
Leila-Hayet M. Photovoltaic module simultaneous open-and short-circuit faults modeling and detection using the I–V characteristic.; 2015.
Photovoltaic module simultaneous open-and short-circuit faults modeling and detection using the I-V characteristic.; 2015 pp. 919-924.Abstract
This paper created a new research space in the faults modeling and detection area of the industrial systems, especially photovoltaic generators. It reserved for modeling and detection the hybrid defects, like the presence of cells open- and short-circuit within the same photovoltaic cells group. For a small investment, the new algorithm created a new platform. It exposed a display screen of the database, which presented the power of the PV module production in each period. The display screen allows real-time monitoring of the PV module production throughout the year, and detecting its anomalies.
Khadraoui H. Place du pathologiste dans la prise en charge des hépatites chroniques virales. Algérie; 2015.
Guedjati MR, Chibout N. Places des sciences fondamentales en phase prédoctorale, étude d’évaluation à la faculté de médecine de Batna.; 2015.
Bencherif F, Mouss LH. Planning customer requirements and engineering characteristics in avoiding product development quality risks. International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and ManagementInternational Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management. 2015;6 :63-79.
Behloul A, Belkacemi S. Plants leaves images segmentation based on pseudo Zernike moments. International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal ProcessingInternational Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing. 2015;7 :17.
Ali ATHAMENA, Abderahmane B, Redha MENANIM, Halima B. Pollution des eaux souterraines par le flux azoté sous un climat semi-aride, cas de la plaine septentrionale de Zana-Chott Saboun, Est algérien. International Journal of Environment & WaterInternational Journal of Environment & Water. 2015;Vol 3.
Ghedadba N, Hambaba L, Ayachi A, Aberkane MC, Bousselsela H, Oueld-Mokhtar SM. Polyphénols totaux, activités antioxydante et antimicrobienne des extraits des feuilles de Marrubium deserti de Noé. PhytothérapiePhytothérapie. 2015;13 :118-129.
Sbiki M, Chenchouni H, Bachir AS. Population increase and nest-site selection of Cattle Egrets Bubulcus ibis at a new colony in drylands of north-east Algeria. OstrichOstrich. 2015;86 :231-237.
Rouabhi R, Abdessemed R, Chouder A, Djerioui A. Power QualityEnhancement of Grid Connected Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Using Sliding Mode Control. International Review of Electrocal Engineering (IREE)International Review of Electrocal Engineering (IREE). 2015;10.
Nabila KALLA. Prise en charge des effets indésirables de la bithérapie pegylée.; 2015.
Assia A. Prise en charge des effets indésirables de la bithérapie pegylée.; 2015.
Ameghchouche A. Prise en charge des effets indésirables de la bithérapie pegylée.; 2015.
Soraya T. Prise en charge des effets indésirables de la bithérapie pegylée.; 2015.
CHIREMSEL Z, NAIT-SAID R, CHIREMSEL R. Probabilistic Fault Diagnosis of Safety Instrumented Systems based on Fault Tree Analysis and Bayesian Network. J Fail. Anal. and PrevenJ Fail. Anal. and Preven. 2015 :747–760.Abstract
Safety instrumented systems (SISs) are used in the oil and gas industry to detect the onset of hazardous events and/or to mitigate their consequences to humans, assets, and environment. A relevant problem concerning these systems is failure diagnosis. Diagnostic procedures are then required to determine the most probable source of undetected dangerous failures that prevent the system to perform its function. This paper presents a probabilistic fault diagnosis approach of SIS. This is a hybrid approach based on fault tree analysis (FTA) and Bayesian network (BN). Indeed, the minimal cut sets as the potential sources of SIS failure were generated via qualitative analysis of FTA, while diagnosis importance factor of components was calculated by converting the standard FTA in an equivalent BN. The final objective is using diagnosis data to generate a diagnosis map that will be useful to guide repair actions. A diagnosis aid system is developed and implemented under SWI-Prolog tool to facilitate testing and diagnosing of SIS.
Boubiche DE, Hidoussi F, Cruz HT. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, Security and Advanced Communication. 2015.
Sonia B. Profil bactériologique et antibiotypique des infections du liquide de dialyse péritonéale au CHU de Batna.; 2015.
BENAMRANE B, BOURMADA N, BOUKHALFA A. Proposition of an Approach for Analyzing Accident Scenarios Linked to a Chemical Process: An Application to Chemical Reactor. International Journal of InnovationInternational Journal of Innovation. 2015;6 :114-117.Abstract
The complexity of industrial systems, the use of dangerous chemical substances have dreadfully increased the potential accident destruction especially in the field of chemical industry. The technical analysis f accident scenarios are essential not only in learning lessons from unfortunate events in the chemical industry but also in preventing the occurrence of such events in the future. In this paper we propose an approach for analyzing the scenarios of an accident related to a chemical process, we consider the case of a chemical reactor for the application of this approach. This approach is based on four steps, risk analysis, study of top event, accident scenarios, and study of system evolution.
Grisaru-Granovsky S, Salah Z, Maoz M, Tevet A, Margalioth E, Samueloff A, Altarescu G, Bar-Shavit R. Protease-activated-receptor 1 polymorphisms correlate with risk for unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss: a pilot study querying an association beyond coagulation. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive BiologyEuropean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2015;185 :13-18.
Chenchouni H, Menasria T, Neffar S, Chafaa S, Bradai L, Chaibi R, Mekahlia MN, Bendjoudi D, Bachir AS. Quantifying the impact of environmental factors on the spatiotemporal structure of insect communities in a semi-arid Sabkha ecosystem. PeerJ Preprints [Internet]. 2015. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The current study highlights some knowledge on the diversity and structure of insect communities and trophic groups living in Sabkha Djendli (semi-arid area of Northeastern Algeria). The entomofauna was monthly sampled from March to November 2006 using pitfall traps at eight sites located at the vicinity of the Sabkha. Structural and diversity parameters (species richness, Shannon index, evenness) were measured for both insect orders and trophic guilds. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was applied to determine how vegetation parameters (species richness and cover) influence spatial and seasonal fluctuations of insect assemblages. The catches totalled 434 insect individuals classified into 75 species, 62 genera, 31 families and 7 orders, where Coleoptera and Hymenoptera were the most abundant and constant over seasons and study stations. Spring and autumn presented the highest values of diversity parameters. Individual-based Chao-1 species richness estimator indicated 126 species for the total individuals captured in the Sabkha. Based on catch abundances, the structure of functional trophic groups was predators (37.3%), saprophages (26.7%), phytophages (20.5%), polyphages (10.8%), coprophages (4.6%); whereas in terms of numbers of species, they can be classified as phytophages (40%), predators (25.3%), polyphages (13.3%), saprophages (12%), coprophages (9.3%). The CCA demonstrated that phytophages and saprophages as well as Coleoptera and Orthoptera were positively correlated with the two parameters of vegetation, especially in spring and summer. While the abundance of coprophages was positively correlated with species richness of plants, polyphage density was positively associated with vegetation cover. The insect community showed high taxonomic and functional diversity that is closely related to diversity and vegetation cover in different site stations and seasons.
