
Eddine-Boubiche D, Trejo-Sánchez JA, Toral-Cruz H, López-Martínez JL, Hidoussi F. Wireless sensor technology for intelligent data sensing: Research trends and challenges. In: Intelligent data sensing and processing for health and well-being applications. Elsevier ; 2018. pp. 41-58.
Jamous A, Salah Z. WW-domain containing protein roles in breast tumorigenesis. Frontiers in OncologyFrontiers in Oncology. 2018 :580.
Souhil KOUDA, Toufik BENDIB, Samir B, Abdelghani D. ANN modeling of an industrial gas sensor behavior. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE) [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we propose the modeling of an industrial gas sensor “MQ-9”, where our modeling is based on ANNs “artificial neural networks The gas sensor model, obtained, operated under a dynamic environment and expresses accurately the MQ-9 gas sensor behavior. Accordingly, it takes into account the nonlinearity and the cross sensitivity in gas selectivity, temperature and humidity. This model is implemented into PSPICE “performance simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis” simulator as an electrical circuit in order to prove the similarity of the analytical model output with that of the MQ-9 gas sensor.

Sana B, Abdelouahab Y, Fatiha K-B. The Campanian-Maastrichtian series of Dj. Gaâga (Tebessa, NE of Algeria) : quantitative and qualitative analysis and palaeoenvironmental interpretation. Annales de Paléontologie , January–March [Internet]. 2018;104 (1) :1-26. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Une approche intégrant les données lithologiques, micropaléontologiques et statistiques a été menée sur les échantillons provenant de 4 coupes (El Gaâga, Tighanimine, Menaa et El Kantara) implantés en domaines de plate-forme différenciée. Elle a permis de redéfinir la stratigraphie du transect étudié, d’apporter les informations sur les préférences paléoécologiques de taxons de foraminifères benthiques, planctoniques et d’ostracodes et de décrypter des espèces indicatrices des paléoenvironnements au cours du Crétacé terminal (Campanien-Maastrichtien). Le Campano-Maastrichtien dans les Aurès s’organise en paysages sous forme de doubles collines séparées par une partie médiane en légère dépression. Cette morphologie correspond à la composition généralement tripartite du Campanien-Maastrichtien avec un membre inférieur d’alternance marno-calcaire (membre Haraoua), un membre médian marneux (Membre Akhdar) et un membre supérieur de calcaires massifs (Membre Ncham). La régularité de cette trilogie est modifiée dans l’anticlinal de Dj. El Azereg par des réductions, voire des lacune, affectant visiblement les trois membres. L’inventaire des principaux foraminifères du Crétacé terminal (Campanien-Maastrichtien) de l’Aurès se solde par la détermination de 141 espèces (dont 93 de foraminifères benthiques et 48 de planctoniques). L’application des concepts de la biostratigraphie sur l’ensemble des foraminifères planctoniques permis de distinguer différentes biozones, comprises entre le Campanien inférieur à El Gaâga et El Kantara (biozone à Globotruncanita elevata) et le Maastrichtien (biozone à Contusotruncana contusa). La biostratigraphie ainsi établie se révèle relativement fonctionnelle bien que l’absence de certains marqueurs ne permette pas une zonation très précise.

Hichem H. Dectection all types of acoustics microwaves in piezoelectric material (ZnO) by classification using support vector machines (SVM). International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IC3E’18) [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we propose a new numerical method for acoustics microwaves detection of an acoustics microwaves signal during the propagation of acoustics microwaves in a piezoelectric substrate Zinc oxide (ZnO) . We have used Support Vector Machines (SVM) ,the originality of this method is the accurate values that provides .this technic help us to identify undetectable waves that we can not identify with the classical methods; in which we classify all the values of the real part and the imaginary part of the coefficient attenuation with the acoustic velocity in order to build a model from which we note the types of microwaves acoustics( bulk waves or surface waves or leaky waves) . By which we obtain accurate values for each of the coefficient attenuation and acoustic velocity. This study will be very interesting in modeling and realization of acoustics microwaves devices (ultrasound ,Radiating structures , Filter SAW ….) based on the propagation of acoustics microwaves.

Bouatia M, Demagh R. 2D and 3D Numerical Investigation of Slope Stability–Case of Mila (Algeria). The 2018 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, & Materials Research (ACEM18) [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's Version
KHENTOUCHE ADEL, DRIDI H. ANALYSIS OF SILTATION TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN FOUM ELGHERZA DAM, PROVINCE OF BISKRA (ALGERIA). Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment [Internet]. 2018;2. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The majority of dams in Algeria have some thirty years lifetime, when it comes to tanks intended for drinking water supply or irrigation whose socioeconomic interests justify an unlimited service guarantee. It matters to predict the water retention filling rate and protect these dams from siltation that seems very acute. This paper deals with the problem of siltation in Foum Lgherza dam, in the East Algeria. We attempt to identify siltation behavior according to a detailed analysis based on the comparative approach between results obtained by a projected relationship for the study area, and the measuring results obtained by bathymetric surveys, both of results are very close and determine the aggressiveness of erosive balance and accelerated siltation.

Lahrech AC, Abdelhadi B, Feliachi M, Zaoui A, Naїdjate M. Electrical conductivity identification of a carbon fiber composite material plate using a rotating magnetic field and multi-coil eddy current sensor. European Physical Journal AP (Applied Physics)European Physical Journal AP (Applied Physics). 2018;83 :20901.
BENNIA A, RAHAL S, KHELIL A, BEDROUNI M. Etude paramétrique de la convection naturelle dans une cavité avec ailette. SSENAM'3Third Students Symposium on Engineering Application of Mechanics, 02 -03 Mai, [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Dans l’étude présentée dans ce travail, on a mené une étude numérique de la convection naturelle dans une enceinte rectangulaire verticale simulant un thermosiphon. La cavité étant remplie de métal liquide. En se basent sur les approximations de Boussinesq et les équations de conservation de masse, de quantité de mouvement et d’énergie, on a développé le modèle mathématique décrivant notre problème. On a mené les simulations numériques en utilisant le code FLUENT qui se base sur la méthode des volumes fins. Un premier travail de validation a été réalisé en comparant nos résultats avec ceux d'autres auteurs. Une étude paramétrique de la convection naturelle dans une cavité avec ailette a été également menée.
Ali ATHAMENA, Redha MENANIM, Halima BELALITE. Flux azoté dans les eaux souterraines, origine et devenir, cas de la plaine de Zana, est algérien. [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

We tried, by this work, to contribute a share to study it the aquifers of the plain of Zana, and to evaluate the

risks of pollu

tion related to nitrogenized flow.

The plain of Zana belongs to the catchment area of the high plateaus constantinois and more precisely of under

area catchment Merdja Zana, which extends on a surface of approximately 369 Km².

The study of geology with

the data of geophysics highlights the existence of two formations.

First formation, of





Quaternary surface of age formed by levels of sand, gravel, water limestone and argillaceous


The second formation, it is carbonated and formed

primarily by limestones of the lower Cretaceous and

Jurassic superior of the southern unit sétifien and parautochtone aurésien.

The covering of surface reaches in certain

places the 150m thickness in particular in the medium of the plain and a low thicknes

s in the vicinity of the solid


As for the carbonated formations they have 350m thickness.

The geomorphology, shows that our basin is lengthened, it has an average altitude of 935m and it is

characterized by a moderate relief and of soft slope.


e hydrographic network is fart to develop and of endoreic type

with a temporary flow.

The climatological study showed that the area of study has an arid semi climate with an overdrawn

hydrological assessment.

The outline hydrogeologic of the plain show

s that the trainings of the lower Cretaceous and the Jurassic

superior can offer very interesting aquiferous possibilities just as the surface formation, it presents considerable

aquiferous potentialities.

Piezometry shows a convergence towards the depress

ions of Merdja de Zana and Chott

Saboun, which represent natural discharge system of the tablecloth.

The hydrochimic study made it possible to allot the evaporitic origin to the elements Na


, Mg


, K


, Cl





, as for element HCO3



it results fr

om the carbonated formations

The two partners of analyses carried out show that water resulting from the aquifer surface and the karstic aquifer has

the same facies hydrochimic which of magnesian type is chlorinated and sulphated, which testifies to the

existence of a

probable interaction between the two aquifers.


Nitric pollution is not visible although the area is with agricultural vocation

Mihoubi A, Alloui-Lombarkia O, Zitouni B. FOOD CONSUMPTION AND DIGESTIVE CANCERS IN THE PROVINCE OF BATNA. Annals. Food Science and Technology [Internet]. 2018;19 (1) :135-145. Publisher's VersionAbstract

he aim of this study is to determine some food factors role on different stages of digestive carcinogenicity. The casecontrol study was carried out in Batna province (Algeria). 115 cases incidents of digestive cancers(60 men and 55 women),with median age of 59 years, were diagnosed between 1st January 2011 and 31 December 2012, compared to 230 cancers witnesses(83 men and 147 women). The respondents were subjected to a semi-quantitative food questionnaire. The bi-varied and multi-varied results analysis shown a significant link with risk decrease between the breakfast consumption of tea (OR=0.50) and milk (OR=042), also the raw vegetables consumption (OR=0.56) and studies cancers. On the other hand, a significant relationship with a risk increase between digestive cancers and some factors related to food stuff such as the consumption of “gueddid”(OR=4.91), adding salt to cooked foods (OR=4.18), cooking modes, frying (OR=12.90), preservation modes, the use of butter or “smen” in cooking food, the use of oils in frying for 4 times with re-using it (OR=3.98) and the number of meals that are more than 3 a day. For that, the Batna inhabitants need to change their food habits by decreasing the consumption of certain traditional food (gueddid and smen) and increasing fruits, vegetables, milk and tea consumption.

Ameddah H, Mazouz H. IN VIVO CHARACTERIZATION OF MICRO ARCHITECTURE OF A HUMAN VERTEBRA BY MICRO-IMAGING. Proceedings IRF2018: 6th International Conference Integrity-Reliability-Failure, 22-26 July [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Bone, like any other material, is subject to mechanical fatigue when subjected to repetitive cyclic loading. Cyclic loading in vivo occurs either in workplaces exposed to mechanical vibration or during handling operations or during leisure and sports activities. As an example, the continuous exposure of the human body to intense global vibration can be, in the long run, cause problems of lumbar lesions due to dynamic stresses (mainly compression) in the spine. Bone and microcracks in cancellous bone. Fatigue rupture of vertebral bone is clinically and biologically important. From a clinical point of view, permanent damage and deformity, under cyclic loading, can probably weaken the vertebral body by inducing the migration of joint replacements. The mechanism of fatigue damage in cortical and trabecular bone can cause cracks and their propagation to final rupture. Microcracks observed in the vertebrae contributed to the decrease in vertebral rupture strength. In order to analyze the biomechanical behavior of the vertebrae and to assess the risk of fracture, an in vivo characterization method is applied based on the micro-MRI, aiming to focus on the evaluation the force at rupture of the vertebral body in compression. The method of extracting the shape of cancellous bone by special filters (adaptive filter, Robert's filter, etc.) will be applied, allowing it to be modelled as a slice (2D). This micro slice are created by edge configuration generation and triangulated cube configuration generation in capturing section contour points from medical image per slice, creating B-spline curve with the control points in each layer, producing solid model construction in Planar Contours method. Medical rapid prototyping models are performed in SolidWorks. Layered manufacturing techniques are used for producing parts of arbitrary complexity, which will then be modelled by finite element in fatigue

Lebchek S, Menani MR. The influence of the aquifer geometry on the groundwater flows (Timgad Basin, North-East Algeria). journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) [Internet]. 2018;12 (5) :354-360. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The basin of Timgad belongs to the North-Eastern Algerian Saharan Atlas; it is located at the northern extension of the Aures Mountains. The basin is an asymmetrical syncline oriented East-West covering an area of 1000 Km2. The climate is semi-arid (cold winter and hot summer) with average annual rainfall not exceeding 400 mm. Recently, the increasing agricultural activities led to an excessive exploitation of groundwater resources. In order to meet this rising water supply demands, implementing a water resources management policy is a priority which should be based on a basin hydrogeological study. Effectively, the geological and geophysical studies have confirmed the presence of permeable Miocene and Cretaceous formations (sandstone and carbonate); relatively resistant affected by fractures network, which are probably forming a confined aquifers. Indeed, recent wells drilled in the basin center and their boundaries; show that the aquifers are artesian. The sandstone aquifer of the Miocene is the most important, it is characterized by significant thickness which can exceed 200m, its extension as well as its particular corrugated geometry, characterized by a wavy shape, which forming a series of shale-marl filling depressions, influences the groundwater flow, actually, the piezometric surface illustrates groundwater convergent flow oriented to the east, towards Bou el freis, likewise the sandstone aquifer is marked by the presence of a West-East drainage axis which separates the basin northern part characterized by a low reservoirs hydraulic capacity from the southern part distinguished by the groundwater relative abundance. Groundwater is generally easily extracted, except the northern part of the basin where the top shale-marl layer is thickens to over 1000m.

Amir MESSAOUR, Errime KHADRAOUI, Rjad MESSAOUR. La compétence interculturelle: quelle didactisation dans les manuels scolaires en Algérie?. 2018.
Salah ARRAR. Le débat interprétatif comme modalité de didactisation de la lecture littéraire. 2018.
Kassah–Laouar A, Messala A, Saidi M. Neutropenie chimio–induite: profil bactériologique. 2018.
