Larbi M, Messali Z, Hafaifa A, Kouzou A, FORTAKI T.
Image Segmentation Algorithm based on Level Set Method with Stochastic Constraint applied to Computed Tomography Images. Electrotehnica, Electronica, AutomaticaElectrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica. 2019;67.
Larbi M, Messali Z, Hafaifa A, Kouzou A, FORTAKI T.
Image Segmentation Algorithm based on Level Set Method with Stochastic Constraint applied to Computed Tomography Images. Electrotehnica, Electronica, AutomaticaElectrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica. 2019;67.
Larbi M, Messali Z, Hafaifa A, Kouzou A, FORTAKI T.
Image Segmentation Algorithm based on Level Set Method with Stochastic Constraint applied to Computed Tomography Images. Electrotehnica, Electronica, AutomaticaElectrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica. 2019;67.
Larbi M, Messali Z, Hafaifa A, Kouzou A, FORTAKI T.
Image Segmentation Algorithm based on Level Set Method with Stochastic Constraint applied to Computed Tomography Images. Electrotehnica, Electronica, AutomaticaElectrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica. 2019;67.
Larbi M, Messali Z, Hafaifa A, Kouzou A, FORTAKI T.
Image Segmentation Algorithm based on Level Set Method with Stochastic Constraint applied to Computed Tomography Images. Electrotehnica, Electronica, AutomaticaElectrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica. 2019;67.
Larbi M, Messali Z, Hafaifa A, Kouzou A, FORTAKI T.
An Image Segmentation Algorithm based on LSM with Stochastic Constraint applied to Computed Tomography Images. Electrotehnica, Electronica, AutomaticaElectrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica. 2019;67.
Larbi M, Messali Z, Hafaifa A, Kouzou A, FORTAKI T.
An Image Segmentation Algorithm based on LSM with Stochastic Constraint applied to Computed Tomography Images. Electrotehnica, Electronica, AutomaticaElectrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica. 2019;67.
Larbi M, Messali Z, Hafaifa A, Kouzou A, FORTAKI T.
An Image Segmentation Algorithm based on LSM with Stochastic Constraint applied to Computed Tomography Images. Electrotehnica, Electronica, AutomaticaElectrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica. 2019;67.
Larbi M, Messali Z, Hafaifa A, Kouzou A, FORTAKI T.
An Image Segmentation Algorithm based on LSM with Stochastic Constraint applied to Computed Tomography Images. Electrotehnica, Electronica, AutomaticaElectrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica. 2019;67.
Larbi M, Messali Z, Hafaifa A, Kouzou A, FORTAKI T.
An Image Segmentation Algorithm based on LSM with Stochastic Constraint applied to Computed Tomography Images. Electrotehnica, Electronica, AutomaticaElectrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica. 2019;67.
Mouna D, Redha MENANIM, Khedidja A.
Impact de la pollution agricole sur la qualité des eaux de l'aquifère de Teleghma. Second International Symposium Water Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment in North Africa (WREIANA 2019) March 25 -27,. 2019.
Mouna D, Redha MENANIM, Khedidja A.
Impact de la pollution agricole sur la qualité des eaux de l'aquifère de Teleghma. Second International Symposium Water Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment in North Africa (WREIANA 2019) March 25 -27,. 2019.
Mouna D, Redha MENANIM, Khedidja A.
Impact de la pollution agricole sur la qualité des eaux de l'aquifère de Teleghma. Second International Symposium Water Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment in North Africa (WREIANA 2019) March 25 -27,. 2019.
Zaiour A, Abdelhamid B, Toufik B.
Impact of deposition methods and doping on structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO-Al thin films, ISSN 0030-4026. OptikOptik. 2019;Volume 186 :pp 293-299.
AbstractIn this work, thin films of aluminum doped ZnO (AZO) were deposited on ultrasonically cleaned glass substrates by sol-gel process using dip and spin coating techniques. For this purpose, Zinc acetate dihydrate, aluminum nitrate nonahydrate, ethanol and mono ethanolamine were employed as precursor, dopant, solvent and stabilizer, respectively. X-ray diffraction, UV–vis, photoluminescence, 4-point probe and Van der pauw techniques were investigated for the characterization of the prepared AZO thin films. X-ray-analysis revealed that all the prepared films have hexagonal wurtzite structure with a relative preferential orientation along the c-axis and the lattice parameters are close to the standard values reported in literature. UV–vis spectroscopy showed that the average value of the films’ transmittance in the visible region is found to be around 85% and the gap ranges in the interval [3.15 eV–3.30 eV]. The photoluminescence spectrum only showed the UV peak while the broad band of the visible region was completely vanished. The electrical measurements indicate that sol-gel methods provide relatively high resistivities compared to those obtained with physical vapor deposition (PVD) techniques.
Zaiour A, Abdelhamid B, Toufik B.
Impact of deposition methods and doping on structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO-Al thin films, ISSN 0030-4026. OptikOptik. 2019;Volume 186 :pp 293-299.
AbstractIn this work, thin films of aluminum doped ZnO (AZO) were deposited on ultrasonically cleaned glass substrates by sol-gel process using dip and spin coating techniques. For this purpose, Zinc acetate dihydrate, aluminum nitrate nonahydrate, ethanol and mono ethanolamine were employed as precursor, dopant, solvent and stabilizer, respectively. X-ray diffraction, UV–vis, photoluminescence, 4-point probe and Van der pauw techniques were investigated for the characterization of the prepared AZO thin films. X-ray-analysis revealed that all the prepared films have hexagonal wurtzite structure with a relative preferential orientation along the c-axis and the lattice parameters are close to the standard values reported in literature. UV–vis spectroscopy showed that the average value of the films’ transmittance in the visible region is found to be around 85% and the gap ranges in the interval [3.15 eV–3.30 eV]. The photoluminescence spectrum only showed the UV peak while the broad band of the visible region was completely vanished. The electrical measurements indicate that sol-gel methods provide relatively high resistivities compared to those obtained with physical vapor deposition (PVD) techniques.
Zaiour A, Abdelhamid B, Toufik B.
Impact of deposition methods and doping on structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO-Al thin films, ISSN 0030-4026. OptikOptik. 2019;Volume 186 :pp 293-299.
AbstractIn this work, thin films of aluminum doped ZnO (AZO) were deposited on ultrasonically cleaned glass substrates by sol-gel process using dip and spin coating techniques. For this purpose, Zinc acetate dihydrate, aluminum nitrate nonahydrate, ethanol and mono ethanolamine were employed as precursor, dopant, solvent and stabilizer, respectively. X-ray diffraction, UV–vis, photoluminescence, 4-point probe and Van der pauw techniques were investigated for the characterization of the prepared AZO thin films. X-ray-analysis revealed that all the prepared films have hexagonal wurtzite structure with a relative preferential orientation along the c-axis and the lattice parameters are close to the standard values reported in literature. UV–vis spectroscopy showed that the average value of the films’ transmittance in the visible region is found to be around 85% and the gap ranges in the interval [3.15 eV–3.30 eV]. The photoluminescence spectrum only showed the UV peak while the broad band of the visible region was completely vanished. The electrical measurements indicate that sol-gel methods provide relatively high resistivities compared to those obtained with physical vapor deposition (PVD) techniques.
Haroun B.
Implantation d’une GMAO dans un système de production pour l’amélioration de la performance de l’entreprise. 2019.
Dans les branches de l’industrie et du service, où la différentiation se fait au niveau du produit et où les marges sont singulièrement réduites, la stratégie de réduction des coûts est fondamentale. L’assistance par une informatique intégrée y joue un rôle de plus en plus important. Avec l’aide de l’informatique et du système d’information, non seulement chaque fonction de l’entreprise est améliorée au niveau de son efficience et de son efficacité propres, mais aussi des effets de synergie entre toutes ces fonctions peuvent être cherchés. Les logiciels de GMAO permettent d’optimiser la gestion technique et administrative de l’ensemble des opérations de maintenance d’une entreprise. Ces logiciels automatisent les opérations principales de gestion des stocks de pièces de rechange, optimisent les approvisionnements, éditent les bons de sortie, permettent d’établir un budget prévisionnel en fonction de la fréquence des interventions, etc. Le principe de ce projet est l’implantation d’une GMAO dans un système de production afin d’accroitre la productivité du service maintenance et garantir la fiabilité et la disponibilité des équipements de production de l’entreprise ce qui implique des gains cumulés de temps et d’argents assez important. Pour aboutir à la réussite du projet, l’implantation d’une GMAO nécessite au préalable une analyse fouillée des besoins, une définition précise des objectifs, une préparation soigneuse des acteurs et l’adhésion de tous. Une telle démarche doit se faire sous l’impulsion de la direction avec la participation du personnel de l’entreprise. La difficulté pour l'entreprise qui souhaite s'équiper d'une GMAO est d'en faire un choix qui couvrira exactement ses besoins. Ce choix sera suivi d'un projet d'implantation de la GMAO qui devra prendre en compte divers aspects afin que cette implantation se déroule correctement. Afin d’assurer le succès de la mise en place de la GMAO. Une démarche d’implantation doit être rigoureusement suivie pour faciliter l’intégration de ce nouvel outil informatique à l’organisation interne de l’entreprise.