Two dimensional ElGamal public key cryptosystem


Djebaili K, Melkemi L. Two dimensional ElGamal public key cryptosystem. Information Security Journal: A Global PerspectiveInformation Security Journal: A Global Perspective. 2019;28 :120-126.

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In this work, we propose a secure version of ElGamal public key cryptosystem, and prove that it is semantically secure assuming the hardness of what we call the two-dimensional decisional Diffie-Hellman (2DDDH) problem, this cryptosystem is distinguished by the speed of encryption and decryption processes and by its resistance to active adversaries. Since the 2DDDH problem is harder than the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) problem (as it will be seen), one may conclude that our model reinforces the exchange security compared to the existed cryptosystems falling within the same context, also we discuss the difficult problems that guarantee its security.