Benzina I, SI-BACHIR A, Santoul F, Céréghino R.
Macroinvertebrate functional trait responses to environmental gradients and anthropogenic disturbance in arid-land streams of North Africa. Journal of Arid Environments [Internet]. 2021;195.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
We analyzed the influence of land use and water physical-chemical characteristics on the trait composition of benthic macroinvertebrates in arid-land streams of North-East Algeria. Macroinvertebrates were sampled in the spring season of 2015, 2017 and 2018 at 36 sampling sites distributed along 5 streams of the Belezma biosphere reserve. Samples were taken from the various substratum types using a Surber net. Most of the variability of the trait-environment relationship was explained by increasing temperature and conductivity along the downstream gradient. Whilst agriculture at higher elevations did not have a great influence on the functional trait composition of macroinvertebrate communities, agriculture and urbanization at lower elevations generated significant deviations from predictable functional structures. Owing to the natural downstream decrease in community diversity in streams of the study region, entire taxa and/or functional groups were more likely to be wiped out in response to anthropogenic perturbations at lower elevations. Despite human activities, climate-related variables in arid lands play a major role on hydrological regimes that effect instream habitats, water chemistry, and macroinvertebrate communities. Given the environmental constraints in arid-land streams of North Africa, even slight increases in anthropogenic pressure can have negative effects on the taxonomic and functional composition of macroinvertebrate communities.
Cherak Z, Loucif L, Ben-Khedher M, Moussi A, Benbouza A, Baron SA, Rolain J-M.
MCR-5-Producing Colistin-Resistant Cupriavidus gilardii Strain from Well Water in Batna, Algeria. Msphere [Internet]. 2021;6.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
This paper presents the first description of the mcr-5.1 gene in a colistin-resistant Cupriavidus gilardii isolate from well water that supplies a maternity hospital in Algeria. The whole-genome sequence of this strain showed the presence of putative β-lactamase, aac(3)-IVa, and multidrug efflux pump-encoding genes, which could explain the observed multidrug resistance phenotype. Our findings are of great interest, as we highlight a potential contamination route for the spread of mcr genes.
IMPORTANCE Colistin resistance mediated by mcr genes in Gram-negative bacteria has gained significant attention worldwide. This is due to the ability of these genes to be horizontally transferred between different bacterial genera and species. Aquatic environments have been suggested to play an important role in the emergence and spread of this resistance mechanism. Here, we describe the first report of an mcr-5-positive Cupriavidus gilardii aquatic isolate through its isolation from well water in Algeria. The significance of our study is in shedding the light on an important environmental reservoir of mcr genes.
Benaicha A-C, Fourar A, Mansouri T, Massouh F.
Mechanical Behavior of the Extraction Mud Dam for Use in the Manufacture of CEB. Civil Engineering Journal [Internet]. 2021;7 (10) :1774-1786.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The aim of this work is to study the mechanical behavior of the sediments extracted from the Koudiet Meddaouar, Timgad dam (Algeria), for a possible valorization in the field for building works in order to minimize this phenomenon which is currently a concern for the operators and the persons in charge of the mobilization of the water resources. This siltation therefore severely limits its storage capacity and consequently it’s operating life. The extraction of the sediments accumulated in the dam's reservoir is therefore imperative, on the pain of seeing it perish in the medium term. These sediments are, however, of great geotechnical and mechanical value. The results of the tests conducted in the laboratory have enabled us to identify the different sediments from a physical and geotechnical point of view In front of the difficulties noted in the control of the silting up of the dams in Algeria, a very important quantity of silt being deposited annually in the dams. In order to achieve our objective, different mixtures of silt with or without lime treatment, cement glass fibers and powdered fibers were studied for the possible manufacture of Compressed Earth Bricks (CEB). The results obtained show that some of the mixtures present very interesting results in the different tests (compression and bending), verifying the conditions of the standards in force and thus allowing their use in the field of the manufacture of building materials.
Bounouara N, Ghanai M, Chafaa K.
Metaheuristic Optimization of PD and PID Controllers for Robotic Manipulators. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés [Internet]. 2021;54 (6) :835-845.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this paper, the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) is combined with Proportional-Derivative (PD) and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) to design more efficient PD and PID controllers for robotic manipulators. PSO is used to optimize the controller parameters Kp (proportional gain), Ki (integral gain) and Kd (derivative gain) to achieve better performances. The proposed algorithm is performed in two steps: (1) First, PD and PID parameters are offline optimized by the PSO algorithm. (2) Second, the obtained optimal parameters are fed in the online control loop. Stability of the proposed scheme is established using Lyapunov stability theorem, where we guarantee the global stability of the resulting closed-loop system, in the sense that all signals involved are uniformly bounded. Computer simulations of a two-link robotic manipulator have been performed to study the efficiency of the proposed method. Simulations and comparisons with genetic algorithms show that the results are very encouraging and achieve good performances.
Kalla A, Loucif L, Yahia M.
Miscarriage Risk Factors for Pregnant Women: A Cohort Study in Eastern Algeria’s Population. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India [Internet]. 2021;72 :1-12.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Miscarriage is defined as an adverse and unexpected termination of pregnancy; it is the most frequent pregnancy complication. Here, we aimed to identify the factors predisposing to miscarriage in pregnant women in Eastern Algeria and the effect of the combination of several factors, including maternal Body Mass Index (BMI), maternal age, concomitant pathologies, and nutrients, and to predict the occurrence of miscarriage.
A total of 786 pregnant women from Eastern Algeria were interviewed between 2011 and 2015. Association between miscarriage exposure and identified risk factors was assessed using a Generalized Linear Model (GLM), ANOVA test, Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA). Throughout this study, we sought to find answers, discuss this association, and predict the occurrence of miscarriage.
We developed a predictive model for miscarriage, and we found that miscarriage was significantly higher for pregnant women aged over 35 years (1.75; 95% CI: 0.75–4.37; p = 0.208), with a high BMI (> 25 kg/m2), (1.88; 95% CI:1.28–2.78; p = 0.001). We have highlighted that miscarriage is strongly associated with hypertension (1.67; 95% CI: 1.16–2.39; p = 0.006), diet rich in meat (0.60; 95% CI: 0.33–1.04; p = 0.075), and moderate in fish (2.32; 95% CI: 1.18–4.58; p = 0.015).
Our study proved that knowing these risk factors helps to establish predictive models and strategies to prevent tragic pregnancy outcomes and highlights the link between miscarriage and several risk factors; and thus, will allow protecting mother and fetus health.
Mazouz B, Abbeche K, Abdi A, Baazouzi M.
Model experiments to assess effect of eccentric loading on the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing near a dry sand slope. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering [Internet]. 2021;15 :1241-1251.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The behaviour of shallow foundations on slopes is an important topic of interest in geotechnical engineering. This paper presents the results of laboratory model tests of an eccentrically loaded strip footing on a slope. Experiments were conducted with an eccentrically loaded model footing under various eccentricity ratios (±e/B) and normalized footing distances (d/B) and the results were compared with previous literature. The results confirm that the load eccentricity and normalized footing distance have considerable effects on the drained bearing capacity. The ultimate bearing capacity of a negative eccentric load is greater than that of a positive eccentric load up to a relative distance of d/B = 3. At this point, the bearing capacity becomes almost the same regardless of the eccentricity location relative to the slope face. Furthermore, the failure mechanism is not symmetrical; a greater failure surface length can develop on the slope side and this length decreases with increasing eccentricity.
Zeroual A, Fourar A, Merrouchi F, Seghir T, Berghout M, Kerkouri A.
Modeling and prediction of earthquake-related settlement in embankment dams using non-linear tools. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment [Internet]. 2021;8 :1949–1962.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Seismic deformation assessments are an ongoing issue in the design, monitoring and construction of earth dams. The need for new advanced methods to model their seismic behavior and to evaluate the resulting deformations is justified by the uncertainties surrounding conventional methods, mainly, with liquefaction phenomena. In this respect, the present study focuses on the prediction of relative crest settlement of embankment dams under variant earthquake loading (ΔhEQ/H). For this purpose, Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) models were developed to predict (ΔhEQ/H). Two different databases of historically documented earthquake cases are collected for model development and comparative performance between model predictions. The first contains 151 observations of liquefied and non-liquefied cases, while the second contains only 109 non-liquefied cases. The obtained results indicated that both technics could be used as reliable tools to predict the earthquake-related crest settlement in embankment dams. Also, MARS was selected as the most successful prediction tool.
Abattan SF, Lavoué J, Hallé S, Bahloul A, Drolet D, Debia M.
Modeling occupational exposure to solvent vapors using the Two-Zone (near-field/far-field) model: a literature review. Journal of occupational and environmental hygieneJournal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 2021;18 :51-64.
Milles S, Latreche A, Barkat O.
More on standard single valued neutrosophic metric spaces: More on SVN-metric spaces. Journal of Innovative Applied Mathematics and Computational SciencesJournal of Innovative Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences. 2021;1 :40-47.
Barkat S, Bilami A, Benayache A.
MQTT-Based QoS Model for IoT-M2M Critical Applications. International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST)International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST). 2021;12 :1-21.
Kadri S, Aouag S, HEDJAZI D.
MS-QuAAF: A generic evaluation framework for monitoring software architecture quality. Information and Software TechnologyInformation and Software Technology. 2021;140 :106713.
Touahar H, Ouazraoui N, Khanfri NEH, Korichi M, Bachi B, Boukrouma HE.
Multi-objective optimization of safety instrumented systems maintenance strategy: a case study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability ManagementInternational Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2021.
Derdour K, Mouss H, Bensaadi R.
Multiple Features Extraction and Classifiers Combination Based Handwriting Digit Recognition. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and InformaticsInternational Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics. 2021;13 :163-178.
A Multi-Population Genetic Algorithm for Adaptive QoS-Aware Service Composition in Fog-IoT Healthcare Environment. Int. Arab. J. Inf. TechnolInt. Arab. J. Inf. Technol. 2021;18 :464-475.
Harkat A, Benzid R, Athamena N.
A multistage algorithm design for electrocardiogram signal denoising. Journal of Circuits, Systems and ComputersJournal of Circuits, Systems and Computers. 2021;30 :2150061.
A new class of fredholm integral equations of the second kind with non symmetric kernel: solving by wavelets method. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de MatemáticaBoletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. 2021;39 :67-80.
Kendri D, Melkemi K.
A new criterion for best quadrature method. Journal of Interdisciplinary MathematicsJournal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics. 2021 :1-12.
Chenina H, Benatia D, Boulakroune M’hamed.
New modeling approach of laser communication in constellation and through atmospheric disturbances. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and InformaticsBulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. 2021;10 :2088-2099.
New modified PC-SAFT pure component parameters for accurate VLE and critical phenomena description. Fluid Phase EquilibriaFluid Phase Equilibria. 2021;532 :112916.
Kadache N, Seghir R.
A New Social Volunteer Computing Environment With Task-Adapted Scheduling Policy (TASP). International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC)International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC). 2021;13 :39-55.