulation of Energy Management autonomous Sources System composed of Solar-PV and Battery.; 2015.
SLIMANI S, Testas K, Bencharif I, Boukredera M, Chiheub R. Morphometric study of algerian hips: an etiological study to explain the low prevalence of hip osteoarthritis in algeria. USA; 2015.
Mallem D. Néphropathie lupique, expérience du service de médecine interne, CHU de Batna. Batna; 2015.
Hayet ML. New Algorithm for the IV Characteristic Modeling of the Photovoltaic Generator Malfunction within Impedance and Reversed Polarity Faults.; 2015 pp. pp. 506-512.Abstract
In this paper, we proposed a new methodology that can improved and developed the faults detection and diagnosis methods of the photovoltaic generator, especially when it subjected to the impedance and reversed polarity defects. This proposed algorithm is based on the mathematical modeling of the IV characteristic, of the faulty photovoltaic generator hierarchies as: cell, cells group, module, string and the entire generator, when they submitted to one or more of: cells, bypass and blocking diodes in impedance and reversed polarity faults. This new methodology can facilitated the study of the faulty generator characteristics, and obtained a database for the learning phase and the classification of the new observations collected on the system during its operation. NOMENCLATURE I_phi = Photo-Current. N_Cells = Cells Number in Each Group. N_Groups = Groups Number in Each Module. N_Modules = Modules Number in Each String. N_Strings = Strings Number in the Generator. V_Cell_Imp = Cell Voltage Imposed. I_Cells = Cell Current. V_Cells = Cell Voltage. I_PV = Generator Current. V_PV = Generator Voltage. R_S = Cell Series Resistance. R_SH = Cell Shunt Resistance. I_S1 = Reverse Saturation Current of 1 st Diode. I_S2 = Reverse Saturation Current of 2 nd Diode. m1 = Ideality Factors of 1 st Diode. m2 = Ideality Factors of 2 nd Diode.
Abderraouf B, Brahim BENMOHAMMED. Numerical simulation of chip formation in case of orthogonal machining process.; 2015.
Djamel B. Optimal Planning of Nurses’ Redeployment at Patient Overflow, ISSN / ISBN 978-94-62520-74-5 / 2352-538X.; 2015.Abstract
In order to provide to his patients a quality medical service at lower cost, the General Administration Department of a University Hospital wants to maintain the number of the allocated nurses as low as possible while guaranteeing a satisfying level of health care. The nurses’ redeployment is an optimization problem that falls under the category of integer linear programming problems whose graphical model is a digraph. The mathematical model is composed of an objective function of several interdependent variables to be obtained and some equality and side constraints that the General Administration Department should not violate in order to achieve satisfaction. The solution of this kind of problems rests on the use of an iterative method known as the simplex algorithm.
Djamel B. Optimal Planning of Nurses’ Redeployment at Patient Overflow, ISBN 978-3-03785-277-4.; 2015.
Zakaria B. The optimization of a conventional scheluding problem.; 2015.
Ali BENSADEK. Oxonium Lanthanide double sulfate terahydrates. Biskra, Algérie; 2015.
Khamsa M. Parasitoses intestinales à Batna : étude de 962 examens parasitologiques des selles.; 2015.
Belkhir A. Parasitoses intestinales à Batna : étude de 962 examens parasitologiques des selles.; 2015.
Fatiha L. Particularité de la dialyse péritonéale chez l&⋕39;enfant. Expérience du CHU de Batna.; 2015.
Abdessemed R, Tomachvitch V. Phénomènes Transitoires dans les Machines Electriques.; 2015.Abstract
La maîtrise des phénomènes physiques ayant lieu lors des processus transitoires dans les machines électriques, l’évaluation qualitative des variations des courants, des tensions, des couples, la prédiction de la conduite de la machine dans de tels régimes comme la perte ou l’augmentation brusque de charge, le fonctionnement en régime asynchrone des machines synchrones, etc…, sont nécessaires pour une conception rationnelle et fiable des machines électriques pouvant supporter des situations d’avarie quelque soit le régime de fonctionnement. 
