
SAHLI Y, ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H. Thermodynamic optimization of the solid oxyde fuel cell electric power. university politehnica of bucharest scientific bulletin series b-chemistry and materials scienceuniversity politehnica of bucharest scientific bulletin series b-chemistry and materials science. 2018;80 :159-170.
Sekkiou S, Lahbari N, Bernard F, DIMIA MS. Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Steel-Concrete Composite Columns under Natural Fire Including Heating and Cooling Phases. International Journal of Engineering Research in AfricaInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Africa. 2018;35 :221-240.
AZOUI H, BAHLOUL D, SOLTANI N. Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigation of Convective Thermal Instabilities in the Sapphire Melt for Czochralski Growth Process. International Scientific Journal "Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing" ISSN: 1555-256X,International Scientific Journal "Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing" ISSN: 1555-256X,. 2018;vol.14 :pp.87-105.
Guezouli L, Barka K, Bouam S. Towards mobile node collaboration to ensure data reception in wireless sensor networks. 2018 IEEE 5th International Congress on Information Science and Technology (CiSt). 2018 :557-561.
Soraya T. Traitement de l’hépatite virale C. 2ème Rencontre Aurassienne de microbiologie clinique. 2018.
Assia A. Transmission de la brucellose par le lait maternel: A propos d'un cas et revue de la littérature. 12ème congrès national d'infectiologie, . 2018.
Bellil S, Abbeche K, Bahloul O. Treatment of a collapsible soil using a bentonite–cement mixture. Studia Geotechnica et MechanicaStudia Geotechnica et Mechanica. 2018;40 :233-243.
CHEHHAT A, SI-AMEUR M, BOUMEDDANE B. Turbulent air flow investigation through the vaned diffuser turbocharger using CFD,. Green Energy technologyGreen Energy technology. 2018.
Chehhat A, Si-Ameur M, Boumeddane B. Turbulent Air Flow Investigation Through the Vaned Diffuser Turbocharger Using CFD. In: Exergy for A Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 1. Springer ; 2018. pp. 87-110.
Djelloul I, Sari Z, Latreche K. Uncertain fault diagnosis problem using neuro-fuzzy approach and probabilistic model for manufacturing systems. Applied IntelligenceApplied Intelligence. 2018;48 :3143-3160.
OUALI M-A, Ghanai M, CHAFAAA K. Upper envelope detection of ECG signals for baseline wander correction: a pilot study. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Vol. 26, pp. 803-816, 2018. 1303-6203 ISSN: 1300-0632Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Compute. 2018;26.Abstract
Baseline wander (BW) is a common low frequency artifact in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The prime cause from which BW arises is the patient’s breathing and movement. To facilitate reliable visual interpretation of the ECG and to discern particular patterns in the ECG signal, BW needs to be removed. In this paper, a novel BW removal method is presented. The hypothesis is based on the observation that ECG signal variation covaries with its BW. As such, the P, Q, R, S, and T peaks will follow the baseline drift. On this basis, the following proposition is true: a reliable approximation of the baseline drift can be obtained from the shape derived from the interpolation of one form of the ECG signal peak (peak envelope). The simulation was performed by adding artificial BW to ECG signal recordings. The signal-to-noise ratio, mean squared error, and improvement factor criteria were used to numerically evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. The technique was compared to that of the Hilbert vibration decomposition method, an empirical-mode decomposition technique and mathematical morphology. The results of the simulation indicate that the proposed technique is most effective in situations where there is a considerable distortion in the baseline wandering.
Hamadi L, Mansouri S, Oulmi K, Kareche A. The use of amino acids as corrosion inhibitors for metals: a review. Egyptian journal of petroleumEgyptian Journal of Petroleum. 2018;27 :1157-1165.
Ali B, Nafaa B. Use of mechanical drill data and vertical electrical soundings for the identification of aquifer geometry of lower Maestrichtian limestone M&⋕39;Daourouch Drea plain Wilaya of Souk Ahras NE Algerian, ISSN / e-ISSN 2220-6663 / 2222-3045. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES)Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES). 2018;Volume 12 :pp 90-95.Abstract
This paper was made in the region of M’daourouch-Dréa which is part of the high plains of northeastern Algeria, located southwest of the Souk-ahras Wilaya in eastern Algeria. It is a plain with agricultural vocation which requires for its development more water. Knowing that the rainfall is low (465mm/year) and not enough to meet the needs of farmers, the use of groundwater then becomes the only alternative to fill this lack of resources. Among the aquifers identified in this region is that contained in fissured limestones of lower Maestrichian age. In order to satisfy farmers and citizens in water it is necessary to have a good characterization of this aquifer. The objective of this paper is to improve the knowledge on the morphology and the extension of this aquifer and to locate its roof in space to help operators choose areas favorable to exploitation, so direct them to the nearest areas of the surface thus minimizing the cost of the drilling operation. To achieve this goal, we have exploited by exploiting several tools (geological map, logs of boreholes and geophysics survey), whose combination gave an idea on the geometry of the aquifer as well as the depth of its roof in different regions of the plain and shows by the occasion, the affectation of these limestones by several tectonic accidents generating thus a structure in collapsed blocks from where the very variable depth of the roof of these limestones of a place of the plain to other.
Ali B, Nafaa B. Use of mechanical drill data and vertical electrical soundings for the identification of aquifer geometry of lower Maestrichtian limestone M&⋕39;Daourouch Drea plain Wilaya of Souk Ahras NE Algerian. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES)Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES). 2018;12 :pp 90-95.Abstract
This paper was made in the region of M’daourouch-Dréa which is part of the high plains of northeastern Algeria, located southwest of the Souk-ahras Wilaya in eastern Algeria. It is a plain with agricultural vocation which requires for its development more water. Knowing that the rainfall is low (465mm/year) and not enough to meet the needs of farmers, the use of groundwater then becomes the only alternative to fill this lack of resources. Among the aquifers identified in this region is that contained in fissured limestones of lower Maestrichian age. In order to satisfy farmers and citizens in water it is necessary to have a good characterization of this aquifer. The objective of this paper is to improve the knowledge on the morphology and the extension of this aquifer and to locate its roof in space to help operators choose areas favorable to exploitation, so direct them to the nearest areas of the surface thus minimizing the cost of the drilling operation. To achieve this goal, we have exploited by exploiting several tools (geological map, logs of boreholes and geophysics survey), whose combination gave an idea on the geometry of the aquifer as well as the depth of its roof in different regions of the plain and shows by the occasion, the affectation of these limestones by several tectonic accidents generating thus a structure in collapsed blocks from where the very variable depth of the roof of these limestones of a place of the plain to other.
Nassima B, Redha MENANIM, Kamel B. Valorisation de matériaux géologiques dans l'industrie de l'eau. 1er séminaire maghrébin sur l'eau et l'environnement dans les zones arides, 23-25 Avril . 2018.
Guezouli L, Barka K, Bouam S, Zidani A. A variant of random way point mobility model to improve routing in wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Information and Communication TechnologyInternational Journal of Information and Communication Technology. 2018;13 :407-423.
Rabie H. Vers un système de Réalité Augmentée Mobile pour une Maintenance Préventive Moderne lors d'une inspection. Ecole de printemps 2017 (IVAR School) au niveau de CERIST . 2018.
Tebbal S, Mahdjoub H, Mokrani K. VIH et tuberculose à Batna. 1ères rencontres internationales d’infectiologie . 2018.
Saddek T, Casamitjana X. Water quality in Mediterranean reservoirs: a case study of Boadella reservoir. International Journal of River Basin ManagementInternational Journal of River Basin Management. 2018;16 :189-202.
Adoui I, Titaouine M, Choutri H, Saidi R, de SOUSA TR, Neto AG, Baudrand H. WCIP method applied to modeling an L-notched rectangular metallic ring FSS for multiband applications and its equivalent structure. Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic ApplicationsJournal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications. 2018;17 :457-476.
