
R AH, A B, F S, M AICHE, M SAIDI, B HAMRIOUI, Soraya T. Candidose hépatique, à propos d’un cas. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis [Internet]. 2015;92 (1) :100-101. Publisher's Version
R AH, A B, F S, M AICHE, M SAIDI, B HAMRIOUI, Soraya T. Candidose hépatique, à propos d’un cas. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis [Internet]. 2015;92 (1) :100-101. Publisher's Version
R AH, A B, F S, M AICHE, M SAIDI, B HAMRIOUI, Soraya T. Candidose hépatique, à propos d’un cas. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis [Internet]. 2015;92 (1) :100-101. Publisher's Version
R AH, A B, F S, M AICHE, M SAIDI, B HAMRIOUI, Soraya T. Candidose hépatique, à propos d’un cas. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis [Internet]. 2015;92 (1) :100-101. Publisher's Version
R AH, A B, F S, M AICHE, M SAIDI, B HAMRIOUI, Soraya T. Candidose hépatique, à propos d’un cas. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis [Internet]. 2015;92 (1) :100-101. Publisher's Version
LAHLOUHI A. AL-S 2 m: Soft road traffic Signs map for vehicular systems. (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications [Internet]. 2015;6 (11). Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we describe AL-S2m, a roadmap with traffic signs to be used in vehicular systems. AL-S2m is part of a more general system of traffic signs (TSs) management, called AL-S2 , which includes two sides: central map server and client vehicular system. The server allows establishing, maintaining and disseminating AL-S2m. The client localizes the vehicle in ALS 2m and detects TSs. In this paper, we focus on the AL-S2m establishment. AL-S2m can handle variable TSs and its update is easy, which keeps it coherent with the reality. Also, it improves the map-matching algorithm. We implemented AL-S2m easily using an Android device


In a semi-arid area the scarcity of water resources, including those for domestic consumption is often associated with the problem of potability, given their physical-chemical and bacteriological characteristics. The city of Batna, Algeria’s fifth largest city, has to cope with the quality of drinking water from a microbiological point of view, since there are many cases of infiltration of sewage into the water supply network (cross- connection). The environmental situation presents a real danger to public health and can cause epidemics difficult to contain. The numerous epidemic outbreaks observed in the past, along with more recent ones, suggest that drinking water could significantly contribute to endemic diseases. Indeed, the results of the recent bacteriological analyses made by us throughout the water cycle from source to tap via the network, show the continuing deterioration of the bacteriological quality of the water supplied to the city of Batna. The results confirmed our assumptions about the quality of the management of this resource and we showed how the Batnean urban space is marred by the inconsistency of both urban fabric and the associated networks. To estimate and spatialize the level of risk, we rely on a method for assessing vulnerability by digital index coupled with a Geographic Information System (GIS). Several methods have been developed for the assessment of vulnerability to pollution, among these the DRASTIC method, mostly used worldwide, has been identified as one of the vulnerability methods specific to appraising groundwater pollution. In this article we present a method for estimating the risk of vulnerability to waterborne diseases (WD) in a middle town of north-eastern Algeria. This method can be applied to any drinking water distribution network, taking into account the five parameters influencing vulnerability (outdated networks, unplanned urbanization, type and quality of materials behaviour, population density, and lack of water resources). Synthesis maps, spatializing these parameters enable visualization of the main areas at risk of water supply contamination in the city. The results should contribute to the protection of vulnerable areas and WD control in an urban zone and will be used to develop concerted urban development master plans.


In a semi-arid area the scarcity of water resources, including those for domestic consumption is often associated with the problem of potability, given their physical-chemical and bacteriological characteristics. The city of Batna, Algeria’s fifth largest city, has to cope with the quality of drinking water from a microbiological point of view, since there are many cases of infiltration of sewage into the water supply network (cross- connection). The environmental situation presents a real danger to public health and can cause epidemics difficult to contain. The numerous epidemic outbreaks observed in the past, along with more recent ones, suggest that drinking water could significantly contribute to endemic diseases. Indeed, the results of the recent bacteriological analyses made by us throughout the water cycle from source to tap via the network, show the continuing deterioration of the bacteriological quality of the water supplied to the city of Batna. The results confirmed our assumptions about the quality of the management of this resource and we showed how the Batnean urban space is marred by the inconsistency of both urban fabric and the associated networks. To estimate and spatialize the level of risk, we rely on a method for assessing vulnerability by digital index coupled with a Geographic Information System (GIS). Several methods have been developed for the assessment of vulnerability to pollution, among these the DRASTIC method, mostly used worldwide, has been identified as one of the vulnerability methods specific to appraising groundwater pollution. In this article we present a method for estimating the risk of vulnerability to waterborne diseases (WD) in a middle town of north-eastern Algeria. This method can be applied to any drinking water distribution network, taking into account the five parameters influencing vulnerability (outdated networks, unplanned urbanization, type and quality of materials behaviour, population density, and lack of water resources). Synthesis maps, spatializing these parameters enable visualization of the main areas at risk of water supply contamination in the city. The results should contribute to the protection of vulnerable areas and WD control in an urban zone and will be used to develop concerted urban development master plans.

Samia A, Nadia MK, Djamel MM, Abdelghafour K, Tarek M. Comparison and prioritization of measurement methods of intellectual capital; IC-dVal, VAIC and NICI. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital [Internet]. 2015;12 (2) :122-145. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The purpose of this paper is to compare between three methods of intellectual capital (IC) measurement; intellectual capital dynamic valuation (IC-dVal), value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC), and national intellectual capital index (NICI). The three methods are the most used in practice; we used 24 criteria covering important aspects of IC to do general comparison. According to ten criteria, we compared and prioritised them using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results of this comparison show that the methods are close for some criteria and distant for other criteria. The prioritisation with AHP found that NICI method is the most method responding to the criteria, namely: macro measure, guidelines of the method, dynamic valuation, involved levels of business, usability by stakeholders, covered aspects of IC, quantifiability, frequency of use and applicability. IC-dVal is the second one and VAIC is the third method responding to the criteria. The analysis could give more significant results using larger set of criteria. This is the first research prioritising methods of measurement of IC using AHP analysis.

Samia A, Nadia MK, Djamel MM, Abdelghafour K, Tarek M. Comparison and prioritization of measurement methods of intellectual capital; IC-dVal, VAIC and NICI. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital [Internet]. 2015;12 (2) :122-145. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The purpose of this paper is to compare between three methods of intellectual capital (IC) measurement; intellectual capital dynamic valuation (IC-dVal), value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC), and national intellectual capital index (NICI). The three methods are the most used in practice; we used 24 criteria covering important aspects of IC to do general comparison. According to ten criteria, we compared and prioritised them using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results of this comparison show that the methods are close for some criteria and distant for other criteria. The prioritisation with AHP found that NICI method is the most method responding to the criteria, namely: macro measure, guidelines of the method, dynamic valuation, involved levels of business, usability by stakeholders, covered aspects of IC, quantifiability, frequency of use and applicability. IC-dVal is the second one and VAIC is the third method responding to the criteria. The analysis could give more significant results using larger set of criteria. This is the first research prioritising methods of measurement of IC using AHP analysis.

Samia A, Nadia MK, Djamel MM, Abdelghafour K, Tarek M. Comparison and prioritization of measurement methods of intellectual capital; IC-dVal, VAIC and NICI. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital [Internet]. 2015;12 (2) :122-145. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The purpose of this paper is to compare between three methods of intellectual capital (IC) measurement; intellectual capital dynamic valuation (IC-dVal), value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC), and national intellectual capital index (NICI). The three methods are the most used in practice; we used 24 criteria covering important aspects of IC to do general comparison. According to ten criteria, we compared and prioritised them using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results of this comparison show that the methods are close for some criteria and distant for other criteria. The prioritisation with AHP found that NICI method is the most method responding to the criteria, namely: macro measure, guidelines of the method, dynamic valuation, involved levels of business, usability by stakeholders, covered aspects of IC, quantifiability, frequency of use and applicability. IC-dVal is the second one and VAIC is the third method responding to the criteria. The analysis could give more significant results using larger set of criteria. This is the first research prioritising methods of measurement of IC using AHP analysis.

Samia A, Nadia MK, Djamel MM, Abdelghafour K, Tarek M. Comparison and prioritization of measurement methods of intellectual capital; IC-dVal, VAIC and NICI. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital [Internet]. 2015;12 (2) :122-145. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The purpose of this paper is to compare between three methods of intellectual capital (IC) measurement; intellectual capital dynamic valuation (IC-dVal), value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC), and national intellectual capital index (NICI). The three methods are the most used in practice; we used 24 criteria covering important aspects of IC to do general comparison. According to ten criteria, we compared and prioritised them using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results of this comparison show that the methods are close for some criteria and distant for other criteria. The prioritisation with AHP found that NICI method is the most method responding to the criteria, namely: macro measure, guidelines of the method, dynamic valuation, involved levels of business, usability by stakeholders, covered aspects of IC, quantifiability, frequency of use and applicability. IC-dVal is the second one and VAIC is the third method responding to the criteria. The analysis could give more significant results using larger set of criteria. This is the first research prioritising methods of measurement of IC using AHP analysis.

Samia A, Nadia MK, Djamel MM, Abdelghafour K, Tarek M. Comparison and prioritization of measurement methods of intellectual capital; IC-dVal, VAIC and NICI. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital [Internet]. 2015;12 (2) :122-145. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The purpose of this paper is to compare between three methods of intellectual capital (IC) measurement; intellectual capital dynamic valuation (IC-dVal), value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC), and national intellectual capital index (NICI). The three methods are the most used in practice; we used 24 criteria covering important aspects of IC to do general comparison. According to ten criteria, we compared and prioritised them using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results of this comparison show that the methods are close for some criteria and distant for other criteria. The prioritisation with AHP found that NICI method is the most method responding to the criteria, namely: macro measure, guidelines of the method, dynamic valuation, involved levels of business, usability by stakeholders, covered aspects of IC, quantifiability, frequency of use and applicability. IC-dVal is the second one and VAIC is the third method responding to the criteria. The analysis could give more significant results using larger set of criteria. This is the first research prioritising methods of measurement of IC using AHP analysis.

BENKOUDA S, FORTAKI T, BEDRA S, Belhedri A. Design of rectangular microstrip antenna with rectangular aperture in the ground plane using artificial neural networks. ICIT 2015 The 7th International Conference on Information Technology [Internet]. 2015. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we propose a general design of rectangular microstrip antenna with and without rectangular aperture over ground plane, based on artificial neural networks (ANN) in conjunction with spectral domain formulation. In the design procedure, syntheses ANN model is used as feed forward network to determine the resonant frequency and bandwidth. Analysis ANN model is used as the reversed of the problem to calculate the antenna and aperture dimensions for the given resonant frequency, dielectric constant and height of substrate. The spectral domain formulation combined with artificial neural network in the analysis and the design of rectangular antenna to reduce the complexity of the spectral approach and to minimize the CPU time necessary to obtain the numerical results. The results obtained from the neural models are in very good agreement with the experimental results available in the literature.

BENKOUDA S, FORTAKI T, BEDRA S, Belhedri A. Design of rectangular microstrip antenna with rectangular aperture in the ground plane using artificial neural networks. ICIT 2015 The 7th International Conference on Information Technology [Internet]. 2015. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we propose a general design of rectangular microstrip antenna with and without rectangular aperture over ground plane, based on artificial neural networks (ANN) in conjunction with spectral domain formulation. In the design procedure, syntheses ANN model is used as feed forward network to determine the resonant frequency and bandwidth. Analysis ANN model is used as the reversed of the problem to calculate the antenna and aperture dimensions for the given resonant frequency, dielectric constant and height of substrate. The spectral domain formulation combined with artificial neural network in the analysis and the design of rectangular antenna to reduce the complexity of the spectral approach and to minimize the CPU time necessary to obtain the numerical results. The results obtained from the neural models are in very good agreement with the experimental results available in the literature.

BENKOUDA S, FORTAKI T, BEDRA S, Belhedri A. Design of rectangular microstrip antenna with rectangular aperture in the ground plane using artificial neural networks. ICIT 2015 The 7th International Conference on Information Technology [Internet]. 2015. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we propose a general design of rectangular microstrip antenna with and without rectangular aperture over ground plane, based on artificial neural networks (ANN) in conjunction with spectral domain formulation. In the design procedure, syntheses ANN model is used as feed forward network to determine the resonant frequency and bandwidth. Analysis ANN model is used as the reversed of the problem to calculate the antenna and aperture dimensions for the given resonant frequency, dielectric constant and height of substrate. The spectral domain formulation combined with artificial neural network in the analysis and the design of rectangular antenna to reduce the complexity of the spectral approach and to minimize the CPU time necessary to obtain the numerical results. The results obtained from the neural models are in very good agreement with the experimental results available in the literature.

BENKOUDA S, FORTAKI T, BEDRA S, Belhedri A. Design of rectangular microstrip antenna with rectangular aperture in the ground plane using artificial neural networks. ICIT 2015 The 7th International Conference on Information Technology [Internet]. 2015. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we propose a general design of rectangular microstrip antenna with and without rectangular aperture over ground plane, based on artificial neural networks (ANN) in conjunction with spectral domain formulation. In the design procedure, syntheses ANN model is used as feed forward network to determine the resonant frequency and bandwidth. Analysis ANN model is used as the reversed of the problem to calculate the antenna and aperture dimensions for the given resonant frequency, dielectric constant and height of substrate. The spectral domain formulation combined with artificial neural network in the analysis and the design of rectangular antenna to reduce the complexity of the spectral approach and to minimize the CPU time necessary to obtain the numerical results. The results obtained from the neural models are in very good agreement with the experimental results available in the literature.

BENOUDJIT D, DRID S, NAÏT-SAÏD N, NAÏT-SAÏD MS, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L. dSPACE implementation of a propulsion system using dual-induction “Real-Virtual” motors. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences [Internet]. 2015;1 :10. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper presents the experimental results of a propulsion control system (PCS) purposed for an electric vehicle using dual-induction vector-controlled “Real-Virtual” motors, which separately drive the rear wheels of the vehicle. The particularity of the proposed PCS is that the conventional mechanical differential is replaced by an electric differential assured by two electric motors operating at different speeds. Therefore, the electric differential principle resulting from the proposed PCS is experimentally tested online by employing a dSPACE platform containing a real motor and a virtual motor, which constitutes the mathematical model of the real one, to prove the effectiveness of the proposed structure.

BENOUDJIT D, DRID S, NAÏT-SAÏD N, NAÏT-SAÏD MS, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L. dSPACE implementation of a propulsion system using dual-induction “Real-Virtual” motors. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences [Internet]. 2015;1 :10. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper presents the experimental results of a propulsion control system (PCS) purposed for an electric vehicle using dual-induction vector-controlled “Real-Virtual” motors, which separately drive the rear wheels of the vehicle. The particularity of the proposed PCS is that the conventional mechanical differential is replaced by an electric differential assured by two electric motors operating at different speeds. Therefore, the electric differential principle resulting from the proposed PCS is experimentally tested online by employing a dSPACE platform containing a real motor and a virtual motor, which constitutes the mathematical model of the real one, to prove the effectiveness of the proposed structure.

BENOUDJIT D, DRID S, NAÏT-SAÏD N, NAÏT-SAÏD MS, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L. dSPACE implementation of a propulsion system using dual-induction “Real-Virtual” motors. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences [Internet]. 2015;1 :10. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper presents the experimental results of a propulsion control system (PCS) purposed for an electric vehicle using dual-induction vector-controlled “Real-Virtual” motors, which separately drive the rear wheels of the vehicle. The particularity of the proposed PCS is that the conventional mechanical differential is replaced by an electric differential assured by two electric motors operating at different speeds. Therefore, the electric differential principle resulting from the proposed PCS is experimentally tested online by employing a dSPACE platform containing a real motor and a virtual motor, which constitutes the mathematical model of the real one, to prove the effectiveness of the proposed structure.
