Bouzidi B, Bouzidi H.
Paremie, La Perilleuse (ou L’impossible) Traduction…. Développement des ressources humaines [Internet]. 2020;15 (2) :146-155.
Publisher's VersionAbstractTraduire n’est pas un exercice facile. Alors quand il s’agit de parémie et de phrasèmes, cela devient quasi impossible. Traducteurs, interprètes et traductologues s’en plaignent constamment. Justement, ce travail cherche à identifier les difficultés diverses soulevées par cet exercice délicat. L’objectif de notre intervention est de sensibiliser toutes les personnes concernées par la langue dans ses divers usages (linguistes, didacticiens, enseignants praticiens) à et sur la presque inextricable question de la traduction, spécialement idiomatique et parémique. Le pourquoi serait quelquefois dans les « écarts » subséquemment exploités à savoir, l’aspect phonétique : rime, assonance, etc., l’aspect lexical: valeur sémantique, épaisseur culturelle et marque chronologique : archa{\"ısme ou néologisme…
Pour une meilleure acquisition de la morphographie flexionnelle au Supérieur. Communication au colloque international « Le mot dans la langue et dans le discours 3 : la construction du sens ». UNIVERSITÉ DE VILNIUS (Lituanie), FACULTÉ DE PHILOLOGIE, 17-18 Septembre. 2020.
Lebbal S.
Reminiscence Et Exhumation Memorielle : Memoire Conjugee Dans « Terre Des Femmes » De Nassira Belloula. Revue algérienne des lettres [Internet]. 2020;4 (1) :97-102.
Publisher's VersionAbstractDans une optique scripturale, le présent article propose de spéculer sur les différentes stratégies adoptées dans l’écriture romanesque qui permettent de qualifier une écriture, non pas seulement d’historique, mais aussi de mémorielle. Nous aurons à élucider le parcours permettant de matérialiser la mémoire dans l’øe}uvre de Nassira Belloula « terre des femmes » et voir, subsidiairement, comment elle a suscité la réminiscence et le regain mémoriel notamment à travers la conjugaison de la mémoire à l’infini en en multipliant les facettes.
Berghout T, Mouss L-H, KADRI O.
Adaptive Sparse On-line Sequential Autoencoder for Sensors Measurements Compression Applied to Military Aircraft Engines. 8thINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON DEFENSESYSTEMS: ARCHITECTURES AND TECHNOLOGIES (DAT’2020) April14-16 [Internet]. 2020.
Publisher's VersionAbstractIn this work a new data-driven compression approach is presented. The compression algorithm is an autoencoder trained with an improved On-line sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM). First, a dynamic adaptation of the training algorithm towards the newly coming data is achieved by integrating an updated selection strategy (USS) and dynamic forgetting function (DDF). Second, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is involved to enhance hidden layer representation via sparse mapping. This new developed autoencoder (ASOS- AE) is compared with the ordinary OS-ELM autoencoder (OS-AE) and proved its accuracy in CMAPSS dataset (Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation). The C-MAPSS software has revisions in civil and military applications. In the present work we used the military version of its applications.
Berghout T, Mouss L{\"ıla-H, KADRI O, Sa{\"ıdi L, Benbouzid M.
Aircraft Engines Remaining Useful Life Prediction with an Improved Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine. Appl. Sci [Internet]. 2020;10 (3).
Publisher's VersionAbstractThe efficient data investigation for fast and accurate remaining useful life prediction of aircraft engines can be considered as a very important task for maintenance operations. In this context, the key issue is how an appropriate investigation can be conducted for the extraction of important information from data-driven sequences in high dimensional space in order to guarantee a reliable conclusion. In this paper, a new data-driven learning scheme based on an online sequential extreme learning machine algorithm is proposed for remaining useful life prediction. Firstly, a new feature mapping technique based on stacked autoencoders is proposed to enhance features representations through an accurate reconstruction. In addition, to attempt into addressing dynamic programming based on environmental feedback, a new dynamic forgetting function based on the temporal difference of recursive learning is introduced to enhance dynamic tracking ability of newly coming data. Moreover, a new updated selection strategy was developed in order to discard the unwanted data sequences and to ensure the convergence of the training model parameters to their appropriate values. The proposed approach is validated on the C-MAPSS dataset where experimental results confirm that it yields satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of the prediction model compared to other existing methods.
Fadhila D, Aitouche S, AKSA K.
Analysis of Human Skills in Industry 4.0. The Twelfth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2020) [Internet]. 2020.
Publisher's VersionAbstractThis paper presents a state-of-the-art of recent research work analyzing the requirements of Industry 4.0, particularly related to the competences issue. Over the last few years, the fourth industrial revolution has attracted researchers worldwide to find suitable solutions. However, there are still many gaps related to the Industry 4.0, particularly related to the humans competences issue. Among the many challenges facing companies in this paradigm, one of the most important is the qualification of employees with the necessary skills to succeed in a transformed work environment. To cope with knowledge and competence challenges related to new technologies and processes of Industry 4.0, new strategic approaches for holistic human resource management are needed in manufacturing companies. The main objective of the presented research is to investigate the importance of employee competences, key to the development of Industry 4.0
Sahraoui K, Aitouche S, AKSA K.
Application of Data Mining in Industry in the Transition Era to Industry 4.0: Review. The Twelfth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2020) [Internet]. 2020.
Publisher's VersionAbstractThe era of Industry 4.0 has already begun, however, several improvements should be achieved concerning this revolution. Data mining is one of the modest and efficient tools. Based on a specific query entered in Scopus, related to Industry 4.0, data mining (DM) and logistics, selected documents were studied and analyzed. A brief background of Industry 4.0 and DM are presented. A generic analysis showed that the attentiveness for the cited subject area by countries, universities, authors and especially companies and manufacturers increased through the years. Content analysis reveals that the improvement in quality of the technologies used in manufacturing was noticed, concluding that DM would give Industry 4.0 a leap forward, yet research is dealing with several challenges.
Zerrouki H, Estrada-Lugo HD, SMADI H, Patelli E.
Applications of Bayesian networks in Chemical and Process Industries: A review. 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, August 26, 2019 [Internet]. 2020.
Publisher's VersionAbstractDespite technological advancements, chemical and process industries are still prone to accidents due to their complexity and hazardous installations. These accidents lead to significant losses that represent economic losses and most importantly human losses. Risk management is one of the appropriate tools to guarantee the safe operations of these plants. Risk analysis is an important part of risk management, it consists of different methods such as Fault tree, Bow-tie, and Bayesian network. The latter has been widely applied for risk analysis purposes due to its flexible and dynamic structure. Bayesian networks approaches have shown a significant increase in their application as shown by in the publication in this field. This paper summarizes the result of a literature review performed on Bayesian network approaches adopted to conduct risk assessments, safety and risk analyses. Different application domains are analysed (i.e. accident modelling, maintenance area, fault diagnosis) in chemical and process industries from the year 2006 to 2018. Furthermore, the advantages of different types of Bayesian networks are presented.
Bencherif F, Mouss L-H.
Complex network to enhance characterization analysis in modelling product development process. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development [Internet]. 2020;21 (7) :797-811.
Publisher's VersionAbstractNowadays, successful and innovative product development is highly correlated with the company’s success and reason for existence. A development process is a major factor influencing cost, timing and quality of product development. It requires additional attention to decisions made about programme, budget, technical and market risks. In this paper a product development process model is proposed in an innovation context and strategy framework of design process and project management. The process modelling is complex network theory based, to improve characterization analysis for product development process modelling. Required concepts for complex process are established to build product development mathematical model, and provide an overview of key definitions and complex networks advanced tools. Finally, a case study for an Algerian electric generator company is carried out to prove the practicality of the proposed model.
Determination and Classification of Explosive Atmosphere Zones While Considering the Height of Discharges. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention [Internet]. 2020;20 :503–512.
Publisher's VersionAbstractPrevention and protection of explosions are two notions often used subjectively, and to transform them into operative terms of decision support, it is indispensable to develop quantitative or semiquantitative approaches to determine the hazardous zones. The “classical and point-source” approaches that determine ATEX (explosive atmospheres) zones are semiquantitative methods that can meet the requirements of the ATEX directives (Directives 99/92/EC and 94/9/EC). The methodology’s principle in determining ATEX zones consists in making a comparison with typical examples “classical approach” and to identify the source points, determine the degree of discharge, identify the type of the zone, determine the radius of the zone and ultimately the extent and shape of this zone “source point approach.” The aim of this work is, on the one hand, to propose and present a classification methodology of the ATEX zones and, on the other hand, to apply the proposed methodology in a hydrocarbon separator.
Zermane H, Aitouche S.
Publisher's VersionAbstractThe coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic poses an unprecedented global challenge, impacting profoundly on health and wellbeing, daily life, and the economy around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has also changed education forever. The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, all children at schools or students at universities are out of the classroom. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the notable rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Batna 2 University -situated in East of Algeria- is one of the universities suggested after the spread of COVID-19 in March, that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay. All institutes and departments, including the Industrial Engineering department, are started using the e-learning Moodle platform to publish courses for all degrees of study and establish online sessions, especially for Ph.D. students.
Berghout T, Mouss L-H, KADRI O.
Dynamic Adaptation for Length Changeable Weighted Extreme Learning Machine. International conferance of intelligent [Internet]. 2020.
Publisher's VersionAbstractIn this paper, a new length changeable extreme learning machine is proposed. The aim of the proposed method is to improve the learning performances of a Single hidden layer feedforward neural network (SLFN) under rich dynamic imbalanced data. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is involved for hyper-parameters tuning and updating during incremental learning. The algorithm is evaluated using a subset from C-MAPSS (Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation) dataset of gas turbine engine and compared to its derivatives. The results prove that the new algorithm has a better learning attitude. The toolbox that contains the developed algorithms of this comparative study is publicly available.
cal Belkaid F\c, Hadri A, Bennekrouf M.
Efficient Approach for Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem, in
International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LOGISTIQUA 2018). Tangier, Morocco ; 2020.
Publisher's VersionAbstractIn this paper, we consider a parallel machine scheduling problem with non-renewable resources. Each job consumes several components and must be processed in one stage composed of identical parallel machines. Resources availability operations, jobs assignment and sequencing are considered and optimized simultaneously. In order to find an optimal solution, an exact method is applied to optimize the total completion time. Due to the problem complexity and prohibitive computational time to obtain an exact solution, a metaheuristic approach based genetic algorithm is proposed and several heuristics are adapted to solve it. Moreover, the impact of non-renewable resources procurement methods on production scheduling is analyzed. The system performances are evaluated in terms of measures such as the solution quality and the execution time. The simulation results show that the proposed genetic algorithm gives the same results as the exact method for small instances and performs the best compared to heuristics for medium and large instances.
Soltani M, Aouag H, Mouss M-D.
Enhancement of the competitiveness and the financial capability of a manufacturing process through a new value stream mapping approach. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management [Internet]. 2020;29 (4).
Publisher's VersionAbstractThe organisations having a futuristic look and aiming to impose their presence in the industrial field for a long possible term, are seeking for finding solutions linked to controlling their cash flow and assessing their competitiveness performances. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to propose a new quality and cost value stream mapping for monitoring the costs consumption and assessing the competitiveness of a company. We use three key concepts namely life cycle costing for estimation of the most influential costs on the manufacturing process, the weighted DPMO and Sigma level for assessing the quality level and the competitiveness of the company. Finally, the data obtained are mapped using value stream mapping method for enabling the determination of dysfunctions in the cost and quality context.
Soltani M, Aouag H, Mouss M-D.
Enhancement of the competitiveness and the financial capability of a manufacturing process through a new value stream mapping approach. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management [Internet]. 2020;29 (4).
Publisher's VersionAbstractThe organisations having a futuristic look and aiming to impose their presence in the industrial field for a long possible term, are seeking for finding solutions linked to controlling their cash flow and assessing their competitiveness performances. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to propose a new quality and cost value stream mapping for monitoring the costs consumption and assessing the competitiveness of a company. We use three key concepts namely life cycle costing for estimation of the most influential costs on the manufacturing process, the weighted DPMO and Sigma level for assessing the quality level and the competitiveness of the company. Finally, the data obtained are mapped using value stream mapping method for enabling the determination of dysfunctions in the cost and quality context.