Publications by Type: Journal Article

Salah I, Adjroud O, Elwej A. Protective Effects of Selenium and Zinc Against Nickel Chloride–Induced Hormonal Changes and Oxidative Damage in Thyroid of Pregnant Rats. Biological Trace Element ResearchBiological Trace Element Research. 2021;155.Abstract
Nickel chloride (NiCl2) is a heavy metal that may affect the function of the thyroid. Selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) are essential trace elements involved in thyroid hormone metabolism. However, little is reported about thyrotoxicity during gestation. The current study aimed to investigate the protective effects of selenium and zinc against NiCl2-induced thyrotoxicity in pregnant Wistar rats. Female rats were treated subcutaneously (s.c.) on the 3rd day of pregnancy, with NaCl 0.9% and served as control, NiCl2 (100 mg/kg body weight (BW)) alone, or in association with Se (0.3 mg/kg, s.c.), ZnCl2 (20 mg/kg, s.c.), or both of them simultaneously. Oxidative stress parameters, thyroid biomarkers, and histopathological examination were evaluated. Results showed that NiCl2 exposure caused a significant decrease in maternal body weight and an increase in absolute and relative thyroid weight compared to the controls. NiCl2 administration also led to decreased plasma triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) with a concomitant significant increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels when compared to that of control. In addition, an overall pro-oxidant effect was associated with a decrease in the reduced glutathione (GSH) and nonprotein thiol (NPSH) contents and the enzymatic activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), and an increase in malondialdehyde (MDA). These biochemical disturbances were confirmed by histological changes. However, the co-treatment of Se and/or ZnCl2 attenuates NiCl2-induced changes. Our findings suggested that Se and ZnCl2 ameliorated NiCl2-induced thyrotoxicity in pregnant Wistar rats by exhibiting antioxidant effects.
Salah I, Adjroud O, Elwej A. Protective effects of selenium and zinc against nickel chloride–induced hormonal changes and oxidative damage in thyroid of pregnant rats. Biological Trace Element ResearchBiological Trace Element Research. 2021 :1-12.
Fedala A, Adjroud O, Abid-Essefi S, Timoumi R. Protective effects of selenium and zinc against potassium dichromate–induced thyroid disruption, oxidative stress, and DNA damage in pregnant Wistar rats. Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021;28 :22563–22576.Abstract
Hexavalent chromium (CrVI) is an environmental pollutant and an endocrine-disrupting metal. Se and Zn are essential trace elements, known to play a crucial role in thyroid homeostasis. However, there is a lack of data reporting thyrotoxicity during gestation. In this study, we investigated the protective effects of selenium and zinc against potassium dichromate–induced thyrotoxicity in pregnant Wistar rats. Thirty pregnant Wistar rats were divided into control and four treated groups receiving subcutaneously (s.c) on the 3rd day of pregnancy, K2Cr2O7 (10 mg/kg, s.c) alone, or in association with Se (0.3 mg/kg, s.c), ZnCl2 (20 mg/kg, s.c), or both of them simultaneously. The hormonal profile, oxidative stress biomarkers, DNA damage, and histological modifications were evaluated. Our main findings showed that K2Cr2O7 promoted hypothyroidism, oxidative stress, genotoxicity, and histological alterations in the thyroid gland. The co-treatment with Se or ZnCl2 has mitigated K2Cr2O7-induced thyrotoxicity in pregnant Wistar rats by exhibiting antioxidant and genoprotective effects. However, the combined co-treatment of both of them was less thyroprotective, and therefore, further investigations on the synergetic interaction of Se and Zn against CrVI toxicity using different doses and exposure routes are required.
Fedala A, Adjroud O, Abid-Essefi S, Timoumi R. Protective effects of selenium and zinc against potassium dichromate–induced thyroid disruption, oxidative stress, and DNA damage in pregnant Wistar rats. Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021;28 :22563-22576.
Khedidja A, Boudoukha A. Quality assessment of shallow groundwater for irrigation purposes in Tadjenanet–Chelghoum Laid area (Eastern Algeria). International Journal of River Basin ManagementInternational Journal of River Basin Management. 2021;19 :141-148.
Ikhlef M, Bendjerad A, Boukhtache S, Abdelhadi B, Lahmar A. Refined Approach in Jiles-Atherton Model for Ferromagnetic Sheet Under the Tensile Stress. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel MagnetismJournal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 2021;34 :227-234.
Hefaidh H, Mébarek D, Negrou B, Driss Z. Reliability degradation prediction of photovoltaic modules based on dependability methods. International Journal of Quality & Reliability ManagementInternational Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2021.
Aouadj W, Abdessemed M-R, Seghir R. A Reliable Behavioral Model: Optimizing Energy Consumption and Object Clustering Quality by Naïve Robots. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR)International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR). 2021;12 :125-145.
Hanachi A, Houamed H, Zerguine M. Remarks on the global well-posedness of the axisymmetric Boussinesq system with rough initial data. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.14208arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.14208. 2021.
Appiah GD, Mpimbaza A, Lamorde M, Freeman M, Kajumbula H, Salah Z, Kugeler K, Mikoleit M, White PB, Kapisi J. Salmonella Bloodstream Infections in Hospitalized Children with Acute Febrile Illness-Uganda, 2016-2019. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and HygieneThe American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2021.
Sahraoui S, Bilami A. Securing human‐to‐thing interactions in the Internet of Things with asymmetric and selective mechanism. Security and PrivacySecurity and Privacy. 2021;4 :e38.
SAADI M, Yahiaoui D, Lahbari N, Tayeb B. Seismic Fragility Curves for Performance of Semi-rigid Connections of Steel Frames. Civil Engineering JournalCivil Engineering Journal. 2021;7 :1112-1124.
Bendib SS, Kalla H, Kalla S, Hocine R. A Self-Organized Scheduling Algorithm for Embedded Real-Time Systems. International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS)International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS). 2021;12 :57-73.
Benreguia B, Moumen H, Bouam S, Arar C. Self-stabilizing Algorithm for Maximal Distance-2 Independent Set. arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.11126arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.11126. 2021.
Berghout T, Mouss L-H, Bentrcia T, Benbouzid M. A Semi-supervised Deep Transfer Learning Approach for Rolling-Element Bearing Remaining Useful Life Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Energy ConversionIEEE Transactions On Energy Conversion. 2021.
Qutob N, Awartani F, Salah Z, Asia M, Khader IA, Herzallah K, Balqis N, Sallam H. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in the West Bank region of Palestine: a cross-sectional seroepidemiological study. BMJ openBMJ open. 2021;11 :e044552.
Boudra S, Yahiaoui I, Behloul A. A set of statistical radial binary patterns for tree species identification based on bark images. Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsMultimedia Tools and Applications. 2021;80 :22373-22404.
Abdi MA, Bencherif H, Bendib T, Meddour F, Chahdi M. Significant improvement of infrared graphene nanoribbon phototransistor performance: A quantum simulation study. Sensors and Actuators A: PhysicalSensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2021;317 :112446.
Chouhal O, Mahdaoui R, Mouss LH. SOA-based distributed fault prognostic and diagnosis framework: an application for preheater cement cyclones. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and ServicesInternational Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services. 2021;8 :1-18.
Kara A, Guedjiba S. Some representations of moore-penrose inverse for the sum of two operators and the extension of the fill-fishkind formula. Numerical Algebra, Control & OptimizationNumerical Algebra, Control & Optimization. 2021.
