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Mechouma R, Aboub H, Azoui B. Multicarrier wave dual reference very low frequency PWM control of a nine levels NPC multi-string three phase inverter topology for photovoltaic system connected to a medium electric grid.; 2014.
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New Algorithm for the IV Characteristic Modeling of the Photovoltaic Generator Malfunction within Impedance and Reversed Polarity Faults19-21 Nov, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7517-4. Paris (France); 2014 pp. pp. 506-512.
Leila-Hayet M. New Algorithm for the IV Characteristic Modeling of the Photovoltaic Generator Malfunction within Impedance and Reversed Polarity Faults ISBN 978-1-4799-7517-4.; 2014 pp. pp. 506-512.
Rezgui W, MOUSS NK, Mouss L-H, Mouss MD, Amirat Y, Benbouzid M. New Algorithm for the IV Characteristic Modeling of the Photovoltaic Generator Malfunction within Impedance and Reversed Polarity Faults. 2014 IEEE EFEA. 2014 :1-6.
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CHELGHOUM L, LOUAI FZ, NAIT-SAID N. A new Approach for Preisach Distribution Function Identification Using Few Experimental Data. Acta Electrotechnica et InformaticaActa Electrotechnica et Informatica. 2014;14 :54-60.
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REZGUI A, al. New Steroidal glycosides from Dracaena marginata, Dracaena fragrans and Allium flavum. Portugal; 2014.
Rezgui A, Mitaine-Offer A-C, Miyamoto T, Tanaka C, Paululat T, Lacaille-Dubois M-A. New steroidal glycosides from Dracaena marginata, Dracaena fragrans and Allium flavum. Planta MedicaPlanta Medica. 2014;80.Abstract
Steroidal saponins are a class of glycosides occurring in many plant species. The aglycon part of these glycosides is constituted by a furostane or spirostane-type skeleton, rarely cholestane. These saponins are known for their interesting pharmacological activities such as antifungal, anti-ischemia, antispasmodic, cytotoxic, haemolytic [1 – 3], and anti-inflammatory properties [4]. The aim of our researches was the isolation and structural elucidation of the steroidal saponins from the biodiversity. In this context, the study of three plants species, Dracaena marginata, D. fragrans (Asparagaceae) and Allium flavum (Amaryllidaceae) led to isolation of twenty-one natural glycosides by column chromatography on Sephadex LH-20, medium pressure liquid chromatography and vacuum liquid chromatography on silica gel and reversed-phase RP-18 silica gel. The structures were elucidated by a detailed spectral analysis by 600 MHz 2D-NMR (COSY, TOCSY, ROESY/NOESY, HSQC, HMBC/HMQC), and mass spectrometry. Six new compounds were characterized as spirostane and furostane- type glycosides from D. marginata (1 – 3) and from A. flavum (4 – 6). The presence of a 4-O-sulfated arabinopyranosyl moiety in the oligosaccharide chain at C-1 of the steroid skeleton underlined the originality of the compounds of the two Dracaena species, and might represent a chemotaxonomic marker of the genus Dracena. The isolation and structure elucidation of the six new compounds will be presented.
Bendjama E, Loucif L, Diene SM, Michelle C, Gacemi-Kirane D, Rolain J-M. Non-contiguous finished genome sequence and description of Bacillus algeriensis sp. nov. Standards in Genomic SciencesStandards in Genomic Sciences. 2014;9 :1046-1061.
Bendjama E, Loucif L, Diene SM, Michelle C, Gacemi-Kirane D, Rolain J-M. Non-contiguous finished genome sequence and description of Paucisalibacillus algeriensis sp. nov. Standards in Genomic SciencesStandards in Genomic Sciences. 2014;9 :1352-1365.
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