
Kheloufi A, Mansouri LM, Boukhatem FZ. Application and use of sulphuric acid pretreatment to improve seed germination of three acacia species. ReforestaReforesta. 2017 :1-10.
Nazih H. Application de nouvelles méthodes de modélisation et d’optimisation dans l’étude des antennes microbandes et des systèmes multi-antennaires pour techniques de diversité et MIMO. 2017.
FEDAOUI K, MADANI S, KANIT T. Application des approches statistiques et numériques de l’homogénéisation des milieux hétérogènes aléatoires sur des composites triphasiques et généralisation pour les milieux à N-phases. 2017.
Hadda H. Approximation results for the two-machine job shop under limited machine availability. OpsearchOpsearch. 2017;54 :651-662.
Djeddou M, Zeroual A, Fourar A. An Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting Safety Factor of a Homogenous Earth Dam. Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration. 2017 :1877-1879.
Ouarlent Y. Aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, cytologiques et thérapeutiques des leucémies aigues des sujets âgés sur une période de deux ans. 37 éme congres de la SFH . 2017.
Mahdjoub H, Tebbal S, Mokrani K. Aspects trompeurs de la tuberculose cutanée. 37e Réunion Interdisciplinaire de Chimiothérapie Anti-Infectieuse (RICAI 2017), les 18 - 19 Décembre. 2017.
BOUHADEB, Redha MENANIM, H BOUGUERRA, O DERDOUS. Assessing soil loss using GIS based RUSLE methodology. Case of the Bou Namoussa watershed – North-East of Algeria, 2018, PL ISSN 1429–7426., Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), Committee on Agronomic Sciences, Degruyte, DOI: 10.2478/jwld-2018. Journal of Water and Land DevelopmentJournal of Water and Land Development. 2017 :pp 27–35.Abstract
This study aims to estimating annual soil erosion rate and its spatial distribution in the Bou Namoussa water-shed located in the North-East of Algeria by applying the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) within a Geographical Information System environment (GIS). The application of the RUSLE model in different natural environments and on every scale takes into account five key factors namely: the rainfall erosivity, the soil erodi-bility, the steepness and length of slopes, the vegetation cover and the conservation support practices. Each of these factors was generated in GIS as a raster layer, their combination, resulted in the development of a soil loss map indicating an average erosion rate of 7.8 tꞏha–1ꞏy–1. The obtained soil loss map was classified into four ero-sion severity classes; low, moderate, high and very high severity representing respectively 40, 30.48, 22.59 and 6.89% of the total surface. The areas, showing moderate, high and very high erosion rates which represent more than half of the basin area were found generally located in regions having high erodibility soils, steep slopes and low vegetation cover. These areas should be considered as priorities in future erosion control programs in order to decrease the siltation rate in the Cheffia reservoir.
Khedidja A, Boudoukha A, Djenba S. Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation in Chelghoum Laid Area (Eastern Algeria). Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration. 2017 :659-663.
Bouguerne A, Boudoukha A, Benkhaled A, Mebarkia A-H. Assessment of surface water quality of Ain Zada dam (Algeria) using multivariate statistical techniques. International Journal of River Basin ManagementInternational Journal of River Basin Management. 2017;15 :133-143.
Tiri A, Lahbari N, Boudoukha A. Assessment of the quality of water by hierarchical cluster and variance analyses of the Koudiat Medouar Watershed, East Algeria. Applied Water ScienceApplied Water Science. 2017;7 :4197-4206.
Mansouri Z, MENANI MR. Assessment of the Water Needs of Apricot and Olive Crops under Arid Climatic Conditions: Case Study of Tinibaouine Region (Northeast of Algeria). GEOMATE JournalGEOMATE Journal. 2017;12 :46-52.
Z M, Redha MENANIM. Assessment of the water needs of apricot and olive crops under arid climatic conditions: case study of Tinibaouine Region (northeast of Algeria), Special Issue on Science, Engineering & Environment, ISSN: 2186-2990, Japan. Feb,2017. International Journal of GEOMATEInternational Journal of GEOMATE. 2017;Vol. 12 :pp. 46 - 52.Abstract
The Tinibaouine region, located in north-eastern Algeria on the borders of the Batna-Belezma Mountains, is characterized by a semi-arid to arid climate with an average annual rainfall not exceeding 465 mm and an average annual temperature of around 22 ° C. This region is characterized by the cultivation of apricots as essential crop followed by that of olives, whose plots are all irrigated with the Tinibaouine spring water. These are 450 Ha of trees for apricot and 108 Hectare for olives which constitute the principal revenue of the citizens of this small village. This paper estimated the crop reference and actual evapotranspiration (ETO) respectively and the irrigation water requirement of apricot trees and olive trees. The long recorded climatic data, crop and soil data, effective water allocation and planning, the information about crop water requirements, irrigation withdrawals were computed with the Cropwat model which is based on the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Penman-Monteith method was used to estimate ETo. Crop coefficients (Kc) from the phenomenological stages of apricot and olive were applied to adjust and estimate the actual evapotranspiration ETc through a water balance of the irrigation water requirements (IR). The results showed that the annual reference evapotranspiration (ETO) was estimated at 3.71mm / day. The irrigation requirements were estimated at 35800 m3/ hectare for apricot, 6980 m3/ hectare for olive, also Irrigation needs estimated on land at 14185, 05 m3/ hectare for olive and apricot
Zineb M, Redha MENANIM. Assessment of water requirements of olive and apricots trees in Tinibaouine region (north-eastern of Algeria). Impacts of Global Change on Western Mediterranean Aquifers,. Congress on Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean [Internet]. 2017 :pp 277-282. Publisher's Version
Bousnane NEH, May S, Yahia M, Abu Alhaija AA. Association of CAT–262C/T with the concentration of catalase in seminal plasma and the risk for male infertility in Algeria. Systems biology in reproductive medicineSystems biology in reproductive medicine. 2017;63 :303-310.
Lombarkia F, Amouch M. Asymmetric Fuglede Putnam&⋕39;s Theorem for operators reduced by their eigenspaces. FILOMATFILOMAT. 2017.Abstract
Fuglede-Putnam Theorem have been proved for a considerably large number of class of operators. In this paper by using the spectral theory, we obtain a theoretical and general framework from which Fuglede-Putnam theorem may be promptly established for many classes of operators.
Benaissa A, Benlahcene M. Asymptotic expansion of double Laplace-type integrals with a curve of minimal points and application to an exit time problem. Mathematica SlovacaMathematica Slovaca. 2017;67 :737–750.Abstract
In this paper we consider the problem of the asymptotic expansion of double Laplace-type integrals, in the case when the set γ of points where the phase achieves its absolute minimum is a simple curve. It will be shown that the asymptotic behaviour of such integrals is governed by the order of degeneracy of normal derivatives of the phase with respect to the curve γ. Complete asymptotic expansions will be constructed if that order is constant along γ, and the first two coefficients will be explicitly computed. If not, a uniform asymptotic expansion method, involving special functions, is suggested.
Ferroudji K, Benoudjit N, Bouakaz A. An Automated Microemboli Detection and Classification System using Backscatter RF Signals and Differential Evolution. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in MedicineAustralasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2017;40 :85-99.
Naima Z, Samia A, Mouss M-D, Yaha A. Automatic text summarization: A review. EKNOW 2017 International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

As we move into the 21st century, with very rapid mobile communication and access to vast stores of information, we seem to be surrounded by more and more information, with less and less time or ability to digest it. The creation of the automatic summarization was really a genius human solution to solve this complicated problem. However, the application of this solution was too complex. In reality, there are many problems that need to be addressed before the promises of automatic text summarization can be fully realized. Basically, it is necessary to understand how humans summarize the text and then build the system based on that. Yet, individuals are so different in their thinking and interpretation that it is hard to create "gold-standard" summary against which output summaries will be evaluated. In this paper, we will discuss the basic concepts of this topic by giving the most relevant definitions, characterizations, types and the two different approaches of automatic text summarization: extraction and abstraction. Special attention is devoted to the extractive approach. It consists of selecting important sentences and paragraphs from the original text and concatenating them into shorter form. Broadly, the importance of sentences is decided based on statistical features of sentences. This approach avoids any efforts on deep text understanding. It is conceptually simple and easy to implement. KeywordsText summarization; Automatic text summarization; Abstractive approach; Extractive approach; Natural language processing.
