Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

Boubaker L, Djebabra M, Gondran N. Proposition d'une méthode d'identification et de maîtrise des impacts environnementaux significatifs. Premières Rencontres Internationales sur l'Economie de l'Environnement d'Annaba «Industries et Environnement». 2007.
Haddoune A, Khoucha F, Benbouzid M, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Srairi K. SDTC neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears. 2007 :259-266.
Saidi L, Dibi Z, KADJOUDJ M, Ababsa F. Sensitivity Function Loop Shaping Design For An Optical Disc Drive. 2007.
Bouras F, Soudani A, Si-Ameur M. Simulation aux grands échelles de la combustion turbulente couplée à des fonctions densités de probabilité. Proceeding of International Conference on Energetics and Pollution, Organized by LEAP. 2007 :45-50.
Dendouga A, Abdessemed R, Chaiba A. Sliding mode and direct torque control of variable speed wind turbine. 2007.
Hadda H, Dridi N, Hajri-Gabouj S. The two-stage assembly flow shop scheduling with an availability constraint. Proceedings of the 3rd multidisciplinary international conference on scheduling: theory and application, MISTA. 2007 :184-191.
Talhi S, Djoudi M, Ouadfel S, Zidat S. Un Canevas de Tuteur Intelligent Hypermédia pour L’Apprentissage à Distance Universitaire. Proc. 4th International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2007;2007.
Benferhat S, TITOUNA F. Agregating Quantitative Possibilistic Networks. FLAIRS Conference. 2006 :800-805.
Zidat S, Djoudi M. Assessing learner's involvement in a collaborative resolution of tasks. Conférence Internationale sur l'Informatique et ses Applications, CIIA'2006, Saida-Algérie. 2006 :15-16.
Gruais I, Bentalha F, Polisevski D. Asymptotic thermal flow around a highly conductive suspension. " Equations aux Dérivées Partielles non linéaires"(Langenbach Seminar). 2006.
Kalla H, Talpin J-P, Berner D, Besnard L. Automated translation of C/C++ models into a synchronous formalism. 13th Annual IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS'06). 2006 :9-pp.
Saigaa D, Lelandais S, Benoudjit N, Benmahammed K. Color space for face authentication using enhanced fisher linear discriminant model (EFM). WSEAS International Conference on Applications of Electrical Engineering (AEE’06), Prague, Czech Republic. 2006 :196-201.
Gruais I, Bentalha F, Polisevski D. Comportement asymptotique d'un fluide thermique à particules radiantes fortement conductrices. Huitièmes Journées Franco-Roumaines, Chambéry. 2006.
Abdou SM, Hamid SE, Rashwan M, Samir A, Abdel-Hamid O, Shahin M, Nazih W. Computer aided pronunciation learning system using speech recognition techniques. Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. 2006.
Mahmah B, M’Raoui A, Belhamel M, Moussa HB. Experimental study and modelling of a fuel cell PEMFC fed directly with hydrogen/oxygen. The 16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC. 2006;16.
Mabrouk H, Rachid A. Experimental study of the influence of the rotor dimensions on the performances of solid rotor asynchronous motor. Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS international conference on Applications of electrical engineering. 2006 :102-108.
RAHAL S, Azuma H. Flow Visualization and Pattern Dynamics in Be´ nard-Marangoni Convection. Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. 2006;42517 :231-239.
Seghir R, Loechner V. Memory optimization by counting points in integer transformations of parametric polytopes. Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Compilers, architecture and synthesis for embedded systems. 2006 :74-82.
Seghir R, Loechner V, Meister B, Pôle API, Brant BS. Minimizing memory strides using integer transformations of parametric polytopes. LSIIT-ICPS UMR7005 ULP-CNRS. 2006.
Mokrani L, Abdessemed R. A neuro-fuzzy network-based optimisation approach for the starting thrust of a single-sided linear induction motor. 2006 :112-116.
