Publications by Year: 2002

LAHLOUHI A, Sahnoun Z, Benbrahim ML, Boussaha A. Interface agents development in MASA for human integration in multiagent systems. Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2002 :566-574.
KADID FZ, Abdessemed R, Drid S. Modélisation 2D d’une pompe MHD linéaire à induction en tenant compte du mouvement du fluide.; 2002.
LAHLOUHI A, Sahnoun Z. Multi-agent methodologies’ incoherencies. Proceedings of the OOPSLA 2002, Workshop on Agent-Oriented Methodologies. 2002 :64-73.
Kadjoudj M, Abdessemed R, Ghennai C. Performance analysis of hybrid current control for PMSM drive. JEE, RomaniaJEE, Romania. 2002;2.
Mutabazi I, Bahloul A. Stability analysis of a vertical curved channel flow with a radial temperature gradient. Theoretical and computational fluid dynamicsTheoretical and computational fluid dynamics. 2002;16 :79-90.
DJEBABRA M, DJEGHDJEGH A. Step of the technical document quality assesment. RISTRIST. 2002;12.
BENABDELKADER SOUAD, Boulemden M, LOUIFI SALIM. Threshold selection by maximizing the between-class variance of a fuzzy 2-partition. In: Recent Trends In Multimedia Information Processing. World Scientific ; 2002. pp. 282-288.
BENABDELKADER SOUAD, Boulemden M. Wavelet transform and variable block truncation coding for image compression. In: Recent Trends In Multimedia Information Processing. World Scientific ; 2002. pp. 244-248.
Benoudjit N, Archambeau C, Lendasse A, Lee JA, Verleysen M. Width optimization of the Gaussian kernels in Radial Basis Function Networks. ESANN. 2002;2 :425-432.
