
Houria M. Douleur et hémopathies bénignes. Journées Nationales de lutte contre la douleur . 2016.
Boutabba T, Drid S, Alaoui LC, Ouriagli M, Benbouzid MEH. dSPACE Real-Time Implementation of Maximum Power Point Tracking Based on Ripple Correlation Control (RCC) Structure for Photovoltaic System. 5th International Conference on Systems and Control, Cadi Ayyad University5th International Conference on Systems and Control, Cadi Ayyad University. 2016.
Hamada S, Louai FZ, Nait-Said N, Benabou A. Dynamic hysteresis modeling including skin effect using diffusion equation model. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2016;410 :137-143.Abstract
An improved dynamic hysteresis model is proposed for the prediction of hysteresis loop of electrical steel up to mean frequencies, taking into account the skin effect. In previous works, the analytical solution of the diffusion equation for low frequency (DELF) was coupled with the inverse static Jiles-Atherton (JA) model in order to represent the hysteresis behavior for a lamination. In the present paper, this approach is improved to ensure the reproducibility of measured hysteresis loops at mean frequency. The results of simulation are compared with the experimental ones. The selected results for frequencies 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz and 400 Hz are presented and discussed.
KADDOURI W, ELMOUMEN A, KANIT T, MADANI S, IMAD A. On the effect of inclusion shape on effective thermal conductivity of heterogeneous materials. Mechanics of MaterialsMechanics of Materials. 2016;Volume 92 :Pages 28-41.
Abboudi A, Meddour B, Chermime B, Djebaili H, Brioua M. Effect of MoZrN Coating on a Steel XC100. Металлофизика и новейшие технологииМеталлофизика и новейшие технологии. 2016.
Amiour SD, Hambaba L. Effect of pH, temperature and some chemicals on polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase activities in harvested Deglet Nour and Ghars dates. Postharvest Biology and TechnologyPostharvest Biology and Technology. 2016;111 :77-82.
Makhloufi R, Brioua M, Benbouta R. The effect of the elastic fields caused by a networks of dislocations placed at interfaces of a three-layer material Cu/Cu/(001) Fe in the case of anisotropic elasticity. Arabian Journal for Science and EngineeringArabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2016;41 :1955-1960.
Belhadi K, Yahia M, Gribaa M, Bendaoud F, Bencharfeddine I, Manoubi W, Zidani A. Effects of Codon 39 (c>t) Mutation on The Changes of Hematological Parameters in Children with Beta-Thalassemia Major in the Region of Batna, Algeria. ISSN 0971-9032. Current Pediatric ResearchCurrent Pediatric Research. 2016;volume 20 :pp 203-208.Abstract
Clinical heterogeneity is often due to genetic heterogeneity. One mechanism by which different mutations can produce a phenotypic variation). Beta-thalassemia is mainly caused by a large number of mutations of the gene for beta-globin. The objective of this study is to correlate molecular lesions and clinical signs in children with beta-thalassemia homozygous. We carried out the molecular genetics of beta globin gene by the method of mini sequencing using Snapshot ™ kit (Applied Biosystems) in search of the mutation codon 39 (C>T) (HBB: c.118C>T) and we studied haematological parameters by statistical method using the test “t” of Student for comparing the means of the samples. The peripheral blood smear examination was done from the slides stained in Wright stains. The results obtained have shown that beta-thalassemia homozygous children with severe anemia over 30 ± 0.9 g/L of total Hb with microcytosis of 60,80 ± 2.014 fl, hypochromia 18.47 ± 0.6023 pg and the number of red blood cells is 3.220 ± 0.2778 (10¹²/L). In addition, a significantly secondary thrombocytosis and leukocytosis were reported in patients. Thus the electrophoresis of hemoglobin exhibits a high Hb F (55 to 82%). The peripheral smear examination revealed many red cell abnormalities in the blood. In this study, we used the mini sequencing assay as a rapid screening procedure to identify the severe codon 39 (C>T) mutation in the HBB gene. Phenotype of beta thalassemia major is characterized with various hematological parameters.
BEDRA S, FORTAKI T. Effects of superstrate layer on the resonant characteristics of superconducting rectangular microstrip patch antenna. Progress In Electromagnetics Research CProgress In Electromagnetics Research C. 2016;62 :157-165.
Asma S. Effet d’administration du chlorure de nickel associé avec le sélénium sur les paramètres hématologiques et la glande surrénale chez le rat wistar. Les 14 èmes journée nationales de département de pharmacie –.les méthodes d’analyse en milieu hospitalier,état des lieux et perspectives d’avenir, 27 _28 Avril. 2016.
Salah I, Adjroud O, BOULILA I, Fedala A, Saouli A. Effets de l'administration par voie sous- cutanée du nickel associe avec le zinc et le selenium sur l'uremie et le determinisme de la reproduction chez les rates gestantes. Premier colloque International de Toxicologie et Santé. 28-29 novembre. 2016.
Bendaoud F. Efficacité de la technique de miniséquençage du gène HBB dans le diagnostic moléculaire de la beta-thalassémie majeure chez des enfants de la région de Batna, Algérie. 14èmes Journée de Pharmacie : Les méthodes d’analyse en industrie pharmaceutique et en milieu hospitalier, état des lieux et perspectives d’avenir » . 2016.
Makhloufi MT, Yassine A, Salah KM. An efficient ANN-based MPPT optimal controller of a DC/DC boost converter for photovoltaic systems, ISSN / e-ISSN 0005-1144 / 1848-3380. AutomatikaAutomatika. 2016;Volume 57 :Pages 109-119.Abstract
In this paper, a simulation study of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for a photovoltaic system using an artificial neural network is presented. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) plays an important role in photovoltaic systems because it maximizes the power output from a PV solar system for all temperature and irradiation conditions, and therefore maximizes the power efficiency. Since the maximum power point (MPP) varies, based on the PV irradiation and temperature, appropriate algorithms must be utilized to track it in order maintain the optimal operation of the system. The software Matlab/Simulink is used to develop the model of PV solar system MPPT controller. The system simulation is elaborated by combining the models established of solar PV module and a DC/DC Boost converter. The system is studied using various irradiance shading conditions. Simulation results show that the photovoltaic simulation system tracks optimally the maximum power point even under severe disturbances conditions.
Arar C, Khireddine MS. An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Multi-Bus Data Scheduling Algorithm Based on Replication and Deallocation. cybernetics and information technologiesCybernetics and Information Technologies. 2016;16 :69-84.
Chafik A, Salah KM. An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Multi-Bus Data Scheduling Algorithm Based on Replication and Deallocation, ISSN / e- ISSN 1311-9702 / 1314-4081. Cybernetics and Information TechnologiesCybernetics and Information Technologies. 2016;Volume 16.Abstract
The paper proposes a new reliable fault-tolerant scheduling algorithm for real-time embedded systems. The proposed scheduling algorithm takes into consideration only one bus fault in multi-bus heterogeneous architectures, caused by hardware faults and compensated by software redundancy solutions. The proposed algorithm is based on both active and passive backup copies, to minimize the scheduling length of data on buses. In the experiments, this paper evaluates the proposed methods in terms of data scheduling length for a set of DAG benchmarks. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our technique.
Benbouza N, Louai FZ, M.Feliachi, Zaoui A. Electromagnetic Field Computation in Linear Electromagnetic Actuators Using the Meshless Local Petrov Galerkin Method. Acta Electrotechnica et InformaticaActa Electrotechnica et Informatica. 2016;16.
KADID F-Z, Aggoune MS-alah, DRID S, Abdessemed R. Electromagnetic, Flow and Thermal Coupling in a MHD Pump Taking Account the Saturation of the Ferromagnetic Material. Eleventh International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER) [Internet]. 2016 :1-7. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The coupled finite element method - finite volume method are applied to solve magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow equations and the thermal equation in the linear induction MHD pump taking into account the saturation of the ferromagnetic materials. This study is done using the stream-vorticity formulation. The purpose of this paper is to represent the velocity and the temperature respectively in linear and non linear cases because it is required to have the knowledge of the flow and the temperature to design an MHD pump. Additionally, the effect of the electromagnetic thrust on the flow distribution in a linear induction MHD pump is studied.

KADID FZ, Aggoune MS, Drid S, Abdessemed R. Electromagnetic, flow and thermal coupling in a MHD pump taking account the saturation of the ferromagnetic material. 2016 Eleventh International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER). 2016 :1-7.
Benamar S. Emergence de la résistance des entérobactéries aux carbapénèmes à Batna. IIième congrès international de gestion des risques et qualité de soins Setif OMS. 2016.
Benamar S. Emergence récente de la résistance aux glycopeptides d’Enterococcus faecium au CHU –Batna : à propos de 3 cas recensés. VIIème Journée de Microbiologie clinique (SAMIC). 2016.
