Publications by Type: Journal Article

Radjeai H, Abdessemed R. An empirical method to improve the equivalent circuits of synchronous machines. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and SystemsWSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2005;4.
En Vers une réhabilitation de la traduction pédagogique dans l’enseignement /apprentissage des langues étrangères . El Mutarjim revue Didactique de la traduction et Multilinguisme - OranEl Mutarjim revue Didactique de la traduction et Multilinguisme - Oran. 2005.
Mébarek D, Chaaouaou M, Djebabra S, Mohamed M. Etude d’un sous-système d’information d’une Cimenterie Algérienne: Cas de la SCIMAT. Revue de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueRevue de l'Information Scientifique et Technique. 2005;15 :61-74.
Abbeche K. Etude de l'influence de la densité relative et l'indice de consistance sur le taux et l'amplitude de l'affaissement des sols. 2005.
Brahim BENMOHAMMED, François LAPUJOULADE, Moisan A. Evaluation des coefficients dynamiques des forces de coupe en présence de vibrations Revue Matériaux et Techniques. Matériaux & TechniquesMatériaux & Techniques. 2005;Vol° 93 :pp. 369-373.Abstract
The simulation of the global Part-Tool-Machine-System (PTMS) dynamic behaviour during cutting is one of the validation procedures used to prepare a machining process. Various objectives could be reached when using simulation and this depends on the user who could be the machine-tool designer, the tool designer or the machinist. Two kinds of mathematical models, in order to develop simulation programs, are suggested for the (PTMS) modelling: the first one describes the (PTMS) as a mechanical structure and the second one describes the interaction between a tool and a worked part. In our study, we are interested in the second mathematical model and we must firstly establish a dynamic cutting force law, including different parameters and a damping term. The aim of this research paper is to suggest an identification method for the dynamic cutting force law parameters, calling (CDFC), by using a dynamometer in the case of an orthogonal cutting process.
Bougriou C, Bessaïh R, Bontemps A. Experimental and computational performances of heat exchangers functioning in wet regime by using the film method. International communications in heat and mass transferInternational communications in heat and mass transfer. 2005;32 :1135-1142.
Mokrani L, Abdessemed R. A fuzzy self-tuning controller for speed control of a field oriented induction motor drive. AMSE- Advances C-2005AMSE- Advances C-2005. 2005;60 :77-82.
Saber B, Okba K. Generic Architecture Based Agent for Context and Schema Mediation. Editorial Advisory Board eEditorial Advisory Board e. 2005;20 :374-383.
Mokrani L, Abdessemed R. A genetic algorithm optimisation approach for single-sided linear induction motor design. ElectromotionELECTROMOTION. 2005;12.
Bentalha F, Gruais I, Polisevski D. Homogenization of a diffusion process in a rarefied binary structure. arXiv preprint math/0506588arXiv preprint math/0506588. 2005.
Seghir R, API ICPS-LSIITP. La Projection Entiere de Polytopes Paramétrés. 2005.
Fakhfakh H, Bouhlel A, Ketata H, Sahnoun A, Bahloul A, MHIRI MOHAMEDNABIL. Le lymphangiome kystique scrotal. A propos d’un cas. AndrologieAndrologie. 2005;15 :242-244.
Fakhfakh H, Ketata H, Bouassida A, Mallek A, Bahloul A, MHIRI MOHAMEDNABIL. L'éléphantiasis péno-scrotal. A propos d'un cas. AndrologieAndrologie. 2005;15 :324-327.
BENZEROUAL T. l’Enseignant, l’apprenant et l’ordinateur : Nouveau positionnement didactique. Social and Human Sciences Review BatnaSocial and Human Sciences Review Batna. 2005.
Balarac G, Si-Ameur M. Mixing and coherent vortices in turbulent coaxial jets. Comptes Rendus MécaniqueComptes Rendus Mécanique. 2005;333 :622-627.
Bentrcia T, Mouss LH, Mouss MD. A New Approach Reliability Based for the Design of Hybrid Expert Systems in Industrial Diagnosis Field. 2005.
DRID S, Tadjine M, NAIT-SAID MS. Nonlinear feedback control and torque optimization of a doubly fed induction motor. Journal of electrical engineeringJOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 2005;56 :57-63.
Brioua M, Benbouta R, MADANI S, Adami L. Numerical simulation of the anisotropic elastic field generated by a misfit dislocations along a NiSi2/Si/(001) GaAs heterotwin interface. Journal of colloid and interface scienceJournal of colloid and interface science. 2005;282 :120-123.
Fakhfakh H, Ketata H, Bouassida A, Mallek A, Bahloul A, MHIRI MOHAMEDNABIL. Penoscrotal elephantiasis: a case report. BASIC AND CLINICAL ANDROLOGYBASIC AND CLINICAL ANDROLOGY. 2005;15 :324-327.
BENABDELKADER SOUAD, Boulemden M. Recursive algorithm based on fuzzy 2-partition entropy for 2-level image thresholding. Pattern RecognitionPattern Recognition. 2005;38 :1289-1294.
