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McDonald CB, Buffa L, Bar-Mag T, Salah Z, Bhat V, Mikles DC, Deegan BJ, Seldeen KL, Malhotra A, Sudol M. Biophysical basis of the binding of WWOX tumor suppressor to WBP1 and WBP2 adaptors. Journal of molecular biologyJournal of molecular biology. 2012;422 :58-74.
McDonald CB, Buffa L, Bar-Mag T, Salah Z, Bhat V, Mikles DC, Deegan BJ, Seldeen KL, Malhotra A, Sudol M. Biophysical basis of the binding of WWOX tumor suppressor to WBP1 and WBP2 adaptors. Journal of molecular biologyJournal of molecular biology. 2012;422 :58-74.
McDonald CB, Buffa L, Bar-Mag T, Salah Z, Bhat V, Mikles DC, Deegan BJ, Seldeen KL, Malhotra A, Sudol M. Biophysical basis of the binding of WWOX tumor suppressor to WBP1 and WBP2 adaptors. Journal of molecular biologyJournal of molecular biology. 2012;422 :58-74.
McDonald CB, Buffa L, Bar-Mag T, Salah Z, Bhat V, Mikles DC, Deegan BJ, Seldeen KL, Malhotra A, Sudol M. Biophysical basis of the binding of WWOX tumor suppressor to WBP1 and WBP2 adaptors. Journal of molecular biologyJournal of molecular biology. 2012;422 :58-74.
McDonald CB, Buffa L, Bar-Mag T, Salah Z, Bhat V, Mikles DC, Deegan BJ, Seldeen KL, Malhotra A, Sudol M. Biophysical basis of the binding of WWOX tumor suppressor to WBP1 and WBP2 adaptors. Journal of molecular biologyJournal of molecular biology. 2012;422 :58-74.
McDonald CB, Buffa L, Bar-Mag T, Salah Z, Bhat V, Mikles DC, Deegan BJ, Seldeen KL, Malhotra A, Sudol M. Biophysical basis of the binding of WWOX tumor suppressor to WBP1 and WBP2 adaptors. Journal of molecular biologyJournal of molecular biology. 2012;422 :58-74.
McDonald CB, Buffa L, Bar-Mag T, Salah Z, Bhat V, Mikles DC, Deegan BJ, Seldeen KL, Malhotra A, Sudol M. Biophysical basis of the binding of WWOX tumor suppressor to WBP1 and WBP2 adaptors. Journal of molecular biologyJournal of molecular biology. 2012;422 :58-74.
McDonald CB, Buffa L, Bar-Mag T, Salah Z, Bhat V, Mikles DC, Deegan BJ, Seldeen KL, Malhotra A, Sudol M. Biophysical basis of the binding of WWOX tumor suppressor to WBP1 and WBP2 adaptors. Journal of molecular biologyJournal of molecular biology. 2012;422 :58-74.
McDonald CB, Buffa L, Bar-Mag T, Salah Z, Bhat V, Mikles DC, Deegan BJ, Seldeen KL, Malhotra A, Sudol M. Biophysical basis of the binding of WWOX tumor suppressor to WBP1 and WBP2 adaptors. Journal of molecular biologyJournal of molecular biology. 2012;422 :58-74.
