Publications by Year: 2013

Nafissa B, MADANI S. Etude phénoménologique du comportement mécanique des matériaux utilisés en automobile - cas de la culasse d’un moteur diesel-. 2013.
Boutelis S, Yahia M, Laanani I. Evaluation de la cytologie et de l’histologie de l’utérus et du col utérin comme prédicteur des phases øestrales chez les brebis. Alger,Algérie; 2013.
Redha MENANIM. Evaluation du risque de conflit autour des eaux transfrontalières du système aquifère du Sahara septentrional (SASS). Com. Batna; 2013.
KADDOURI W, KANIT T, MADANI S, IMAD A. Evaluation of effective elastic properties, of randomly distributed elliptical and circular porous inclusions, using the numerical homogenization technique. Sunny Beach, Bulgaria; 2013.
Amrani I. The evolving role of pharmacist. Arusha, Tanzanie; 2013.
Rebiai S-E, Ali FZS. Exponential stability of compactly coupled wave equations with delay terms in the boundary feedbacks. IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization. 2013 :278-284.
Djeffal EA, Djeffal L, Benterki D. Extension of Karmarkar’s algorithm for solving an optimization problem. In: Advances in Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory. Springer ; 2013. pp. 263-271.
Salah Z, Coenen F, Grossi D. Extracting debate graphs from parliamentary transcripts: A study directed at uk house of commons debates. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law. 2013 :121-130.
Sekiou S, Chiremsel Z, Drid S, Said RN. Failures diagnostic of safety instrumented system: Simulation and experimental study. 2013 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). 2013 :776-781.
Roubache T, Chaouch S, Said MSN. A fault-tolerant control for induction-motors using sliding mode scheme. 14th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control & Computer Engineering-STA'2013. 2013 :231-236.
Arar C, Kalla H, Kalla S, Bendib SS. Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm for Energy-Aware Embedded Systems. Safecomp 2013 FastAbstract. 2013 :NC.
HAMZI R, Bourmada N, Bouda M. Fleet management: Assessment of the best practices. QUALITA2013. 2013.
Abid M, Boudissa R, Raissi N, Ferhat-Hamida A, Kisma S, Hammani M, Nejjari S, Hammani A. Follow-up des cancers colorectaux opérés : a propos d’une série de 670 patients. Algérie; 2013.
R S. Fonctionnement de la station de traitement de Timgad (W) de Batna et étude de la qualité physic-chimique des eaux en amont et en aval. Univ de Batna. 2013.
Zid.G. Fonctionnement de la STEP d’oued Souf et l’étude de l’effluent en amont et en aval. 2013.
Hanane Z. Formal Specification of a Mobile Agent Based Maintenance for Manufacturing Systems.; 2013.
Alloui Z, Vasseur P. Fully developed mixed convection of a binary fluid in a vertical porous channel. The Canadian Journal of Chemical EngineeringThe Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2013;91 :127-135.
Laamayad T, Nacer F, Abdessemed R, Belkacem S. A Fuzzy Adaptive Control for Double Stator Induction Motor Drives.; 2013.
Laamayad T, Naceri F, Abdessemed R, Belkacem S. A Fuzzy Adaptive Control for Double Stator Induction Motor Drives. The International Conference on Electronics and Oil: From Theory to Applications. 2013.
Fateh B. Fuzzy Alpha-cuts to capture customer requirements in improving product development.; 2013.
