Mazouz B, Abbeche K, Abdi A, Baazouzi M.
Model experiments to assess effect of eccentric loading on the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing near a dry sand slope. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering [Internet]. 2021;15 :1241-1251.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The behaviour of shallow foundations on slopes is an important topic of interest in geotechnical engineering. This paper presents the results of laboratory model tests of an eccentrically loaded strip footing on a slope. Experiments were conducted with an eccentrically loaded model footing under various eccentricity ratios (±e/B) and normalized footing distances (d/B) and the results were compared with previous literature. The results confirm that the load eccentricity and normalized footing distance have considerable effects on the drained bearing capacity. The ultimate bearing capacity of a negative eccentric load is greater than that of a positive eccentric load up to a relative distance of d/B = 3. At this point, the bearing capacity becomes almost the same regardless of the eccentricity location relative to the slope face. Furthermore, the failure mechanism is not symmetrical; a greater failure surface length can develop on the slope side and this length decreases with increasing eccentricity.