
BESSNANE N, Ameur MS. Influence of actuators position on a turbulent jet. Numerical Study, Visualization of Mechanical Process, Begell house USANumerical Study, Visualization of Mechanical Process, Begell house USA. 2011;volume 1.
Bessanane N, Si-Ameur M. Influence of actuators position on a turbulent jet: numerical study. Visualization of Mechanical Processes: An International Online JournalVisualization of Mechanical Processes: An International Online Journal. 2011;1.
Bessanane N, Si-Ameur M. Influence of actuators position on a turbulent jet: numerical study. Visualization of Mechanical Processes: An International Online JournalVisualization of Mechanical Processes: An International Online Journal. 2011;1.
Hafiane ML, Blachnitz R, Manck O, Dibi Z, Wagner W. In-pixel implementation of an area-efficient analog-signal-processing for CMOS-3D image sensor. 2011 Semiconductor Conference Dresden. 2011 :1-4.
Hafiane ML, Blachnitz R, Manck O, Dibi Z, Wagner W. In-pixel implementation of an area-efficient analog-signal-processing for CMOS-3D image sensor. 2011 Semiconductor Conference Dresden. 2011 :1-4.
Hafiane ML, Blachnitz R, Manck O, Dibi Z, Wagner W. In-pixel implementation of an area-efficient analog-signal-processing for CMOS-3D image sensor. 2011 Semiconductor Conference Dresden. 2011 :1-4.
Hafiane ML, Blachnitz R, Manck O, Dibi Z, Wagner W. In-pixel implementation of an area-efficient analog-signal-processing for CMOS-3D image sensor. 2011 Semiconductor Conference Dresden. 2011 :1-4.
Hafiane ML, Blachnitz R, Manck O, Dibi Z, Wagner W. In-pixel implementation of an area-efficient analog-signal-processing for CMOS-3D image sensor. 2011 Semiconductor Conference Dresden. 2011 :1-4.
BENHARZALLAH S, KAZAR O, Caplat G. Intelligent query processing for semantic mediation of information systems. Egyptian Informatics JournalEgyptian Informatics Journal. 2011;12 :151-163.
BENHARZALLAH S, KAZAR O, Caplat G. Intelligent query processing for semantic mediation of information systems. Egyptian Informatics JournalEgyptian Informatics Journal. 2011;12 :151-163.
BENHARZALLAH S, KAZAR O, Caplat G. Intelligent query processing for semantic mediation of information systems. Egyptian Informatics JournalEgyptian Informatics Journal. 2011;12 :151-163.
Mostofi R, Bahloul A, Lara J, Wang B, Cloutier Y, Haghighat F. Investigation of potential affecting factors on performance of N95 respirator. Journal of the International Society for Respiratory ProtectionJournal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection. 2011;28 :26-39.
Mostofi R, Bahloul A, Lara J, Wang B, Cloutier Y, Haghighat F. Investigation of potential affecting factors on performance of N95 respirator. Journal of the International Society for Respiratory ProtectionJournal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection. 2011;28 :26-39.
Mostofi R, Bahloul A, Lara J, Wang B, Cloutier Y, Haghighat F. Investigation of potential affecting factors on performance of N95 respirator. Journal of the International Society for Respiratory ProtectionJournal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection. 2011;28 :26-39.
Mostofi R, Bahloul A, Lara J, Wang B, Cloutier Y, Haghighat F. Investigation of potential affecting factors on performance of N95 respirator. Journal of the International Society for Respiratory ProtectionJournal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection. 2011;28 :26-39.
Mostofi R, Bahloul A, Lara J, Wang B, Cloutier Y, Haghighat F. Investigation of potential affecting factors on performance of N95 respirator. Journal of the International Society for Respiratory ProtectionJournal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection. 2011;28 :26-39.
Mostofi R, Bahloul A, Lara J, Wang B, Cloutier Y, Haghighat F. Investigation of potential affecting factors on performance of N95 respirator. Journal of the International Society for Respiratory ProtectionJournal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection. 2011;28 :26-39.
Si-Ameur M. Isothermal reactive mixing layer: numerical study. Computational Thermal Sciences: An International JournalComputational Thermal Sciences: An International Journal. 2011;3.
Ameur MS. Isothermal reactive mixing layer : Numerical Study. Computational thermal Science, Begell houseComputational thermal Science, Begell house. 2011;Volume 3.
Derardja A, BAROURA L, BRIOUA M. Isotropic Stress Distribution in Cu/(001) Fe Two Sheets, World Academy of Science. Engineering and TechnologyEngineering and Technology. 2011;Vol:5 :pp 07-23.Abstract
The nanotechnology based on epitaxial systems includes single or arranged misfit di slocations. In general, whatever is the type of dislocation or the geometry of the array formed by the dislocations; it is important for experimental studies to know exactly the stress distribution for which there is no analytical expression [1,2]. This work, using a numerical analysis, deals with relaxation of epitaxial layers having at their interface a periodic network of edge misfit dislocations. The stress distribution is estimated by using isotropic elasticity. The results show that the thickness of the two sheets is a crucial parameter in the stress distributions and then in the profile of the two sheets. A comparative study between the case of single dislocation and the case of parallel network shows that the layers relaxed better when the interface is covered by a parallel arrangement of misfit. Consequently, a single dislocation at the interface produces an important stress field which can be reduced by inserting a parallel network of dislocations with suitable periodicity.
