Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

Berghout T, Benbouzid M. Detecting Cyberthreats in Smart Grids Using Small-Scale Machine Learning. ELECTRIMACS 2022 [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Due to advanced monitoring technologies including the plug-in of the cyber and physical layers on the Internet, cyber-physical systems are becoming more vulnerable than ever to cyberthreats leading to possible damage of the system. Consequently, many researchers have devoted to studying detection and identification of such threats in order to mitigate their drawbacks. Among used tools, Machine Learning (ML) has become dominant in the field due to many usability characteristics including the blackbox models availability. In this context, this paper is dedicated to the detection of cyberattacks in Smart Grid (SG) networks which uses industrial control systems (ICS), through the integration of ML models assembled on a small scale. More precisely, it therefore aims to study an electric traction substation system used for the railway industry. The main novelty of our contribution lies in the study of the behaviour of more realistic data than the traditional studies previously shown in the state of the art literature by investigating even more realistic types of attacks. It also emulates data analysis and a larger feature space under most commonly used connectivity protocols in today’s industry such as S7Comm and Modbus.
Tarek B, Benbouzid M, Amirat Y. Improving Small-scale Machine Learning with Recurrent Expansion for Fuel Cells Time Series Prognosis. 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2022) [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The clean energy conversion characteristics of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) have given rise to many applications, particularly in transportation. Unfortunately, the commercial application of PEMFCs is hampered by the early deterioration and low durability of the cells. In this case, accurate real-time condition monitoring plays an important role in extending the lifespan of PEMFCs through accurate planning of maintenance tasks. Accordingly, among the widely used modeling tools such as model-driven and data-driven, machine learning has received much attention and has been extensively studied in the literature. Small-scale machine learning (SML) and Deep Learning (DL) are subcategories of machine learning that have been exploited so far. In this context and since SML usually contains non-expansive approximators, this study was dedicated to improving its feature representations for better predictions. Therefore, a recurrent expansion experiment was conducted for several rounds to investigate a linear regression model under time series prognosis of PEMFCs. The results revealed that the prediction performance of SML tools under stationary conditions could be further improved.
Zermane H. Improving Supervised Machine Learning Models for Face Recognition: a Comparative Study. 4th International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (ICEST2022) 16th-7th of February. 2022.
Benaggoune K, Meiling Y, Jemei S, Zerhouni N. A Knowledge Transfer Approach for Online PEMFC Degradation prediction with Uncertainty Quantification. 12th International Conference on Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering (CPEEE) [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) are a key challenger for the world’s future clean and renewable energy solution. Yet, fuel cells are susceptible to operating conditions and hydrogen impurities, leading to performance loss over time in service. Hence, performance degradation prediction is gaining attention recently for fuel cell system reliability. In this work, we present a knowledge transfer approach for online voltage drop prediction. A dual-path convolution neural network is proposed to extract linearity and non-linearity from historical data and performs multi-steps ahead prediction with uncertainty quantification. Online voltage prediction is then evaluated with and without knowledge transfer using two different PEMFC datasets. Results indicate that our proposed approach with transfer knowledge can predict the voltage drop accurately with a small uncertainty range compared to the conventional approach.
Lahmar H, Dahane M, Mouss N-K, Haoues M. Multi-objective production planning of new and remanufactured products in hybrid production system. 10th IFAC Conference Onmanufacturing Modelling, Management And Control 22-24 June. 2022.
Benfriha A-I, Triqui-Sari L, Bougloula A-E, Bennekrouf M. Products exchange in a multi-level multi-period distribution network with limited storage capacity. 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (IRASET) [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Cooperation in distribution network has attracted the interest of researchers. In this study we analyse an inventory problem in distribution network, where we propose a cooperative platform that allow the members of the network to share and use local inventory of other members to meet their local demand. We develop a MIP models representing the traditional network and the network with the cooperative platform. Then we solve it using LINGO solver. We found that the proposed approach has reduced the total cost of the network and reduce the overstock and stock-out situation, which lead to improve the quality of service.
HADJIDJ N, Benbrahim M, Mouss L-H. Selection The Appropriate Learning Machine For Fault Diagnosis With Big-Data Environment In Photovoltaic Systems. IGSCONG’22, Jun. 2022.
Hadjidj N , Benbrahim M, Mouss L-H. Selection The Appropriate Learning Machine For Fault Diagnosis With Big-Data Environment In Photovoltaic Systems. IGSCONG’22. Jun 2022. 2022.
Soltani K, Benzouai M, Mouss M-D. Use of Petri Nets to Model the Maintenance of Multi Site Compagny. International Congress of Energies and Engineering of Industrial ProcessesCEGPI’22 23 - 25 May. 2022.
Khaoula S, Messaoud B, Djamel MM. Use of Petri Nets to Model the Maintenance of Multi Site Compagny. International Congress of Energies and Engineering of Industrial ProcessesCEGPI’22, 23 - 25 May. 2022.
Zermane H. Web Fuzzy Based Autonomous Control System. 4th International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (ICEST2022) 16th-17th of February. 2022.
Amrane M, Messast S, Demagh R. Analyse Numerique D’une Fondation Superficielle Reposant Sur Un Sol Non-Sature En Hypoplasticite. 5ème Colloque International sur les sols Non Saturés, UNSAT, 15-16 Mars. 2022.
Ounis HM, Bezih K. Confirmation according to several international codes on the perfect compatibility of the Algerian earthquake regulations with the seismic base isolation technique of the buildings. 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable infrastructure (ICCEASI-2022). February 09-10 [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's Version
Benaicha AC, Mansouri T, SAADI M, Yahiaoui D. Contribution à l'étude d'amélioration de la capacité portante d'un talus par des géogrilles et des ancrages en grilles. 1 er Séminaire National de Génie Civil et des Travaux Publics SNGCTP-1 [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's Version
Bezih K, al. Effect of soil-structure interaction on the long-term response of RC structures. 44th Paris International Conference on Advance in Enginnering Science & Technologie (PAEST-2022). Septembre 26-28 [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's Version
Mansouri T, Benabid A, SAADI M, Benaicha AC. Effects of underground circular void on strip footing laid on the edge of a cohesionless slope under eccentric loads. 5th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs on Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA-2022), [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's Version
Benabid A, Mansouri T. The influence of road traffic on heavy metal contamination of road dust and roadside soil along a major RN3 highway through a rural area in northeastern Algeria. 5th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs on Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA-2022) [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's Version
Boulagouas W, Mébarek D, Chaib R. Contribution to risk assessment: a dynamic approach using Bayesian theory. 1st International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, Maintenance and Safety, March 05-06th. 2022.
Bousfot W, Saadi S, Djebabra M. An Evaluation of the Maintenance Functions of Dangerous Goods Transportation. 1st International Symposium on INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, MAINTENANCE AND SAFETY. 2022.
Heddar Y, Djebabra M, Saadi S. Responsible citizenship’s contributions to the subcontracting of Algeria’s forest heritage. IX International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress. May, 14-15. 2022.
