Publications by Year: 2019

Baziz A, Chaib R, Djebabra M, Bougofa M. The effects of work-related stress on job performance: a literature review. 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Engineering in Petrochemical Industry (ICAEPI-2019), November 26-28. 2019.
Boulagouas W, Chaib R, Djebabra M. Environment risk assessment using bowtie methodology: a key driven tool for alignment measurement. 5th Int. Conference on Maintenance and Industrial Safety (CIMSI’19), 18 and 19 November. 2019.
Boulagouas W, Chaib R, Djebabra M. Investigating the impact of employees readiness on the implementation of an environmental management system. 5th Int. Conference on Energy, Materials, Applied Energetics and Pollution (ICEMAEP’19). 2019.
Djebabra M. La culture de la sécurité des soins : propositions méthodiques et pratiques. 2ème colloque international sur la prévention des risques professionnels, PREVENT PRO CONGRESS, CNAS, les 03-05 Décembre. 2019.
Benhassine W. La santé mentale au travail, de quoi s’agit-il au juste? Plaidoirie d’une prise en charge collective. XXème Journées Nationales de Médecine du Travail. 2019.
Benhassine W, Bensekhria N, Hassinet H-K, Nedjahi M, Chenouf N. La tuberculose extra pulmonaire chez les silicotiques : à propos de trois cas. 35èmes Journées Nationales de la Santé au Travail dans le BTP. 2019.
BOUBAKER L. Les dimensions insoup\c connées du défi de la norme 45001. 2ème colloque international sur la prévention des risques professionnels, PREVENT PRO CONGRESS, CNAS, les 03-05 Décembre. 2019.
Khemri L, BOUBAKER L, Djebabra M, Smaiah M. Les risques non techniques liés aux parties prenantes: un autre défi pour l’organisation- Comparaison entre deux entreprises algériennes. Conférence Internationale sur le Monitoring des Systèmes Industriels (CIMSI), les 11-12 Décembre. 2019.
HADEF H, DJEBABRA M. PCA-I and AHP Methods: Unavoidable Arguments in Accident Scenario Classification. J Fail. Anal. and Preven [Internet]. 2019;2019 (19) :496–503. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Risk mapping is the foundation of the risk prevention strategy. It allows for the understanding of all factors that may affect the activities. It is a collective decision based on negotiation between the actors. Argument-based negotiation accelerates the negotiation process and converges it toward a final and common decision. It is in this context that this paper aims to illustrate the contribution of the improved PCA and AHP tools, considered as arguments, to the classification of major accident risks.
Khemri L, BOUBAKER L, SMAIAH M, DJEBABRA M. Place qu’occupent les Parties Prenantes dans les décisions de l’entreprise. Première Journée d’Etude Scientifique sur l’Environnement et le Développement Durable (JESEDD-01/19), le 12 Juin. 2019.
Benhassine W. Profil épidémiologique et aspects cliniques de la silicose des tailleurs de pierre de Tkout. 35èmes JOURNÉES NATIONALES DE SANTÉ AU TRAVAIL DANS LE BTP. 2019.
SMAIAH M, DJBABRA M, BOUBAKER L. Proposal for a new method for analyzing the domino effect in an oil refinery and its impact on the environment. Management of Environmental Quality [Internet]. 2019;2019 (30(5) :910-924. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose a new managerial method to integrate the environmental dimension in the domino effects (DEs) analysis. Design/methodology/approach The proposed method is a three-step approach: identification of primary hazards in the form of potential events causing the DE, a mixed quantification (deterministic and probabilistic) of the risk of the DEs with a view to its control and capitalizing the results from the BLEVESOFT software as well as those relating to the probability of occurrence of the DEs in the form of a prioritized action plan dedicated to surrounding environments (proximity territory). Findings The primary hazards are technologically manageable at the studied system but are unpredictable if triggered at the environmental subsystem because they are difficult to be managed and often cause panic, which is a form of a very catastrophic DE. Research limitations/implications The research could affect members of the engineering and construction industry, and can be applied in several domains since it studies the DE phenomenon. which is a common problem especially in industrials plants. Practical implications The proposal method is applied in an industrial terminal in Algeria. Originality/value This paper presents an exploratory study of using a new managerial method that aims to combine the potentialities of geomatic sciences that allow the spatial representation of nearby territories to assess the severity of DEs through a deterministic approach, and the modeling of DEs as well as their analysis by a probabilistic approach.
HADEF H, DJBABRA M. Proposal method for the classification of industrial accident scenarios based on the improved principal components analysis (improved PCA). Prod. Eng. Res. Devel [Internet]. 2019;2019 (13) :53–60. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Using a risk matrix for Risk mapping constitutes the basis of risk management strategy. It aims to classify the identified risks with regards to their management and control. This risk classification, which is based on the frequency and the severity dimensions, is often carried out according to a procedure founded on experts’ judgments. In order to overcome the subjectivity bias of this classification, this paper presents the contribution of the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) method: an exploratory method for graphing risks based on factors that allow a better visualized classification of scenarios accidents. Still, the commonly encountered problem in the data classified by the PCA method resides in the main factors of classification; we judged useful to frame these letters by an algebraic formulation to make an improvement of this classification possible. The obtained results show that the suggested method is a promising alternative to solve the recurring problems of risk matrices, notably in accident scenarios’ classification.
Touaher H, Ouazraoui N, Korichi M, Nait-Said R, Bachi B. Spurious trip rate modelization and quantitative assessment of emergency shutdown system in the oil and gas industry. 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Technologies. March 4th to 6th. 2019.
BOUGHABA A, ABERKANE S, FOURAR Y, DJBABRA M. Study of safety culture in healthcare institutions: case of an Algerian hospital. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance [Internet]. 2019;2019 (32(7) :1081-1097. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Purpose For many years, the concept of safety culture has attracted researchers from all over the world, and more particularly in the area of healthcare services. The purpose of this paper is to measure safety culture dimensions in order to improve and promote healthcare in Algeria. Design/methodology/approach The used approach consists of getting a better understanding of healthcare safety culture (HSC) by measuring the perception of healthcare professionals in order to guide promotion actions. For this, the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire was used in a pilot hospital setting where it was distributed on a number of 114 health professionals chosen by stratified random sampling. Findings The results showed that the identified priority areas for HSC improvement help in establishing a trust culture and a non-punitive environment based on the system and not on the individual. Originality/value Safety is recognized as a key aspect of service quality, thus measuring the HSC can help establish an improvement plan. In Algerian health facilities, this study is considered the first to examine perceptions in this particular area. The current results provide a baseline of strengths and opportunities for healthcare safety improvement, allowing the managers of this type of facilities to take steps that are more effective.
Nabil B. Characterization of Laminate Carbon Fibers Materials Using a New Multi-Coils Circular Eddy Current Sensor. The First International Conference on Materials, Environment, Mechanical and Industrial Systems (ICMEMIS’19), 29-30 Juin 2019, University of Djelfa [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Souhila BOUSLIMANI. Commande asynchrone d'une machine asynchrone double étoile. 2019.
Riad MADACI. Commande de la machine asynchrone par Mode de glissement. 2019.
Souhyla B, Kaoutar B. Commande Directe du Couple de la Machine Asynchrone Double Etoile(MASDE). 2019.
Amel ZITOUNI. Commande hybride floue-glissant de la machine à induction. 2019.
