Publications by Year: 2017

Benamar S. Profil bactériologique et mécanismes de résistance de Klebsiella spp du CHU de Batna. 6ième congrès Aurassien international de néphrologie . 2017.
Kada S, Bouriche H, Senator A, Demirtaş I, Özen T, Çeken Toptanci B, Kızıl G, Kızıl M. Protective activity of Hertia cheirifolia extracts against DNA damage, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation. Pharmaceutical biologyPharmaceutical Biology. 2017;55 :330-337.
BRINIS N, Boudoukha A, Djaiz F. Qualité chimique des eaux de l’aquifère Mio-pliocène utilisées pour l’irrigation de la plaine d’El-Outaya au sud algérien. Colloque international Eau–Société–Climat’2017 (ESC-2017), le 2, 3 et 4 Octobre. 2017.
Brinis N, Boudoukha A, Djaiz F. Qualité chimique des eaux de l’aquifère Moi-pliocène utilisé pour l’irrigation de la plaine d’El Outaya au sud Algérien. Colloque International Eau-Société-Climat 2017(ESC- 2017) , 2-3-4 Octobre. 2017.
Zouaoui S, MENANI M-R, Bouabid A-E. Qualité des eaux du Complexe Terminale du Nord-Est Algérien. Région de Tolga. 1St Atlas Georessources International Congress, (AGIC). 20-22 March,. 2017.
Yamina O. Qu’en est-il de la place de l’immunophénotypage dans la prise en charge des leucemies aigues. 37 éme congres de la SFH. 2017.
Benamar S, Benmehidi M, Bouziane F, Boukhalfa A. Qu’en est-il de la résistance des Entérobactéries aux C3G en ville et à l’hôpital ?, in 18es Journées nationales d’infectiologie / Médecine et maladies infectieuses . Vol 47. 4th ed. ; 2017 :S29-S30. Publisher's Version
Mounir K. Réalisation d’un système électromagnétique d’un tri de déchet. 2017.
Bouchiba N, Barkia A, Sallem S, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L, Drid S, Kammoun MBA. A real-time Backstepping control strategy for a doubly fed induction generator based wind energy conversion system. 2017 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC). 2017 :549-554.
Bouchiba N, Barika A, Alaoui LC, Drid S, Sallem S, Kammoun MBA. Real-time integration of control strategies for an isolated DFIG-based WECS. The European Physical Journal PlusThe European Physical Journal Plus. 2017;132 :334.
Benamar S. Répartition et profil de résistance dans les infections urinaires communautaires : différence selon le sexe et l’age. Batna. 9ème Journées Internationales de Néphrologie d’Annaba. 2017.
Benamar S. Résistance à la ciprofloxacine des bacilles à Gram négatif uropathogènes en 2016 au CHU de Batna. 6ième congrès Aurassien international de néphrologie . 2017.
Benamar S. Résistance des bacilles à Gram négatif aux carbapénèmes. Première Journée de Microbiologie de Constantine. 2017.
Sonia B, Benmehidi M, Courcol R, Bouziane F, Boukhalfa S, Makhloufi M, Messala A. Résistance des entérobactéries aux carbapénèmes dans notre établissement (2014–2016). 18es Journées nationales d’infectiologie / Médecine et maladies infectieuses [Internet]. 2017;47 (4). Publisher's Version
Gadda A. Resonant characteristics of a superconducting thin film resonator using the two-fluid method and artificial neural networks. 2nd International Conference on Automatic Control, Telecommunication & Signals (ICATS’17). 2017.
Cherifa AZOUI, Brahim BENMOHAMMED. A review of milling stability using semi discretization method. 3rd International Conference in Mechanics (3rd ICM'2017) [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Recently the investigation of periodic motion of the delayed functional differential equations (DDEs) and the associated variation systems become the focus of many studies. One of the most important motivations is the milling process analysis. Different techniques are used to obtain approximate solutions for the delayed functional differential equations (DDE). All these models used the stability lobe diagrams in order to choose the maximum axial depth of cut, for a given spindle speed associated with the chatter free machining. In this work, a semi discretization method is briefly explained and has been applied for 1-DOF (degree of freedom) and 2-DOF milling system in order to build the stability lobe diagrams.

Bendjerad A, Boukhtache S, Benhaya A, Lahmar A, Zergoug M, Luneau D. RF magnetron sputtering deposition of NiO/Ni bilayer and approach of the Magnetic behavior using the Preisach model. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2017;428 :377-381.
Adel B, Boukhtache S, Benhaya A, Lahmar A, Zergoug M, Luneau D. RF magnetron sputtering deposition of NiO/Ni bilayer and approach of the Magnetic behavior using the Preisach model, ISSN / e-ISSN 0304-8853 / 1873-4766. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2017;Volume 428 :pp 377-381.Abstract
Bilayer of nickel and nickel oxide were deposited on glass substrates using RF magnetron sputtering technique. The magnetic properties of the prepared thin films were carried out at room temperature in both parallel and perpendicular magnetic field to the sample. The Preisach model was applied to provide a mathematical model of the magnetic hysteresis loop in the case of parallel geometry, along the easy axis of the bi-layer NiO / Ni. Good agreement was obtained between the theoretical and experimental results.
Ounissi A, Yakoub K, Kaddouri A, Abdessemed R. Robust adaptive displacement tracking control of a piezo-actuated stage. 2017 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC). 2017 :297-302.
Ounissi A, Yakoub K, Kaddouri A, Abdessemed R. Robust adaptive displacement tracking control of a piezo-actuated stage. 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC) [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, an adaptive tracking controller for a piezo-actuated stage is designed considering the LUGRE model. The adaptation algorithm of the parameterized hysteretic function is used to achieve a displacement-tracking objective under the mechanical parameters uncertainties. The Lyapunov theory is used to derive an adaptive law for the system stability. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is validated considering real-time simulation. The validation results of the proposed controller presents good performances and robustness under an external load-disturbance and parameter uncertainties.
