Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

ALOUANE A. L’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne : compte-rendu d’une expérience. Colloque International organisé par l’Université d’Oum El-Bouaghi. 2019.
BENZAROUEL T. L’enseignement – apprentissage des langues étrangères à l’ère numérique : TICE en classe de FLE, par où commencer ?. Journée d’étude au centre universitaire de Barika. 2019.
SLITANE S. Méthodologie de recherche :le questionnement en vigueur. Université de Msila 03/2019. 2019.
BOUZIDI H. PAREMIE, LA PERILLEUSE (OU L’IMPOSSIBLE) TRADUCTION. Colloque International : culture(s)et langue(s)au centre de la recherche universitaire : quelle(s)approche(s), pour quel(s)objectif(s) ? , Université de Jijel, 24 et 25 Novembre. 2019.
HAMAIZI B. Pour un renouvellement didactique à l’ère du numérique : un regard autre sur le smartphone en classe de FLE. Communication dans une journée d’étude, Barika. 2019.
ARRAR S. Quand la littérature devient une rencontre entre le Moi et l’Autre en classe de langue. Le Moi et l’Autre : de la tolérance à la rencontre. Colloque international organisé à l’université Blida 2 les 19 et 20 Novembre. 2019.
LEBBAL S. Réminiscence et exhumation mémorielle : la mémoire conjuguée dans terre des femmes de Nasira Belloula. Colloque international « histoire et mémoires partagées » organisé par l’université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne Juin. 2019.
ARRAR S. Rôle du psychologue scolaire dans la lutte contre l’indiscipline en contexte éducatif algérien. Rôle du psychologue scolaire dans l’orientation et l’encadrement pédagogique. Colloque national organisé à l’université Alger II ,Mai. 2019.
Bezih K, Demagh R, Amrane M. Analyse mécano-fiabiliste des structures en béton armé en tenant compte de l'interaction sol-structure. First International Congress on Advanced Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December. 2019.
Zerdia M, Demagh R. Analyse Numérique 3D de l’Interaction de Tunnels Jumeaux Investigation des Cuvettes Transversales. First International Congress on Advanced Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Beghoul M, Demagh R. Analysis of Ground Surface Settlement Induced By Shield Tunneling in Soft Soils. Proceedings of Underground Construction, June 3-5, [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Bouatia M, Demagh R, Derriche Z. The Effect of Rainfall Infiltration on Structures Buried in an Expansive Soil: The Case of Aine-Tine Water Supply Pipeline (Algeria). Proceedings of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG), November 25-28, [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Bouatia M, Demagh R. Effect of the initial soil suction on Structures Buried in an Expansive Soil during a Rainfall Infiltration Case of Aine-Tine pipeline. First International Congress on Advanced Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December. 2019.
Amrane M, Messast S, Bezih K. Évaluation de modéles de sol constitutifs pour la prévision des mouvements causés par une excavation profonde dans les sables. First International Congress on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December. 2019.
Beghloul M, Demagh R. Prediction of surface trough due to shield tunnelling. The XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 1-6 September, [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this study, the surface settlement induced by shield TBM excavation is simulated by using finite differences code Flac-3D. The proposed three dimensional simulation procedure is taking into account the main features of slurry shield TBM. The line D subway project in Lyon is chosen to validate the numerical simulations. The comparison of the numerical simulation results with the in-situ measurements shows that the proposed 3D simulation is relevant, in particular in the adopted representation for the different operations achieved by the tunnel boring machine.
Beghoul M, Demagh R. Surface settlement induced by shield tunneling–complete 3D numerical simulation on two case studies. The WTC 2019 ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress (WTC 2019), May 3-9, [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
CHATI M, Djebabra M, CHETTOUH S. Apport du retour d’expérience dans la sécurité des procédés : management des Presque accidents et signaux faibles. National Seminar on Process Safety and Sustainable Development (CNSPDD-2019). 2019.
Boulagouas W, Chaib R, Djebabra M. CONTRIBUTION OF THE CLUSTER STRATEGY-CULTURE -PEOPLE ALIGNMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. International Conference on Advanced Engineering in Petrochemical Industry (ICAEPI’19) [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
An increasing interest and efforts are being made at all levels by academics and practitioners to protect the workers and encourage the development of strategies and approaches to reduce the number of accidents at the workplace, improve the safety performance of the industrial companies and preserve the environmental health. In spite of the continuous efforts of the Algerian companies to improve their health and safety performance, high number of accidents and ill-health problems among the Algerian companies are still being recorded. In terms of definition, the Environmental Health refers to human’s health aspects including quality of life. These aspects are defined by the physical, biological, social and psychosocial factors of the environment. It includes also the theory and practice of assessing, correcting, controlling and preventing these factors in an environment which may potentially affect human’s health.This paper comes to explore the contribution of the alignment of the cluster cultural aspects (CA), health and Safety strategy (H&SS) and people (P) as a way to improve the environmental health, particularly the Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) that present one of the prominent and significant health problems at work.
Fourar Y-O, Benhassine W, Saadi S, Djebabra M. Contribution of the systemic approach to OH&S promotion. 1st Int. Conf. on Materials, Environment, Mechanical and Industrial systems –ICMEMIS’19-, 29-30 June. 2019.
Fourar YO, Benhassine W, Saadi S, Djebabra M. Contribution of the Systemic Approach to OH&S Promotion. First International Conference on Materials, Environment, Mechanical and Industrial Systems ICMEMIS’19. 2019.Abstract
Faced with different representation models of a work situation whose centers of interest vary from one model to another, guides have been developed to try and analyze occupational risks in their entirety. However, the development of these guides poses a double problem: the completeness of this analysis and the order attributed to the analyzed occupational risks. This article aims to solve this problem through a systemic approach that allows to develop a hierarchical model of occupational risks invariants. Its exploitation allows to carry out an exhaustive analysis of occupational risks and consequently the elaboration of a long-term strategy of prevention.
