Ghecham W, Rebiai S‐E, Ali FZS.
Stability of the transmission plate equation with a delay term in the moment feedback control. Mathematical Methods in the Applied SciencesMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2021;44 :7676-7692.
Amina H, Maissa K.
The stability radius of an infinite dimensional system subjected to stochastic unbounded structured multi-perturbations with application. International Conference on Research in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science [Internet]. 2021;2021.
Publisher's VersionAbstractThe issue of robustness of stability has been prominent in the literature on control theory over the last two decades. An important state-space approach to robustness analysis is the stability radii theory. The robust stability problems of infinite dimensional systems subjected to stochastic bounded structured perturbations have been studied using the stability radius approach. In the applications it is important to study these problems in the case where the perturbations operator structure are unbounded, because it covers the case of partial differential equations with boundary and ...
Ghecham W, Rebiai S-E, Ali FZS.
Stabilization of coupled wave equations with boundary or internal distributed delay. Applicable AnalysisApplicable Analysis. 2021;100 :3096-3115.
Ghecham W, Rebiai S-E, SidiAli F-Z.
Stabilization of the wave equation with a nonlinear delay term in the boundary conditions. Journal of Applied AnalysisJournal of Applied Analysis [Internet]. 2021.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
A wave equation in a bounded and smooth domain of Rnℝ with a delay term in the nonlinear boundary feedback is considered. Under suitable assumptions, global existence and uniform decay rates for the solutions are established. The proof of existence of solutions relies on a construction of suitable approximating problems for which the existence of the unique solution will be established using nonlinear semigroup theory and then passage to the limit gives the existence of solutions to the original problem. The uniform decay rates for the solutions are obtained by proving certain integral inequalities for the energy function and by establishing a comparison theorem which relates the asymptotic behavior of the energy and of the solutions to an appropriate dissipative ordinary differential equation.
ZARROUKI M-B-E, Benaggoune S, Abdessemed R.
AbstractL’article décrit la conception et la mise en øeuvre en temps réel d’une commande non linéaire appliquée à un système de conversion de l’énergie éolienne (SCEE). La commande backstepping a été mise en øeuvre pour améliorer les performances du système de conversion éolienne basé sur un générateur synchrone à aimants permanents (PMSG) connecté au réseau. Deux convertisseurs statiques assurent la connexion au réseau et sont contrôlés par la modulation de largeur d’impulsion (MLI). L’algorithme de contrôle proposé assure un contrôle de vitesse adéquat pour extraire la puissance maximale. Une description détaillée des lois de contrôle du backstepping basées sur la technique de stabilité de Lyapunov a été exposée. Les résultats obtenus par l’application de cette approche ont clairement répondu aux exigences de robustesse et de suivi des références même dans des conditions de vent fluctuants, et ont confirmé l’efficacité d’un tel contrôle dans les modes de fonctionnement statique et dynamique.
Khalid F, Rabah M, Salah S, Hacene A.
A Study of the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of a Gas Turbine Blade in Composite Materials Reinforced with Mast. Revue des Composites et des Matériaux AvancésRevue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances. 2021;31.
BENDJEDDOU YACINE, Deboucha A, Bentouhami L, MERABET ELKHEIR, Abdessemed R.
Super twisting sliding mode approach applied to voltage orientated control of a stand-alone induction generator. Protection and Control of Modern Power SystemsProtection and Control of Modern Power Systems. 2021;6 :18.
AbstractTo enhance the robustness and dynamic performance of a self-excited induction generator (SEIG) used in a stand-alone wind energy system (WES), a virtual flux oriented control (VFOC) based on nonlinear super-twisting sliding mode control (STSMC) is adopted. STSMC is used to replace the conventional proportional-integral-Fuzzy Logic Controller (PI-FLC) of the inner current control loops. The combination of the proposed control strategy with space vector modulation (SVM) applied to a PWM rectifier brings many advantages such as reduction in harmonics, and precise and rapid tracking of the references. The performance of the proposed control technique (STSMC-VFOC-SVM) is verified through simulations and compared with the traditional technique (PI-FLC-VFOC-SVM). It shows that the proposed method improves the dynamics of the system with reduced current harmonics. In addition, the use of a virtual flux estimator instead of a phase-locked loop (PLL) eliminates the line voltage sensors and thus increases the reliability of the system.
Sahli Y, Zitouni B, Hocine BM.
Three-Dimensional Numerical Study of Overheating of Two Intermediate Temperature P-AS-SOFC Geometrical Configurations. In: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology for Stationary Applications. IGI Global ; 2021. pp. 186-222.
Douha D, Mokhtari A, Guessoum Z, Mandiau R.
Towards a non monotonic agent testing. 2021 IEEE/ACS 18th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) [Internet]. 2021 :1-8.
Publisher's VersionAbstractMulti-agent systems research community has developed solutions to model dynamic and complex systems. Those solutions have generated a growing interest in a variety of domains such as robotics or distributed controls. It is therefore important to build solutions to analyze the basic mechanisms of multi-agent systems such as interaction. In this paper, we formalize the epistemic interaction, we propose to use default theory to describe state transitions. The introduction of such semantics allows characterizing the verification of agent behavior when dealing with new information. Therefore, we introduce semantics to establish a basis for exploiting the properties of the agent behavior and its messages.We propose to formalize and verify the response of an agent when it receives a new information from another agent of its environment. Our approach extends the actions initiated in the mA * [5] language by applying the Reiter’s default rules [32]. A simple example is used to illustrate our approach.
Meraghni S, Benaggoune K, Al Masry Z, Terrissa LS, Devalland C, Zerhouni N.
Towards Digital Twins Driven Breast Cancer Detection. In: Intelligent Computing. Springer ; 2021. pp. 87-99.
Al-Omari AI, Aidi K, Seddik-Ameur N.
A Two Parameters Rani Distribution: Estimation and Tests for Right Censoring Data with an Application. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation ResearchPakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research. 2021 :1037-1049.
Boumaiza L, Chesnaux R, Drias T, Walter J, Stumpp C.
Using vadose-zone water stable isotope profiles for assessing groundwater recharge under different climatic conditions. Hydrological Sciences JournalHydrological Sciences Journal [Internet]. 2021;66 (10) :1597-1609.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Considering three sites under different climate conditions (arid, semi-arid, and subhumid), this study aims to use the vadose-zone water stable isotope profiles to estimate the groundwater recharge rate. High-resolution vertical subsurface soil sampling along the vadose zone of the investigated sites was conducted. The collected samples were analysed to determine their stable isotope ratios (δ2H and δ18O) that were used along with the piston displacement method to estimate recharge. Annual recharge rates of 0.2% (± 0.1%), 2.5%, and 18% of the total annual precipitation were obtained for the arid, semi-arid, and subhumid sites, respectively. Recharge rates at the semi-arid and subhumid sites are comparable to those previously estimated using water balance-based methods. The recharge rate at the arid site is lower than that previously estimated for that site using the water budget-based method, revealing difficulties in applying the piston displacement method under an arid regime.