
Mouffouk S, Abdelhamid S-E, Khadraoui F-Z. L’impact du jeu et de l’approche actionnelle sur l’enseignement préscolaire en Algérie. Educ recherche [Internet]. 2020;10 (1) :1-14. Publisher's VersionAbstract
L’objectif de cette recherche est de voir l’impact de l’opérationnalisation de la perspective actionnelle sur l’apprentissage lors d’une séance d’éducation scientifique et technologique en classe de préscolaire en Algérie. Nous avons mené une expérimentation dans cette classe pour pouvoir mesurer l’écart de l’interaction et de la motivation chez les élèves dans deux situations d’apprentissage différentes, impliquant un scénario ludique et des tâches à exécuter. L’analyse et la discussion des résultats obtenus nous ont permis de vérifier notre hypothèse de départ et de dire que le jeu a rendu l’apprentissage plus attractif et efficace tout en rendant l’élève acteur social plus interactif.
KHADRAOUI E, MEESAOUR R. Maitrise de la compétence culturelle chez les futurs enseignants de FLE : réalité des profils de sortie. Colloque international en ligne : L’interculturel dans la formation des enseignants des langues étrangères : le réussir professoral, l’extrême exigence d’un monde pluriel, Laboratoire SELNoM, Département de fran\c cais, Université de Batna 2 . 2020.
KHADRAOUI E, MEESAOUR R. Maitrise de la compétence culturelle chez les futurs enseignants de FLE : réalité des profils de sortie. Colloque international en ligne : L’interculturel dans la formation des enseignants des langues étrangères : le réussir professoral, l’extrême exigence d’un monde pluriel, Laboratoire SELNoM, Département de fran\c cais, Université de Batna 2 . 2020.
MEZIANI A. Opérationnalisation de la compétence interculturelle dans la formation de formateurs : De l’agir communicationnel à l’agir professionnel » L’interculturel dans la formation des enseignants des langues étrangères : le réussir. Webinaire International organisé par le département de fran\c cais et le laboratoire SELNOM Université Batna 2 : 15 Décembre . 2020.
Laidoudi A. Origines des interférences interlinguales lexicales dans les productions écrites des apprenants de FLE. Multilinguales [Internet]. 2020;13 (8). Publisher's Version
Bouzidi B, Bouzidi H. Paremie, La Perilleuse (ou L’impossible) Traduction…. Développement des ressources humaines [Internet]. 2020;15 (2) :146-155. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Traduire n’est pas un exercice facile. Alors quand il s’agit de parémie et de phrasèmes, cela devient quasi impossible. Traducteurs, interprètes et traductologues s’en plaignent constamment. Justement, ce travail cherche à identifier les difficultés diverses soulevées par cet exercice délicat. L’objectif de notre intervention est de sensibiliser toutes les personnes concernées par la langue dans ses divers usages (linguistes, didacticiens, enseignants praticiens) à et sur la presque inextricable question de la traduction, spécialement idiomatique et parémique. Le pourquoi serait quelquefois dans les « écarts » subséquemment exploités à savoir, l’aspect phonétique : rime, assonance, etc., l’aspect lexical: valeur sémantique, épaisseur culturelle et marque chronologique : archa{\"ısme ou néologisme…
Bouzidi B, Bouzidi H. Paremie, La Perilleuse (ou L’impossible) Traduction…. Développement des ressources humaines [Internet]. 2020;15 (2) :146-155. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Traduire n’est pas un exercice facile. Alors quand il s’agit de parémie et de phrasèmes, cela devient quasi impossible. Traducteurs, interprètes et traductologues s’en plaignent constamment. Justement, ce travail cherche à identifier les difficultés diverses soulevées par cet exercice délicat. L’objectif de notre intervention est de sensibiliser toutes les personnes concernées par la langue dans ses divers usages (linguistes, didacticiens, enseignants praticiens) à et sur la presque inextricable question de la traduction, spécialement idiomatique et parémique. Le pourquoi serait quelquefois dans les « écarts » subséquemment exploités à savoir, l’aspect phonétique : rime, assonance, etc., l’aspect lexical: valeur sémantique, épaisseur culturelle et marque chronologique : archa{\"ısme ou néologisme…
BELKACEM M-A. Pour une meilleure acquisition de la morphographie flexionnelle au Supérieur. Communication au colloque international « Le mot dans la langue et dans le discours 3 : la construction du sens ». UNIVERSITÉ DE VILNIUS (Lituanie), FACULTÉ DE PHILOLOGIE, 17-18 Septembre. 2020.
ARRAR S. Quelles compétences interculturelles dans la formation initiale des enseignants de fran\c cais ? L’interculturel dans la formation des enseignants des langues étrangères : le réussir professoral, l’extrême exigence d’un monde plurie. Colloque international organisé à l’université Batna 2 le 15 Décembre. 2020.
Lebbal S. Reminiscence Et Exhumation Memorielle : Memoire Conjugee Dans « Terre Des Femmes » De Nassira Belloula. Revue algérienne des lettres [Internet]. 2020;4 (1) :97-102. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Dans une optique scripturale, le présent article propose de spéculer sur les différentes stratégies adoptées dans l’écriture romanesque qui permettent de qualifier une écriture, non pas seulement d’historique, mais aussi de mémorielle. Nous aurons à élucider le parcours permettant de matérialiser la mémoire dans l’øe}uvre de Nassira Belloula « terre des femmes » et voir, subsidiairement, comment elle a suscité la réminiscence et le regain mémoriel notamment à travers la conjugaison de la mémoire à l’infini en en multipliant les facettes.
BENCHERIF S. Une approche cognitive de la créativité : La pensée divergente un atout pour l’apprentissage du FLE. Janvier. 2020.
Berghout T, Mouss L-H, KADRI O. Adaptive Sparse On-line Sequential Autoencoder for Sensors Measurements Compression Applied to Military Aircraft Engines. 8thINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON DEFENSESYSTEMS: ARCHITECTURES AND TECHNOLOGIES (DAT’2020) April14-16 [Internet]. 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this work a new data-driven compression approach is presented. The compression algorithm is an autoencoder trained with an improved On-line sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM). First, a dynamic adaptation of the training algorithm towards the newly coming data is achieved by integrating an updated selection strategy (USS) and dynamic forgetting function (DDF). Second, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is involved to enhance hidden layer representation via sparse mapping. This new developed autoencoder (ASOS- AE) is compared with the ordinary OS-ELM autoencoder (OS-AE) and proved its accuracy in CMAPSS dataset (Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation). The C-MAPSS software has revisions in civil and military applications. In the present work we used the military version of its applications.
Berghout T, Mouss L-H, KADRI O. Adaptive Sparse On-line Sequential Autoencoder for Sensors Measurements Compression Applied to Military Aircraft Engines. 8thINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON DEFENSESYSTEMS: ARCHITECTURES AND TECHNOLOGIES (DAT’2020) April14-16 [Internet]. 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this work a new data-driven compression approach is presented. The compression algorithm is an autoencoder trained with an improved On-line sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM). First, a dynamic adaptation of the training algorithm towards the newly coming data is achieved by integrating an updated selection strategy (USS) and dynamic forgetting function (DDF). Second, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is involved to enhance hidden layer representation via sparse mapping. This new developed autoencoder (ASOS- AE) is compared with the ordinary OS-ELM autoencoder (OS-AE) and proved its accuracy in CMAPSS dataset (Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation). The C-MAPSS software has revisions in civil and military applications. In the present work we used the military version of its applications.
Berghout T, Mouss L-H, KADRI O. Adaptive Sparse On-line Sequential Autoencoder for Sensors Measurements Compression Applied to Military Aircraft Engines. 8thINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON DEFENSESYSTEMS: ARCHITECTURES AND TECHNOLOGIES (DAT’2020) April14-16 [Internet]. 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this work a new data-driven compression approach is presented. The compression algorithm is an autoencoder trained with an improved On-line sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM). First, a dynamic adaptation of the training algorithm towards the newly coming data is achieved by integrating an updated selection strategy (USS) and dynamic forgetting function (DDF). Second, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is involved to enhance hidden layer representation via sparse mapping. This new developed autoencoder (ASOS- AE) is compared with the ordinary OS-ELM autoencoder (OS-AE) and proved its accuracy in CMAPSS dataset (Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation). The C-MAPSS software has revisions in civil and military applications. In the present work we used the military version of its applications.
Berghout T, Mouss L{\"ıla-H, KADRI O, Sa{\"ıdi L, Benbouzid M. Aircraft Engines Remaining Useful Life Prediction with an Improved Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine. Appl. Sci [Internet]. 2020;10 (3). Publisher's VersionAbstract
The efficient data investigation for fast and accurate remaining useful life prediction of aircraft engines can be considered as a very important task for maintenance operations. In this context, the key issue is how an appropriate investigation can be conducted for the extraction of important information from data-driven sequences in high dimensional space in order to guarantee a reliable conclusion. In this paper, a new data-driven learning scheme based on an online sequential extreme learning machine algorithm is proposed for remaining useful life prediction. Firstly, a new feature mapping technique based on stacked autoencoders is proposed to enhance features representations through an accurate reconstruction. In addition, to attempt into addressing dynamic programming based on environmental feedback, a new dynamic forgetting function based on the temporal difference of recursive learning is introduced to enhance dynamic tracking ability of newly coming data. Moreover, a new updated selection strategy was developed in order to discard the unwanted data sequences and to ensure the convergence of the training model parameters to their appropriate values. The proposed approach is validated on the C-MAPSS dataset where experimental results confirm that it yields satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of the prediction model compared to other existing methods.
Berghout T, Mouss L{\"ıla-H, KADRI O, Sa{\"ıdi L, Benbouzid M. Aircraft Engines Remaining Useful Life Prediction with an Improved Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine. Appl. Sci [Internet]. 2020;10 (3). Publisher's VersionAbstract
The efficient data investigation for fast and accurate remaining useful life prediction of aircraft engines can be considered as a very important task for maintenance operations. In this context, the key issue is how an appropriate investigation can be conducted for the extraction of important information from data-driven sequences in high dimensional space in order to guarantee a reliable conclusion. In this paper, a new data-driven learning scheme based on an online sequential extreme learning machine algorithm is proposed for remaining useful life prediction. Firstly, a new feature mapping technique based on stacked autoencoders is proposed to enhance features representations through an accurate reconstruction. In addition, to attempt into addressing dynamic programming based on environmental feedback, a new dynamic forgetting function based on the temporal difference of recursive learning is introduced to enhance dynamic tracking ability of newly coming data. Moreover, a new updated selection strategy was developed in order to discard the unwanted data sequences and to ensure the convergence of the training model parameters to their appropriate values. The proposed approach is validated on the C-MAPSS dataset where experimental results confirm that it yields satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of the prediction model compared to other existing methods.
Berghout T, Mouss L{\"ıla-H, KADRI O, Sa{\"ıdi L, Benbouzid M. Aircraft Engines Remaining Useful Life Prediction with an Improved Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine. Appl. Sci [Internet]. 2020;10 (3). Publisher's VersionAbstract
The efficient data investigation for fast and accurate remaining useful life prediction of aircraft engines can be considered as a very important task for maintenance operations. In this context, the key issue is how an appropriate investigation can be conducted for the extraction of important information from data-driven sequences in high dimensional space in order to guarantee a reliable conclusion. In this paper, a new data-driven learning scheme based on an online sequential extreme learning machine algorithm is proposed for remaining useful life prediction. Firstly, a new feature mapping technique based on stacked autoencoders is proposed to enhance features representations through an accurate reconstruction. In addition, to attempt into addressing dynamic programming based on environmental feedback, a new dynamic forgetting function based on the temporal difference of recursive learning is introduced to enhance dynamic tracking ability of newly coming data. Moreover, a new updated selection strategy was developed in order to discard the unwanted data sequences and to ensure the convergence of the training model parameters to their appropriate values. The proposed approach is validated on the C-MAPSS dataset where experimental results confirm that it yields satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of the prediction model compared to other existing methods.
Berghout T, Mouss L{\"ıla-H, KADRI O, Sa{\"ıdi L, Benbouzid M. Aircraft Engines Remaining Useful Life Prediction with an Improved Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine. Appl. Sci [Internet]. 2020;10 (3). Publisher's VersionAbstract
The efficient data investigation for fast and accurate remaining useful life prediction of aircraft engines can be considered as a very important task for maintenance operations. In this context, the key issue is how an appropriate investigation can be conducted for the extraction of important information from data-driven sequences in high dimensional space in order to guarantee a reliable conclusion. In this paper, a new data-driven learning scheme based on an online sequential extreme learning machine algorithm is proposed for remaining useful life prediction. Firstly, a new feature mapping technique based on stacked autoencoders is proposed to enhance features representations through an accurate reconstruction. In addition, to attempt into addressing dynamic programming based on environmental feedback, a new dynamic forgetting function based on the temporal difference of recursive learning is introduced to enhance dynamic tracking ability of newly coming data. Moreover, a new updated selection strategy was developed in order to discard the unwanted data sequences and to ensure the convergence of the training model parameters to their appropriate values. The proposed approach is validated on the C-MAPSS dataset where experimental results confirm that it yields satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of the prediction model compared to other existing methods.
Berghout T, Mouss L{\"ıla-H, KADRI O, Sa{\"ıdi L, Benbouzid M. Aircraft Engines Remaining Useful Life Prediction with an Improved Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine. Appl. Sci [Internet]. 2020;10 (3). Publisher's VersionAbstract
The efficient data investigation for fast and accurate remaining useful life prediction of aircraft engines can be considered as a very important task for maintenance operations. In this context, the key issue is how an appropriate investigation can be conducted for the extraction of important information from data-driven sequences in high dimensional space in order to guarantee a reliable conclusion. In this paper, a new data-driven learning scheme based on an online sequential extreme learning machine algorithm is proposed for remaining useful life prediction. Firstly, a new feature mapping technique based on stacked autoencoders is proposed to enhance features representations through an accurate reconstruction. In addition, to attempt into addressing dynamic programming based on environmental feedback, a new dynamic forgetting function based on the temporal difference of recursive learning is introduced to enhance dynamic tracking ability of newly coming data. Moreover, a new updated selection strategy was developed in order to discard the unwanted data sequences and to ensure the convergence of the training model parameters to their appropriate values. The proposed approach is validated on the C-MAPSS dataset where experimental results confirm that it yields satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of the prediction model compared to other existing methods.
Fadhila D, Aitouche S, AKSA K. Analysis of Human Skills in Industry 4.0. The Twelfth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2020) [Internet]. 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This paper presents a state-of-the-art of recent research work analyzing the requirements of Industry 4.0, particularly related to the competences issue. Over the last few years, the fourth industrial revolution has attracted researchers worldwide to find suitable solutions. However, there are still many gaps related to the Industry 4.0, particularly related to the humans competences issue. Among the many challenges facing companies in this paradigm, one of the most important is the qualification of employees with the necessary skills to succeed in a transformed work environment. To cope with knowledge and competence challenges related to new technologies and processes of Industry 4.0, new strategic approaches for holistic human resource management are needed in manufacturing companies. The main objective of the presented research is to investigate the importance of employee competences, key to the development of Industry 4.0
