Publications by Year: 2017

Belkhir A, Aouachria A. Conception chez un couple sérodiscordant. 3ième journée nationale sur le Sida de Guelma (JNSG). 2017.
DEMAGH Y, BENMOUSSA H. Conception, design et etude d’une nouvelle generation d’absorbeurs pour les capteurs solaires a concentration lineaire. Conference internationale de mecanique 3eme i.c.m’2017, 26-27 Avril. . 2017.
Hana Z. Conception d&⋕39;un modulateur sigma delta temps continu en technologie CMOS. 2017.
Hanine O. Conception et caractérisation d&⋕39;antenne imprimée ULB. 2017.
Rabie D. Conception et layout d&⋕39;un convertisseur DC/DC. 2017.
Farouk B. Conception et réalisation d&⋕39;un onduleur pour énergie solaire. 2017.
Sahli S, BENHARZALLAH S. Context-Aware Semantic Web Services Orchestration in Mobile Environments. 2017.
Smail CHAFAA. Contribution à l’étude bioécologique des ennemis naturels du Psylle de l’Olivier (euphylura olivina Costa, 1839, Hemiptera : Psyllidae) dans une oliveraie de la région de Ain Touta-Batna –Algérie. éminaire International « Environnement, Agriculture et Biotechnologie » SIEAB. 2017.
Toumi.A. Contribution à l’étude hydrogéologique de la nappe Mio-Pliocène de la région de Tolga. 2017.
Oussama SB. Contribution à l’étude hydrogéologique de la région du Droh (w) Biskra. 2017.
A S. Contribution à l’étude hydrogéologique du champ captant de l’oued Biskra. 2017.
Tamalouzt S. Contribution à l&⋕39;étude , conception et la commande des convertisseurs électromagnétiques doubles alimentés. 2017.
Noureddine B. Contribution à l&⋕39;étude des propriétés des films minces de ZnO. 2017.
Asma R. Contribution au Suivi piézométrique et hydrochimie dans la plaine de Belezma (W, de Batna). 2017.
S DJEMMAL, Redha MENANIM, K CHAMEKH, F BAALI. The contribution of fracturations in the emergence of the thermal springs in Setif city, Eastern Algeria, Carbonates Evaporites. SpringerSpringer. 2017.Abstract
Setif city covers an area of 6550 km2; it is located about 300 km southeast of Algiers and 100 km to the south of the Mediterranean sea. The aim of our study is to know the tectonic mechanisms responsible for the emergencies and to highlight their chemical characteristics of water springs in Setif. Wherein thermalism is characterized by the presence of a number of thermal springs, the latest are usually related to recent large fractures deeply affecting the sedimentary formations and sometimes even crystallin basement. These fractures are often injected by Triassic evaporates; their directions are NNW–SSE, NW–SE, and NE–SW and limiting great structural units. Four groundwater facies were identified: the high percentage of sources, staking major accidents related to limestone mountains or to the basement, shows a calcium or sodium sulfate facies; and the sources are often hot (meso or hyperthermal). A second group, related to terrigenous saliferous formations, shows a sodium bicarbonate or sodium chloride facies. The geothermic interpretation allows us to conclude that the reservoir supplies the two aquifer systems of the thermal complex, and is stored in fissured Jurassic limestone, where water storage and circulation is beyond 2600 m deep.
Bendib A, DRIDI H, Kalla MI. Contribution of Landsat 8 data for the estimation of land surface temperature in Batna city, Eastern Algeria. Geocarto InternationalGeocarto International. 2017;32 :503-513.
SAADI S, M. Djebabra, M. Mouda and D. Belala, BOULAGOUAS W. Contribution to the evaluation of the environmental risks induced by the worn-water discharges of an Algerian tannery. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable DevelopmentWorld Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. 2017;14 :268-278.
SMAIAH M, DJBABRA M, BAHMED L. Contribution to the Improvement of the MADS–MOSAR Method for the Modeling of Domino Effects. J Fail. Anal. and PrevenJ Fail. Anal. and Preven. 2017;17 :440–449.
Smaiah M, Djebabra M, Bahmed L. Contribution to the Improvement of the MADS–MOSAR Method for the Modeling of Domino Effects. Journal of Failure Analysis and PreventionJournal of Failure Analysis and Prevention. 2017;17 :440-449.
Mokhtari S, Djebabra MEBAREK, Bellaala D, Boulagouas W. Contribution to the investment evaluation in terms of the forest fires prevention using the cost-benefit analysis method. Management of Environmental Quality: An International JournalManagement of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. 2017.
