Publications by Year: 2019

Rebiai C. Finite element analysis of 2-D structures by new strain based triangular element. Journal of Mechanics [Internet]. 2019;35 (3). Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this investigation, a new simple triangular strain based membrane element with drilling rotation for 2-D structures analysis is proposed. This new numerical model can be used for linear and dynamic analysis. The triangular element is named SBTE and it has three nodes with three degrees of freedom at each node. The displacements field of this element is based on the assumed functions for the various strains satisfying the compatibility equations. This developed element passed both patch and benchmark tests in the case of bending and shear problems. For the dynamic analysis, lumped mass with implicit/explicit time integration are employed. The obtained numerical results using the developed element converge toward the analytical and numerical solutions in both analyses.
Ameddah H, Lounansa S, Mazouz H. Finite element analysis of fatigue behavior of the biodegradable stent. The 7th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics ICAMEM 2019 Hammamet - 16-18,. 2019.
Mezach F, Ameddah H, Mazouz H. Minimisation des contraintes dans les prothèses totales de genou. The First International Conference on Innovation in Biomechanics and Biomaterials (ICIBAB 2019) , April 10-11. 2019.
AMADJI M, Ameddah H, Mazouz H. Numerical Study of the Behavior of Biomimetic Prosthesis “Case of the M6-C Prosthesis with Viscoelastic Core”. The First International Conference on Innovation in Biomechanics and Biomaterials (ICIBAB 2019), April 10-11,. 2019.
AMADJI M, Ameddah H, Mazouz H. NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE BIOMIMETIC M6-C PROSTHESIS WITH VISCOELASTIC CORE. U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D [Internet]. 2019;81 (4). Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this work we present a new biomimetic disc prosthesis imitating the fibroreinforced osmotic, and viscoelastic properties of the biological intervertebral disc (BID). For this, we proposed to study the second-generation biomimetic prosthesis "the M6-C prosthesis" which contains two metal plates, a core and a fiber fabric. First, a 3D model was established, the finite element analysis (FEA) under the ANSYS©2015 was conducted. Secondly, a biomimetic material, the silicone rubber, was compared with the polyethylene to find the material that mimics the behavior of a biological disk. Finally, the analysis of the results found the polymer has the same mechanical properties as the nucleus pulposus, in particular the viscoelastic behaviour compared with that of polyethylene
Ameddah H, Mebarki G, Mazouz H. Traitement d’Images Médicales et Détection de Contours d’Images Echographiques pour la Reconstruction 3D. The First International Conference on Innovation in Biomechanics and Biomaterials (ICIBAB 2019), April 10-11. 2019.
Kadri S, Aouag S, HEDJAZI D. Multi-level approach for controlling architecture quality with Alloy, in 2019 International Conference on Theoretical and Applicative Aspects of Computer Science (ICTAACS). Vol 1. Skikda, Algeria ; 2019 :1-8. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The software evolution process means the continuous control of functional and non -functional software characteristics by the change of its code without changing the properties of its quality neither the quality of its architecture. Therefore, the most important problem to be treated is how to limit the progressive shifting between the planned and the implemented architecture during the software evolution process. This phenomenon called the erosion of software architecture, often appears unexpectedly and must be controlled. In this paper, we have proposed an approach to detect erosion problems by representing tactical, strategic, and operational architectural constraints at different abstraction levels. These constraints are specified by the use of the Alloy constraint language in order to restore the deviations that may affect the description of the software architecture during the development steps. Our goal is to control architecture quality by limiting the occurrence and impact of erosion, which means the control of architecture conformance during system development and maintenance activities.

Chibou B, Toureche K, Bounecer H. Study of dietary risk factors for breast cancer in women in the region of Batna (AGERIA). Case-control study 2014-2015. Pan Arab Journal of Oncology [Internet]. 2019;12 (2) :39-39. Publisher's VersionAbstract

 Breast cancer is a multifactorial disease; several socioeconomic, food factors and lifestyle are incriminated in its development. It is the first cancer of women in the world and in Algeria, in terms of incidence and mortality. In Batna, the standardized incidence has doubled, from 13.6 in 2001 to 25.3 in 2011. OBJECTIVE The main objective is to study the dietary risk factors associated with the occurrence of breast cancer in women in the region of Batna. METHODS A case-control study with 1-1 matching by age and address was conducted from January 1st, 2013 to December 31rd, 2014. The total sample consisted of 160 women. RESULTS Eating fast-food every day increases the risk of breast cancer by 7 times as well as fat from red meat. Consumption of sausage and poultry skin by 5 times. Cooking vegetables in sauce increases the risk by 5 times (p <0.0001), Taking olive oil each day reduces the risk of 25% with a p <0.02, the consumption of milk mixed or not with coffee reduces the risk of one third and the fact of nibbling rarely reduced it with OR = 0,117 (0,023- 0.59) p = 0.009. DISCUSSION The associations between dietary risk factors and breast cancer are discordant in the various studies carried out in the world, our results are in line with studies but require further research

Achi A, Demagh Y. 1D and 2D Numerical Validation of Lee's Evaporation Model with OpenFOAM. 2019 8th International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO). 2019 :1-5.
Demagh Y, Bordja L. A 1D thermal model for PTR including pressure drop and kinetic energy change within the fluid: Conventional absorber tube vs. S-curved. AIP Conference ProceedingsAIP Conference Proceedings. 2019;2126 :120004.
Kani M, Abosrea A, Makni A, Taktak M, CHAABANE MABROUK, Elnady T, Haddar M. Acoustic performance evaluation for ducts containing porous materials. Applied AcousticsApplied Acoustics. 2019;147 :15-22.
Benkhalifa J, Léon JF, CHAABANE MABROUK. Aerosol vertical distribution, optical properties and dust transport in the Western Mediterranean basin (case study: Summer, 2012). Atmospheric Pollution ResearchAtmospheric Pollution Research. 2019;10 :1291-1298.
OUAZRAOUI N, NAIT-SAID R. An alternative approach to safety integrity level determination: results from a case study, . International Journal of Quality & Reliability ManagementInternational Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2019;2019 :1784-1803.Abstract
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to validate a fuzzy risk graph model through a case study results carried out on a safety instrumented system (SIS). Design/methodology/approach The proposed model is based on an inference fuzzy system and deals with uncertainty data used as inputs of the conventional risk graph method. The coherence and redundancy of the developed fuzzy rules base are first verified in the case study. A new fuzzy model is suggested for a multi-criteria characterization of the avoidance possibility parameter. The fuzzy safety integrity level (SIL) is determined for two potential accident scenarios. Findings The applicability of the proposed fuzzy model on SIS shows the importance and pertinence of the proposed fuzzy model as decision-making tools in preventing industrial hazards while taking into consideration uncertain aspects of the data used on the conventional risk graph method. The obtained results show that the use of continuous fuzzy scales solves the problem of interpreting results and provides a more flexible structure to combine risk graph parameters. Therefore, a decision is taken on the basis of precise integrity level values and protective actions in the real world are suggested. Originality/value Fuzzy logic-based safety integrity assessment allows assessment of the SIL in a more realistic way by using the notion of the linguistic variable for representing information that is qualitative and imprecise and, therefore, ensures better decision making on risk prevention.
Abattan S, Hallé S, Drolet D, Bahloul A, Ryan PE, Chouchene W, Ruiz CC, Lavoué J, Debia M. Amélioration de la justesse des modèles d’hygiène du travail utilisés pour estimer des expositions professionnelles à des vapeurs de solvants. 2019.
Mohammedi B, Sobh NA, Abueidda D, Aissa B-B. Analysis of edge defects in an elastic plate using SH-waves. Journal of Mechanical Science and TechnologyJournal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2019;33 :87-94.
Benaouda N, LAHLOUHI A. Ant-based delay-bounded and power-efficient data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsInternational Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications. 2019.
Marref SE, Naima B, Akram MM, Joubert O, Doumandji ZM, Safar R. Anti-cancer Activity and Gene Expression Responses to Methanol Extract of Gladiolus segetum in THP-1 Human Monocytic Leukemia Cells. Journal of Young PharmacistsJournal of Young Pharmacists. 2019;11 :51.
Athamena S, Laroui S, Bouzid W, Meziti A. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities of Juniperu thurifera. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal PlantsJournal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants. 2019;25 :271-286.
Boukhalfa G, Belkacem S, Chikhi A, Benaggoune S. Application of fuzzy PID controller based on genetic algorithm and particle Swarm optimization in direct torque control of double star induction motor. J. Cent. South UnivJ. Cent. South Univ. 2019;26 :1886-1896.
Belhocine L, Dahane M, Yagouni M. Approche multiobjectif et hybride pour l’optimisation des décisions de récupération et de remise à neuf d’une politique de remanufacturing. ROADEF 2019. 2019.
