
Saad H. Commande Robuste d’un Pendule Inversé. 2016.
HEDED R. Commande vectorielle de la génératrice asynchrone à double alimentation. 2016.
Kheloufi A, Chorfi A, Mansouri LM. Comparative effect of NaCl and CaCl2 on seed germination of Acacia saligna L. and Acacia decurrens Willd. International Journal of BiosciencesInternational Journal of Biosciences. 2016;8 :1-13.
Abderazak S, Farid N. Comparative study between Sliding mode controller and Fuzzy Sliding mode controller in a speed control for doubly fed induction motor. 2016 4th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT). 2016 :1-6.
Barkia A, Bouchiba N, Sallem S, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L, Drid S, Kammoun MBA. A comparative study of PI and Sliding mode controllers for autonomous wind energy conversion system based on DFIG. 2016 17th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). 2016 :612-617.
Babesse S, Ameddah D, Inel F. Comparison between RST and PID Controllers Performance of a Reduced Order Model and the Original Model of a Hydraulic Actuator dedicated to a Semi-active Suspension. World Journal of EngineeringWorld Journal of Engineering. 2016.
Zendaoui A, Kadid A, Yahiaoui D. Comparison of different numerical models of RC elements for predicting the seismic performance of structures. International Journal of Concrete Structures and MaterialsInternational Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials. 2016;10 :461-478.
Bensouici C, Kabouche A, Karioti A, Öztürk M, Duru ME, Bilia AR, Kabouche Z. Compounds from Sedum caeruleum with antioxidant, anticholinesterase, and antibacterial activities. Pharm. BiolPharm. Biol. 2016;54 :174–179.Abstract
Context: This is the first study on the phytochemistry, antioxidant, anticholinesterase, and antibacterial activities of Sedum caeruleum L. (Crassulaceae). Objective: The objective of this study is to isolate the secondary metabolites and determine the antioxidant, anticholinesterase, and antibacterial activities of S. caeruleum. Materials and methods: Six compounds (1–6) were isolated from the extracts of S. caeruleum and elucidated using UV, 1D-, 2D-NMR, and MS techniques. Antioxidant activity was investigated using DPPH•, CUPRAC, and ferrous-ions chelating assays. Anticholinesterase activity was determined against acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) enzymes using the Ellman method. Antibacterial activity was performed according to disc diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) methods. Results: Isolated compounds were elucidated as ursolic acid (1), daucosterol (2), β-sitosterol-3-O-β-d-galactopyranoside (3), apigenin (4), apigetrin (5), and apiin (6). The butanol extract exhibited highest antioxidant activity in all tests (IC50 value: 28.35 ± 1.22 µg/mL in DPPH assay, IC50 value: 40.83 ± 2.24 µg/L in metal chelating activity, and IC50value: 23.52 ± 0.44 µg/L in CUPRAC), and the highest BChE inhibitory activity (IC50 value: 36.89 ± 0.15 µg/L). Moreover, the chloroform extract mildly inhibited (MIC value: 80 µg/mL) the growth of all the tested bacterial strains. Discussion and conclusion: Ursolic acid (1), daucosterol (2), β-sitosterol-3-O-β-d-galactopyranoside (3), apigenin (4), apigetrin (5), and apiin (6) were isolated from Sedum caeruleum for the first time. In addition, a correlation was observed between antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of bioactive ingredients of this plant.
NEZAR D, RAHAL S. Computational analysis of convective instabilities in a liquid layer subjected to an inclined gradient of temperature. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics (Springer)Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics (Springer). 2016;Vol. 57 :pp. 457-462.
BEN-AMAR A. Contribution à la commande d’un système éolienbasé sur une GADA. 2016.
Djaghdali L. Contribution à la commande prédictive directe du couple de la machine à induction. 2016.
Salah H. Contribution à la Conception des circuits Mode de courant en Technologie CMOS. 2016.
Anfal F. Contribution à la recherche des effets du nickel administré par voie sous-cutanée et son éventuelle interaction avec le sélénium et le zinc sur la leucopoïèse et l’histologie hépatique. Les 14 èmes journée nationales de département de pharmacie –.les méthodes d’analyse en milieu hospitalier,état des lieux et perspectives d’avenir, 27 _28 Avril . 2016.
Smail CHAFAA. Contribution à l’étude de la biodiversité entomologique de l’Abricotier dans la région de Batna-Algérie. 0th Maghrebian Congess on Marine Sciences and the 5th Franco-Maghrebian Congress of Zoology & Ichthyology. 2016.
H D. Contribution à une étude Comparative entre la qualité des eaux du Complexe Terminal et du Continental Intercalaire dans la région D’EL-OUED. 2016.
Badreddine N, Abderahim B. Contribution hydrogéologique de la plaine de Ain Djasser. 2016.
Srairi F, Saidi L, Djeffal F, Meguellati M. Control of a New Swimming Microrobot Design Using Flatness-ANFIS-Based Approach. Engineering Letters (IAENG)Engineering Letters (IAENG). 2016;24 :106-112.Abstract
This article deals with the study of a new swimming microrobot behavior using an analytical investigation. The analyzed microrobot is associated by a spherical head and hybrid tail. The principle of modeling is based on solving of the coupled elastic/fluidic problems between the hybrid tail’s deflections and the running environment. In spite of the resulting nonlinear model can be exploited to enhance both the sailing ability and also can be controlled in viscous environment using nonlinear control investigations. The applications of the micro-robot have required the precision of control for targeting the running area in terms of response time and tracking error. Due to these limitations, the Flatness-ANFIS based control is used to ensure a good control behavior in hazardous environment. Our control investigation is coupled the differential flatness and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference techniques, in which the flatness is used to planning the optimal trajectory and eliminate the nonlinearity effects of the resulting model. In other hand, the neuro-fuzzy inference technique is used to build the law of control technique and minimize the dynamic error of tracking trajectory. In particular, we deduct from a non linear model to an optimal model of the design parameter’s using Multi-Objective genetic algorithms (MOGAs). In addition, Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the microrobot is also carried out to study the produced thrust and velocity of the microrobot displacement taking into account the fluid parameters. Our analytical results have been validated by the recorded good agreement between the numerical and analytical results.
Investigation on oil reservoirs is up to several approaches under different aspects. oilreservoir is dependent on several approaches in different aspects. Distinct settings may be considered for the qualitative and quantitative reservoir evaluation. Control on potential reservoir accumulation is related to permeability and poroslty, in addition to diagenetic and petrographic effects. ln the case study, the considered reservoir is dealing with Cretaceous Carbonate series of ConiacianSantonian age located in the South East of Constantine area (Sud-Est Constontinois). From exploration and evaluation point of view, the oil potential, in the cited area levels, remains almost unexplored. Based on logging and drilling collected data indicates that the approached level of Coniancian -Santonian age can be a tight type. Evidences is from the permeability which is ranging from 0.1 md to 50 md and porosity stretching from lYo up to 16%o. Thus, contribution of tectonic effect is minimized. In the same harmony is the diagenetic and petrographic attitude which is responsible for the compaction and lesser dissolution with occlusion mostly of the intergranular.
OUACH H. Contrôle des puissances actives et réactives d’un aérogénérateur basé sur une GADA. 2016.
Rouabhi R. Contrôle des puissances générées par un système éolien à vitesse variable basé sur une machine asynchrone double alimentée. 2016.
