
BOUZIDI H. PAREMIE, LA PERILLEUSE (OU L’IMPOSSIBLE) TRADUCTION. Colloque International : culture(s)et langue(s)au centre de la recherche universitaire : quelle(s)approche(s), pour quel(s)objectif(s) ? , Université de Jijel, 24 et 25 Novembre. 2019.
HAMAIZI B. Pour un renouvellement didactique à l’ère du numérique : un regard autre sur le smartphone en classe de FLE. Communication dans une journée d’étude, Barika. 2019.
ARRAR S. Quand la littérature devient une rencontre entre le Moi et l’Autre en classe de langue. Le Moi et l’Autre : de la tolérance à la rencontre. Colloque international organisé à l’université Blida 2 les 19 et 20 Novembre. 2019.
LEBBAL S. Réminiscence et exhumation mémorielle : la mémoire conjuguée dans terre des femmes de Nasira Belloula. Colloque international « histoire et mémoires partagées » organisé par l’université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne Juin. 2019.
ARRAR S. Rôle du psychologue scolaire dans la lutte contre l’indiscipline en contexte éducatif algérien. Rôle du psychologue scolaire dans l’orientation et l’encadrement pédagogique. Colloque national organisé à l’université Alger II ,Mai. 2019.
Bezih K, Demagh R, Amrane M. Analyse mécano-fiabiliste des structures en béton armé en tenant compte de l'interaction sol-structure. First International Congress on Advanced Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December. 2019.
Zerdia M, Demagh R. Analyse Numérique 3D de l’Interaction de Tunnels Jumeaux Investigation des Cuvettes Transversales. First International Congress on Advanced Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Beghoul M, Demagh R. Analysis of Ground Surface Settlement Induced By Shield Tunneling in Soft Soils. Proceedings of Underground Construction, June 3-5, [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Bouatia M, Demagh R, Derriche Z. The Effect of Rainfall Infiltration on Structures Buried in an Expansive Soil: The Case of Aine-Tine Water Supply Pipeline (Algeria). Proceedings of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG), November 25-28, [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Bouatia M, Demagh R. Effect of the initial soil suction on Structures Buried in an Expansive Soil during a Rainfall Infiltration Case of Aine-Tine pipeline. First International Congress on Advanced Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December. 2019.
Amrane M, Messast S, Bezih K. Évaluation de modéles de sol constitutifs pour la prévision des mouvements causés par une excavation profonde dans les sables. First International Congress on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management (ICAGECM’19), 9-10 December. 2019.
Mebarki M, Kareche T, Derfouf F-EM, Taibi S, Abou-Bekr N. Hydromechanical behavior of a natural swelling soil of Boumagueur region (east of Algeria). Geomechanics and Engineering [Internet]. 2019;17 (1) :69-79. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This work presents an experimental study of the hydromechanical behavior of a natural swelling soil taken from Boumagueur region east of Algeria. Several pathological cases due to the soil shrinkage / swelling phenomenon were detected in this area. In a first part, the hydric behavior on drying-wetting paths was made, using the osmotic technics and saturated salts solutions to control suction. In The second part, using a new osmotic oedometer, the coupled behavior as a function of applied stresses and suction was investigated. It was shown that soil compressibility parameters was influenced by suction variations that an increase in suction is followed by a decrease in the virgin compression slope. On the other hand, the unloading slope of the oedometric curves was not obviously affected by the imposed suction. The decrease in suction strongly influences the apparent preconsolidation pressure, ie during swelling of the samples after wetting.
Beghloul M, Demagh R. Prediction of surface trough due to shield tunnelling. The XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 1-6 September, [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this study, the surface settlement induced by shield TBM excavation is simulated by using finite differences code Flac-3D. The proposed three dimensional simulation procedure is taking into account the main features of slurry shield TBM. The line D subway project in Lyon is chosen to validate the numerical simulations. The comparison of the numerical simulation results with the in-situ measurements shows that the proposed 3D simulation is relevant, in particular in the adopted representation for the different operations achieved by the tunnel boring machine.
Beghoul M, Demagh R. Slurry Shield Tunneling in Soft Ground-Comparison between Field Data and 3D Numerical Simulation. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica [Internet]. 2019;41 (3) :115 - 128. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In urban areas, the control of ground surface settlement is an important issue during shield tunnel-boring machine (TBM) tunneling. These ground movements are affected by many machine control parameters. In this article, a finite difference (FD) model is developed using Itasca FLAC-3D to numerically simulate the whole process of shield TBM tunneling. The model simulates important components of the mechanized excavation process including slurry pressure on the excavation face, shield conicity, installation of segmental lining, grout injection in the annular void, and grout consolidation. The analysis results from the proposed method are compared and discussed in terms of ground movements (both vertical and horizontal) with field measurements data. The results reveal that the proposed 3D simulation is sufficient and can reasonably reproduce all the operations achieved by the TBM. In fact, the results show that the TBM parameters can be controlled to have acceptable levels of surface settlement. In particular, it seems that moderate face pressure can reduce ground movement significantly and, most importantly, can prevent the occurrence of face-expected instability when the shield crosses very weak soil layers. The shield conicity has also an important effect on ground surface settlement, which can be partly compensated by the grout pressure during tail grouting. Finally, the injection pressure at the rear of the shield significantly reduces the vertical displacements at the crown of the tunnel and, therefore, reduces the settlement at the ground surface.
Beghoul M, Demagh R. Surface settlement induced by shield tunneling–complete 3D numerical simulation on two case studies. The WTC 2019 ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress (WTC 2019), May 3-9, [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Rouabhi R, Abdessemed R, Abdelghafour H, Moustafad B. Comparative Study Between Two Control Techniques Applied on the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM). Advances in Modelling and Analysis C [Internet]. 2019;74 :51-58. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this article, we present a comparative study between two control techniques applied on the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM), namely vector control and fuzzy logic. This comparison is based on three criteria: qualitative, quantitative and robust during the transient and permanent operation of the system. The latter comprises a machine is driven through the stator variables by two bidirectional converters. In the first part, we have presented the individual modeling of the global chain (PMSM, Inverter, and Rectifier). Then we presented and developed the two commands techniques to control the speed and the torque produced by this machine. The results of this study made it possible to evaluate the performance of these controls.
Khettache L. Contribution à l'amélioration des performances des systèmes éoliens. 2019.
Laggoun L. Contribution Au Contrôle De La Machine Synchrone Double Etoile. 2019.
BENDJEDDOU YACINE. Contribution l’amélioration des performances des aérogénérateurs asynchrones. 2019.
Bensaadi H, Harbouche Y, Abdessemed R. DIRECT TORQUE CONTROL ( DTC-SVM ) OF PMSG BASED IN WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM. U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C [Internet]. 2019;81 (2). Publisher's VersionAbstract
This paper presents a comparative study between two strategies for the direct torque control (DTC) of the permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) based on wind energy conversion system (WECS). The first method is a conventional direct torque control DTC and it is based on hysteresis controllers where the torque and the flux are regulated by these controllers. The second one is direct torque control by space vector modulation strategy (DTC-SVM) where the torque and flux are regulated by PI controllers. The simulation results are implemented by using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The main feature of the proposed (DTC-SVM) strategy is the reduction of torque and flux ripples. The proposed approach can be considered as an alternative solution to the control of PMSG.
