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Coquelet C, Ramjugernath D, MADANI H, Valtz A, Naidoo P, Meniai AH. Experimental measurement of vapor pressures and densities of pure hexafluoropropylene. Journal of Chemical & Engineering DataJournal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2010;55 :2093-2099.
C.Coquelet, D. Ramjugernath, D. Ramjugernath, H. Madani, Valtz A, Naidoo P, MENIAI AH. Experimental Measurement of Vapor Pressures and Densities of Pure Hexafluoropropylene. J. Chem. Eng. 2010;55 :2093-2099.
Mesmoudi K, Soudani A, Zitouni B, Bournet PE, Serir L. Experimental study of the energy balance of unheated greenhouse under hot and arid climates: Study for the night period of winter season. Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied SciencesJournal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences. 2010;9 :27-37.
MESMOUDI K, SOUDANI A, ZITOUNI B, BOURNET PE, SERIR L. Experimental study of the energy balance of unheated greenhouse under hot and rid climates: Study for the night period of winter season,. Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied SciencesJournal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences. 2010;vol. 9 :pp: 27-37.Abstract
    In regions with warm and hot climates as is the case of several countries of the Mediterranean basin, it is interesting to study the energy balance inside a greenhouse and to quantify the heat transfers along the building components (roof, walls and ground) in winter and during night time. The present experimental work was conducted in an unheated glasshouse without crop in the region of Batna, Algeria. Three types of measurements were done from January to March: the first one is at a cloudy night; the second one at a windy night and the third one at a cloudless night. The results indicate that the greenhouse ground is considered as a significant heat source which can compensate the energy losses through the walls especially during a night preceded by a significant diurnal insulation. In addition, the convection heat transfer coefficients inside and outside the greenhouse were estimated and analysed. A good agreement with the models reported in the literature was found.
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Salem A, Hichem L, Amar Y. Global existence of solutions for Gierer-Meinhardt system with three equations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1007.4029arXiv preprint arXiv:1007.4029. 2010.
Salem A, Amar Y. Global existence of solutions for some coupled systems of reaction-diffusion equations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.5687arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.5687. 2010.
MESMOUDI K, SOUDANI A, BOURNET PE, BOUGOUL S. Heat Transfer Conductance at the Greenhouse Cover, WERA’, , 28-29 Septembre,. Batna- Algérie.; 2010.
Tarek D, Chérif TA. Heterogeneous aquifer system modelization under semi-arid climate. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2010-178,. EGU General AssemblyEGU General Assembly. 2010;Vol. 12.Abstract
The studied zone is a part of the Mellegne’s (North-East of Algeria) under pound, this zone is characterised by itssemi-arid climate.The water bearing system is formed by the plio-quaternairy alluviums resting on a marley substratuim of ageEocene.The geostatiscitcs approach of the hydrodynamics parameters (Hydrolic load, transmisivity) allowed the studyof their spatial distrubution (casting) by the method of Krigeage by blocks and the identification of zones withwater-bearing potentialities.In this respect, the zone of Ain Chabro which, is situated in the South of the plain shows the best values of thetransmisivity......The use of a bidimensinnel model in the differences ended in the permanent regime allowed us to establish theglobal balence sheet (overall assessment) of the tablecloth and to refine the transmisivity field. These would varymore exactley between 10-4 to 10-2 m2/s.The method associating the probability appraoch of Krigeage to that determining the model has facilited thewedging of the model and clarified the inflitration value
Kadri O, Mouss MD, Mouss LH, Merah F. A Hybrid Feature Subset Selection Approach based on SVM and Binary ACO. Application to Industrial Diagnosis. International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing EngineeringInternational Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. 2010;4 :1408-1414.
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Salah Z. Impact des retours d’eau d’irrigation sur la ressource en eau souterraine des régions semi arides, exemple des plaines de Tébessa, Chéria et El Ma El Abiod, Est Algérien. 2010.
Fouad DJAIZ, Nafaa B, Ahmed I, Manel C. Importance des carrières dans la vie socio-économique et leurs impact sur l&⋕39;environnement (Batna–Ain Touta). Tlemcen, Alger; 2010.
Fouad DJAIZ, Nafaa B, Ahmed I. Importance des carrières dans la vie socio-économique et leurs impacts sur l’environnement (Batna-Ain Touta).; 2010.
Hadda H. An improved algorithm for the two machine flow shop problem with several availability constraints. 4OR4OR. 2010;8 :271-280.
Hadda H, Dridi N, Hajri-Gabouj S. An improved heuristic for two-machine flow shop scheduling with an availability constraint and nonresumable jobs. 4OR4OR. 2010;8 :87-99.
