Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

Akkari N, CHAGHI ABDELAZIZ, Abdessemed R. Analysis and simulation of RST regulator applied to double fed induction machine (DFIM). 2008;II.
Chaouch S, Chrifi L, Makouf A. Backstepping control analysis of two different speed sensorless approaches for induction motor. 2008 5th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices. 2008 :1-6.
Cerisier P, Médale M, RAHAL S. BENARD-MARANGONI CONVECTION: A CANONICAL EXAMPLE TO STUDY STRUCTURAL ORDER, DISORDER AND SPATIO-TEMPORAL CHAOS. VII Minsk International Seminar “Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Refrigerators, Power Sources”, September 8–11 [Internet]. 2008. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Several aspects of the Bénard instability are approached in this work. After having described the principle of the experiments by underlining the role of the two driving forces of instability, namely surface tension and buoyancy, we show first of all, for configurations of large horizontal extension, various types of convective patterns, all made of 2D pavements of convective cells (hexagonal, square). The narrow similarity between these 2D patterns and the 2D polycristals (presence of grains, dislocations, grain boundaries) is shown. Structural order may be studied with the traditional tools (optical or mathematical Fourier transform, radial and angular correlation functions). A comparison between this (partial) disorder and mathematical models built independently of the physical phenomenon is established (minimal spanning tree, Aboav-Weaire, Lewis laws...) The agreement is surprisingly good. A study of the structural disorder can be presented as a function of Marangoni number until reaching spatio-temporal chaos. Dimensions of the attractors are calculated

Merabet E, Abdessemed R, Amimeur H, Hamoudi F. Commande adaptative à modèle de référence d’une machine asynchrone double étoile utilisant le régulateur flou de T-S. 2008;II.
Amimeur H, Abdessemed R, Aouzellag D, Merabet E, Hamoudi F. Commande par mode de glissement d’un moteur asynchrone double étoile (MASDE). 2008.
Haddoun A, Benbouzid MEH, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Comparative analysis of estimation techniques of SFOC induction motor for electric vehicles. 2008 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines. 2008 :1-6.
Haddoune A, Benbouzid M, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Comparative analysis of estimation techniques of SOFC induction motor for electric vehicles. 2008 :1-6.
ALLOUI Z, BEJI H, Vasseur P, ROBILLARD L. Convection thermosolutale générée dans une cavité poreuse par une source discrète de chaleur et de masse. Congrès Français de Thermique/Actes [Internet]. 2008. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Dans cet article le modèle de Darcy et l’approximation de Boussinesq sont utilisés pour étudier la convection naturelle dans un milieu poreux saturé par un fluide binaire. La géométrie considérée est celle d’une cavité partiellement chauffée par le bas et refroidie par le haut. Les forces solutales résultent de l’imposition de concentrations constantes imposées sur les surfaces horizontales de la cavité. L’existence de solutions multiples pour ce type de configuration est démontrée numériquement.

Lamine HM, Zohir D, Boris J, Manck O. Design optimization methodology for voltage reference. ANALOG '08 - Entwicklung von Analogschaltungen mit CAE-Methoden - Schwerpunkt: Constraint-basierte Entwurfsmethoden - 10 [Internet]. 2008. Publisher's VersionAbstract

We present in this paper a method for optimizing the design of CMOS bandgap voltage reference. The purpose of this work is to provide an optimal devices sizing, to reach the bandgap reference desired performances. This is achieved by using a simple mathematic calculations, basic layout design rules and simulation analyses. The proposed method is applied to design a voltage reference using CMOS 0.35uM process, featuring low temperature coefficient over the range of 105 °C, low noise, good power supply rejection in the range: 2.9 to 3.6 V, and keep an acceptable variation of the nominal value for a different process corners.

M'ziou N, Mokhnache L, Boubakeur A. Electromagnetic Field Radiated by Lightning Calculated by a Hybrid Method Experimental Validation. Conference Record of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation. 2008 :55-58.
Benzid R, Arar D, Bentoumi M. A fast technique for gray level image thresholding and quantization based on the entropy maximization. 2008 5th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices. 2008 :1-4.
Bilami A, Boubiche DE. A hybrid energy aware routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks. 2008 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. 2008 :975-980.
Nemmour AL, Abdessemed R, Khezzar A, Louze L, v Boucherma. The input-output linearizing control scheme for a doubly-fed induction motor drive. 2008.
Mnif H, Makni S, Ayedi L, Trigui W, Bahloul A, Mounir F, Sellami-Boudawara T. Lésion rétropéritonéale et osseuse rare: maladie d’Erdheim-Chester. Annales de pathologie. 2008;28 :143-145.
M'ziou N, Mokhnache L, Boubakeur A. Modeling electromagnetic field radiated by Lightning coupling to overhead transmission lines. Conference Record of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation. 2008 :59-62.
KOUDA S, Dibi Z, Meddour F. Modeling of a smart humidity sensor. 2008 International Conference on Microelectronics. 2008 :135-138.
KOUDA S, Dibi Z, Meddour F. Modeling of thermal-conductivity of smart humidity sensor. 2008 2nd International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems. 2008 :1-4.
Amimeur H, Abdessemed R, Aouzellag D, Merabet E, Hamoudi F. Modélisation et analyse d’une génératrice asynchrone double étoile (GASDE). 2008.
Boulakroune M'hamed, Benatia D, El Oualkadi A. Multiscale deconvolution using wavelet transform for improving the depth resolution in secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis. 2008 2nd International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems. 2008 :1-6.
ALLOUI Z, BEJI H, Vasseur P. Natural convection in a horizontal fluid layer bounded by thin porous boundaries. 2008 Second International Conference on Thermal Issues in Emerging Technologies. 2008 :413-418.
