Berghout T, Mouss L-H, Bentrcia T, Benbouzid M.
A Semi-Supervised Deep Transfer Learning Approach for Rolling-Element Bearing Remaining Useful Life Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2022) [Internet]. 2021;37 (2).
Publisher's VersionAbstractDeep learning techniques have recently brought many improvements in the field of neural network training, especially for prognosis and health management. The success of such an intelligent health assessment model depends not only on the availability of labeled historical data but also on the careful samples selection. However, in real operating systems such as induction machines, which generally have a long reliable life, storing the entire operation history, including deterioration (i.e., bearings), will be very expensive and difficult to feed accurately into the training model. Other alternatives sequentially store samples that hold degradation patterns similar to real ones in damage behavior by imposing an accelerated deterioration. Labels lack and differences in distributions caused by the imposed deterioration will ultimately discriminate the training model and limit its knowledge capacity. In an attempt to overcome these drawbacks, a novel sequence-by-sequence deep learning algorithm able to expand the generalization capacity by transferring obtained knowledge from life cycles of similar systems is proposed. The new algorithm aims to determine health status by involving long short-term memory neural network as a primary component of adaptive learning to extract both health stage and health index inferences. Experimental validation performed using the PRONOSTIA induction machine bearing degradation datasets clearly proves the capacity and higher performance of the proposed deep learning knowledge transfer-based prognosis approach.
Berghout T, Mouss L-H, Bentrcia T, Benbouzid M.
A Semi-Supervised Deep Transfer Learning Approach for Rolling-Element Bearing Remaining Useful Life Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2022) [Internet]. 2021;37 (2).
Publisher's VersionAbstractDeep learning techniques have recently brought many improvements in the field of neural network training, especially for prognosis and health management. The success of such an intelligent health assessment model depends not only on the availability of labeled historical data but also on the careful samples selection. However, in real operating systems such as induction machines, which generally have a long reliable life, storing the entire operation history, including deterioration (i.e., bearings), will be very expensive and difficult to feed accurately into the training model. Other alternatives sequentially store samples that hold degradation patterns similar to real ones in damage behavior by imposing an accelerated deterioration. Labels lack and differences in distributions caused by the imposed deterioration will ultimately discriminate the training model and limit its knowledge capacity. In an attempt to overcome these drawbacks, a novel sequence-by-sequence deep learning algorithm able to expand the generalization capacity by transferring obtained knowledge from life cycles of similar systems is proposed. The new algorithm aims to determine health status by involving long short-term memory neural network as a primary component of adaptive learning to extract both health stage and health index inferences. Experimental validation performed using the PRONOSTIA induction machine bearing degradation datasets clearly proves the capacity and higher performance of the proposed deep learning knowledge transfer-based prognosis approach.
Berghout T, Mouss L-H, Bentrcia T, Benbouzid M.
A Semi-Supervised Deep Transfer Learning Approach for Rolling-Element Bearing Remaining Useful Life Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2022) [Internet]. 2021;37 (2).
Publisher's VersionAbstractDeep learning techniques have recently brought many improvements in the field of neural network training, especially for prognosis and health management. The success of such an intelligent health assessment model depends not only on the availability of labeled historical data but also on the careful samples selection. However, in real operating systems such as induction machines, which generally have a long reliable life, storing the entire operation history, including deterioration (i.e., bearings), will be very expensive and difficult to feed accurately into the training model. Other alternatives sequentially store samples that hold degradation patterns similar to real ones in damage behavior by imposing an accelerated deterioration. Labels lack and differences in distributions caused by the imposed deterioration will ultimately discriminate the training model and limit its knowledge capacity. In an attempt to overcome these drawbacks, a novel sequence-by-sequence deep learning algorithm able to expand the generalization capacity by transferring obtained knowledge from life cycles of similar systems is proposed. The new algorithm aims to determine health status by involving long short-term memory neural network as a primary component of adaptive learning to extract both health stage and health index inferences. Experimental validation performed using the PRONOSTIA induction machine bearing degradation datasets clearly proves the capacity and higher performance of the proposed deep learning knowledge transfer-based prognosis approach.
Berghout T, Mouss L-H, Bentrcia T, Benbouzid M.
A Semi-Supervised Deep Transfer Learning Approach for Rolling-Element Bearing Remaining Useful Life Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2022) [Internet]. 2021;37 (2).
Publisher's VersionAbstractDeep learning techniques have recently brought many improvements in the field of neural network training, especially for prognosis and health management. The success of such an intelligent health assessment model depends not only on the availability of labeled historical data but also on the careful samples selection. However, in real operating systems such as induction machines, which generally have a long reliable life, storing the entire operation history, including deterioration (i.e., bearings), will be very expensive and difficult to feed accurately into the training model. Other alternatives sequentially store samples that hold degradation patterns similar to real ones in damage behavior by imposing an accelerated deterioration. Labels lack and differences in distributions caused by the imposed deterioration will ultimately discriminate the training model and limit its knowledge capacity. In an attempt to overcome these drawbacks, a novel sequence-by-sequence deep learning algorithm able to expand the generalization capacity by transferring obtained knowledge from life cycles of similar systems is proposed. The new algorithm aims to determine health status by involving long short-term memory neural network as a primary component of adaptive learning to extract both health stage and health index inferences. Experimental validation performed using the PRONOSTIA induction machine bearing degradation datasets clearly proves the capacity and higher performance of the proposed deep learning knowledge transfer-based prognosis approach.
Berghout T, Benbouzid M, Mouss L-H.
Sequence-To-Sequence Health Index Estimation of Rolling Bearings with Long-Short Term Memory and Transfer Learning. 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2021 [Internet]. 2021.
Publisher's VersionAbstractOne of the main data-driven challenges when assessing bearing health is that training and test samples must be drawn from the same probability distribution. Indeed, it is difficult and almost rare to witness such a phenomenon in practical applications due to the constantly changing working conditions of rotating machines. In addition, collecting sufficient deterioration samples from the bearing life cycle is not possible due to the huge memory requirements and processing costs. As a result, accelerated life tests are believed to be the primary alternatives to such a situation. However, and unfortunately, the recorded samples always are subject to lack of real patterns. Therefore, in this paper, a transfer learning approach is performed to solve such kind of problem where PRONOSTICO dataset is used to assess the current procedures.
Berghout T, Benbouzid M, Mouss L-H.
Sequence-To-Sequence Health Index Estimation of Rolling Bearings with Long-Short Term Memory and Transfer Learning. 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2021 [Internet]. 2021.
Publisher's VersionAbstractOne of the main data-driven challenges when assessing bearing health is that training and test samples must be drawn from the same probability distribution. Indeed, it is difficult and almost rare to witness such a phenomenon in practical applications due to the constantly changing working conditions of rotating machines. In addition, collecting sufficient deterioration samples from the bearing life cycle is not possible due to the huge memory requirements and processing costs. As a result, accelerated life tests are believed to be the primary alternatives to such a situation. However, and unfortunately, the recorded samples always are subject to lack of real patterns. Therefore, in this paper, a transfer learning approach is performed to solve such kind of problem where PRONOSTICO dataset is used to assess the current procedures.
Berghout T, Benbouzid M, Mouss L-H.
Sequence-To-Sequence Health Index Estimation of Rolling Bearings with Long-Short Term Memory and Transfer Learning. 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2021 [Internet]. 2021.
Publisher's VersionAbstractOne of the main data-driven challenges when assessing bearing health is that training and test samples must be drawn from the same probability distribution. Indeed, it is difficult and almost rare to witness such a phenomenon in practical applications due to the constantly changing working conditions of rotating machines. In addition, collecting sufficient deterioration samples from the bearing life cycle is not possible due to the huge memory requirements and processing costs. As a result, accelerated life tests are believed to be the primary alternatives to such a situation. However, and unfortunately, the recorded samples always are subject to lack of real patterns. Therefore, in this paper, a transfer learning approach is performed to solve such kind of problem where PRONOSTICO dataset is used to assess the current procedures.
Chouhal O, Mahdaoui R, Mouss L-H.
SOA-based distributed fault prognostic and diagnosis framework: an application for preheater cement cyclones. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services [Internet]. 2021;8 (1).
Publisher's VersionAbstractComplex engineering manufacturing systems require efficient online fault diagnosis methodologies to improve safety and reduce maintenance costs. Traditionally, diagnosis and prognosis approaches are centralised, but these solutions are difficult to implement on distributed systems; whereas a distributed approach of multiple diagnosis and prognosis agents can offer a solution. Also, controlling process plant from a remote location has several benefits including the ability to track and to assist in solving a problem that might arise. This paper presents a distributed and over prognosis and diagnosis approach for physical systems basing on multi agent system and service-oriented architecture. Specifics prognostic and diagnostic procedures and key modules of the architecture for web service-based distributed fault prognostic and diagnosis framework are detailed and developed for the preheater cement cyclones in the workshop of SCIMAT clinker. The experimental case study, reported in the present paper, shows encouraging results and fosters industrial technology transfer.
Chouhal O, Mahdaoui R, Mouss L-H.
SOA-based distributed fault prognostic and diagnosis framework: an application for preheater cement cyclones. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services [Internet]. 2021;8 (1).
Publisher's VersionAbstractComplex engineering manufacturing systems require efficient online fault diagnosis methodologies to improve safety and reduce maintenance costs. Traditionally, diagnosis and prognosis approaches are centralised, but these solutions are difficult to implement on distributed systems; whereas a distributed approach of multiple diagnosis and prognosis agents can offer a solution. Also, controlling process plant from a remote location has several benefits including the ability to track and to assist in solving a problem that might arise. This paper presents a distributed and over prognosis and diagnosis approach for physical systems basing on multi agent system and service-oriented architecture. Specifics prognostic and diagnostic procedures and key modules of the architecture for web service-based distributed fault prognostic and diagnosis framework are detailed and developed for the preheater cement cyclones in the workshop of SCIMAT clinker. The experimental case study, reported in the present paper, shows encouraging results and fosters industrial technology transfer.
Chouhal O, Mahdaoui R, Mouss L-H.
SOA-based distributed fault prognostic and diagnosis framework: an application for preheater cement cyclones. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services [Internet]. 2021;8 (1).
Publisher's VersionAbstractComplex engineering manufacturing systems require efficient online fault diagnosis methodologies to improve safety and reduce maintenance costs. Traditionally, diagnosis and prognosis approaches are centralised, but these solutions are difficult to implement on distributed systems; whereas a distributed approach of multiple diagnosis and prognosis agents can offer a solution. Also, controlling process plant from a remote location has several benefits including the ability to track and to assist in solving a problem that might arise. This paper presents a distributed and over prognosis and diagnosis approach for physical systems basing on multi agent system and service-oriented architecture. Specifics prognostic and diagnostic procedures and key modules of the architecture for web service-based distributed fault prognostic and diagnosis framework are detailed and developed for the preheater cement cyclones in the workshop of SCIMAT clinker. The experimental case study, reported in the present paper, shows encouraging results and fosters industrial technology transfer.
Ghrieb A-O.
Supervision de Robot Manipulateur virtuel par Les réseaux de neurones et les réseaux de Petri. [Internet]. 2021.
Publisher's VersionAbstractDans ce travail de thèse, nous avons proposé un système de supervision appliqué sur un robot manipulateur à deux degrés de liberté. La supervision est utilisée pour assurer la reconfiguration en temps réel du robot. Dans ce système nous avons utilisé une nouvelle méthode de détection de défaut (FD) de frottement visqueux du robot supervisé combinée avec un module de commande tolérante aux défauts (FTC).Le premier module, basé sur une méthode de traitement appliquée sur des résidus, va permettre la détection de défaut pour bien estimer les corrections nécessaires du deuxième module. Une évaluation de l’effet de défaut durant la supervision a été faite. Par ailleurs, le protocole TCP pour le transfert des données entre le robot superviseur et le robot supervisé a été utilisé. Les résultats de simulation montrent que la méthode proposée corrige l’effet de défaut en utilisant les données qui arrivent d’un robot superviseur à distance. Ensuite, nous avons proposé une implémentation matérielle sur cible FPGA de l’algorithme de supervision dont le but est de valider notre contribution et d’assurer un traitement en temps réel dans le cas où il y a des robots réels. Par ailleurs, une étude comparative entre les performances des deux implémentations a été effectuée
Meraghni S, Benaggoune K, Al-Masry Z, Terrissa L, Devalland C, Zerhouni N.
Towards Digital Twins Driven Breast Cancer Detection. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems [Internet]. 2021;285 :87–99.
Publisher's VersionAbstractDigital twins have transformed the industrial world by changing the development phase of a product or the use of equipment. With the digital twin, the object’s evolution data allows us to anticipate and optimize its performance. Healthcare is in the midst of a digital transition towards personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory medicine. The digital twin is one of the key tools of this change. In this work, DT is proposed for the diagnosis of breast cancer based on breast skin temperature. Research has focused on thermography as a non-invasive scanning solution for breast cancer diagnosis. However, body temperature is influenced by many factors, such as breast anatomy, physiological functions, blood pressure, etc. The proposed DT updates the bio-heat model’s temperature using the data collected by temperature sensors and complementary data from smart devices. Consequently, the proposed DT is personalized using the collected data to reflect the person’s behavior with whom it is connected.
Meraghni S, Benaggoune K, Al Masry Z, Terrissa S-L, Devalland C, Zerhouni N.
Towards Digital Twins Driven Breast Cancer Detection, in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ; 2021.
Publisher's VersionAbstractDigital twins have transformed the industrial world by changing the development phase of a product or the use of equipment. With the digital twin, the object’s evolution data allows us to anticipate and optimize its performance. Healthcare is in the midst of a digital transition towards personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory medicine. The digital twin is one of the key tools of this change. In this work, DT is proposed for the diagnosis of breast cancer based on breast skin temperature. Research has focused on thermography as a non-invasive scanning solution for breast cancer diagnosis. However, body temperature is influenced by many factors, such as breast anatomy, physiological functions, blood pressure, etc. The proposed DT updates the bio-heat model’s temperature using the data collected by temperature sensors and complementary data from smart devices. Consequently, the proposed DT is personalized using the collected data to reflect the person’s behavior with whom it is connected.
Meraghni S, Benaggoune K, Al-Masry Z, Terrissa L, Devalland C, Zerhouni N.
Towards Digital Twins Driven Breast Cancer Detection. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems [Internet]. 2021;285 :87–99.
Publisher's VersionAbstractDigital twins have transformed the industrial world by changing the development phase of a product or the use of equipment. With the digital twin, the object’s evolution data allows us to anticipate and optimize its performance. Healthcare is in the midst of a digital transition towards personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory medicine. The digital twin is one of the key tools of this change. In this work, DT is proposed for the diagnosis of breast cancer based on breast skin temperature. Research has focused on thermography as a non-invasive scanning solution for breast cancer diagnosis. However, body temperature is influenced by many factors, such as breast anatomy, physiological functions, blood pressure, etc. The proposed DT updates the bio-heat model’s temperature using the data collected by temperature sensors and complementary data from smart devices. Consequently, the proposed DT is personalized using the collected data to reflect the person’s behavior with whom it is connected.
Meraghni S, Benaggoune K, Al Masry Z, Terrissa S-L, Devalland C, Zerhouni N.
Towards Digital Twins Driven Breast Cancer Detection, in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ; 2021.
Publisher's VersionAbstractDigital twins have transformed the industrial world by changing the development phase of a product or the use of equipment. With the digital twin, the object’s evolution data allows us to anticipate and optimize its performance. Healthcare is in the midst of a digital transition towards personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory medicine. The digital twin is one of the key tools of this change. In this work, DT is proposed for the diagnosis of breast cancer based on breast skin temperature. Research has focused on thermography as a non-invasive scanning solution for breast cancer diagnosis. However, body temperature is influenced by many factors, such as breast anatomy, physiological functions, blood pressure, etc. The proposed DT updates the bio-heat model’s temperature using the data collected by temperature sensors and complementary data from smart devices. Consequently, the proposed DT is personalized using the collected data to reflect the person’s behavior with whom it is connected.
Meraghni S, Benaggoune K, Al-Masry Z, Terrissa L, Devalland C, Zerhouni N.
Towards Digital Twins Driven Breast Cancer Detection. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems [Internet]. 2021;285 :87–99.
Publisher's VersionAbstractDigital twins have transformed the industrial world by changing the development phase of a product or the use of equipment. With the digital twin, the object’s evolution data allows us to anticipate and optimize its performance. Healthcare is in the midst of a digital transition towards personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory medicine. The digital twin is one of the key tools of this change. In this work, DT is proposed for the diagnosis of breast cancer based on breast skin temperature. Research has focused on thermography as a non-invasive scanning solution for breast cancer diagnosis. However, body temperature is influenced by many factors, such as breast anatomy, physiological functions, blood pressure, etc. The proposed DT updates the bio-heat model’s temperature using the data collected by temperature sensors and complementary data from smart devices. Consequently, the proposed DT is personalized using the collected data to reflect the person’s behavior with whom it is connected.
Meraghni S, Benaggoune K, Al Masry Z, Terrissa S-L, Devalland C, Zerhouni N.
Towards Digital Twins Driven Breast Cancer Detection, in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ; 2021.
Publisher's VersionAbstractDigital twins have transformed the industrial world by changing the development phase of a product or the use of equipment. With the digital twin, the object’s evolution data allows us to anticipate and optimize its performance. Healthcare is in the midst of a digital transition towards personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory medicine. The digital twin is one of the key tools of this change. In this work, DT is proposed for the diagnosis of breast cancer based on breast skin temperature. Research has focused on thermography as a non-invasive scanning solution for breast cancer diagnosis. However, body temperature is influenced by many factors, such as breast anatomy, physiological functions, blood pressure, etc. The proposed DT updates the bio-heat model’s temperature using the data collected by temperature sensors and complementary data from smart devices. Consequently, the proposed DT is personalized using the collected data to reflect the person’s behavior with whom it is connected.
Meraghni S, Benaggoune K, Al Masry Z, Terrissa S-L, Devalland C, Zerhouni N.
Towards Digital Twins Driven Breast Cancer Detection, in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ; 2021.
Publisher's VersionAbstractDigital twins have transformed the industrial world by changing the development phase of a product or the use of equipment. With the digital twin, the object’s evolution data allows us to anticipate and optimize its performance. Healthcare is in the midst of a digital transition towards personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory medicine. The digital twin is one of the key tools of this change. In this work, DT is proposed for the diagnosis of breast cancer based on breast skin temperature. Research has focused on thermography as a non-invasive scanning solution for breast cancer diagnosis. However, body temperature is influenced by many factors, such as breast anatomy, physiological functions, blood pressure, etc. The proposed DT updates the bio-heat model’s temperature using the data collected by temperature sensors and complementary data from smart devices. Consequently, the proposed DT is personalized using the collected data to reflect the person’s behavior with whom it is connected.