Abdelghani D, Slimane O.
Comparative Analysis of Two Op-Amp Topologies for a 40MS/s 8-bitPipelined ADC in 0.18μm CMOS Technology, ISSN / e-ISSN 1790-5052 / 2224-3488. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSINGWSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. 2017;Volume 13 :pp 83-89.
AbstractThe performances of two full differential operational amplifiers (Op-Amps) telescopic and folded-cascode are evaluated to satisfy the stringent requirements on the amplifier to be used in a Multiplying Digital-to-Analog Converter (MDAC) stage of a pipelined ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter). The paper shows the solutions found to reach high gain, wide bandwidth and short settling time without degrading too much the output swing. The Op-Amp specifications are extracted according to the ADC requirements, then the two Op-Amp topologies are designed, tested and their performances are compared. Simulation results show that the Op-Amp folded-cascode topology is more suitable architecture for pipelined ADC than the telescopic one. Moreover, the use of this type of Op-Amp generates an Integral Non-Linearity (INL) error less than that of the telescopic one. The analyses and simulation results are obtained using 0.18 µm AMS (Austria Mikro System) CMOS process parameters with a power supply voltage of 1.8V. The predicted performance is verified by analysis and simulations using Cadence EDA simulator.
Benmachiche AH, Tahrour F, Aissaoui F, Aksas M, Bougriou C.
Comparison of thermal and hydraulic performances of eccentric and concentric annular-fins of heat exchanger tubes. Heat and Mass TransferHeat and Mass Transfer. 2017;53 :2461-2471.
Benmachiche AH, Tahrour F, Aissaoui F, Aksas M, Bougriou C.
Comparison of thermal and hydraulic performances of eccentric and concentric annular-fins of heat exchanger tubes. Heat and Mass TransferHeat and Mass Transfer. 2017;53 :2461-2471.
Benmachiche AH, Tahrour F, Aissaoui F, Aksas M, Bougriou C.
Comparison of thermal and hydraulic performances of eccentric and concentric annular-fins of heat exchanger tubes. Heat and Mass TransferHeat and Mass Transfer. 2017;53 :2461-2471.
Benmachiche AH, Tahrour F, Aissaoui F, Aksas M, Bougriou C.
Comparison of thermal and hydraulic performances of eccentric and concentric annular-fins of heat exchanger tubes. Heat and Mass TransferHeat and Mass Transfer. 2017;53 :2461-2471.
Benmachiche AH, Tahrour F, Aissaoui F, Aksas M, Bougriou C.
Comparison of thermal and hydraulic performances of eccentric and concentric annular-fins of heat exchanger tubes. Heat and Mass TransferHeat and Mass Transfer. 2017;53 :2461-2471.
Belkhir A, Aouachria A.
Conception chez un couple sérodiscordant. 3ième journée nationale sur le Sida de Guelma (JNSG). 2017.
Belkhir A, Aouachria A.
Conception chez un couple sérodiscordant. 3ième journée nationale sur le Sida de Guelma (JNSG). 2017.