Ouazraoui N, Bourareche M, Innal F, Nait-Said R, Rahmouni I.
Using Importance Measures in the improvement of complex process safety. 2013 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). 2013 :312-318.
Ouazraoui N, Bourareche M, Innal F, Nait-Said R, Rahmouni I.
Using Importance Measures in the improvement of complex process safety. 2013 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). 2013 :312-318.
Ouazraoui N, Bourareche M, Innal F, Nait-Said R, Rahmouni I.
Using Importance Measures in the improvement of complex process safety. 2013 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). 2013 :312-318.
Ouazraoui N, Bourareche M, Innal F, Nait-Said R, Rahmouni I.
Using Importance Measures in the improvement of complex process safety. 2013 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). 2013 :312-318.