Inventaire et dynamique globale du peuplement des nématodes phytoparasites (Nematoda : Secernentea) de l’olivier (Olea europeae) dans une région aride du Nord-Est de l’Algérie


Chafaa S, SI-BACHIR A, BOUKHADRA M, ACHI A. Inventaire et dynamique globale du peuplement des nématodes phytoparasites (Nematoda : Secernentea) de l’olivier (Olea europeae) dans une région aride du Nord-Est de l’Algérie. Journal of Animal &Plant SciencesJournal of Animal &Plant Sciences. 2014;23 :3637-3645.

Date Published:



The community of nematodes (Nematoda: Secernentea) in groves of North East Algeria, has been the subject of regular observations of September 2011 to May 2012. Sampling and extraction of nematodes by the buckets technique are conducted following the method of Baermann. The sampling groves are composed by olive trees (Olea europea: Oleaceae) from four varieties: Chemlal, Sigoise, Frontoï and Sévillane. We identified a total of 531 individuals. The systematic inventory revealed 14 genus of Nematoda, belonging to 10 families and 3 orders. The Tylenchida and Dorylaimida are the best represented orders. They represent 92.85% of the total community of all identified nematodes, while Aphelenchida represent only 7.15%. The genus Pratylenchus records alone 54.75% on the Sévillane variety and 33.02% on the Frantoi variety. The most represented genus on Sigoise and Chemlal varieties is Meloidogyne with respectively 43.24% and 30.43%. Grove of Sévillane variety hosts the highest abundance of nematodes with 57.44%; against only 19.96%, 13.94% and 8.66%, respectively, for the varieties Frantoi, Sigoise and Chemlal. Depending on the seasons, nematodes are more abundant in autumn (88.52%) than in winter (8.66%) and the spring (2.82%). Pratylenchus and Meloidogyne are noted with large numbers, especially in winter.