Publications by Year: 2014

Leila-Hayet M. Faults Modeling of the Impedance and Reversed Polarity Types within the PV Generator Operation. 19-21 Nov, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7517-4. Paris (France); 2014 pp. pp. 377-382.
Abid M, Mansouri MA. Faut-il opérer tous les cancers du rectum après radiothérapie ?. Algérie; 2014.
Beddiaf R, Djaballah Y, Bouderba H, Belgacem-Bouzida A. First-principles prediction of a new high pressure polymorph of the BaSi 2 compound. Modern Physics Letters BModern Physics Letters B. 2014;28 :1450089.
Benmechri A, Djaballah Y, Amer AS, Belgacem-Bouzida A, Bouderba H. First-principles study of the binary intermetallics in the Au–Rb system. Modern Physics Letters BModern Physics Letters B. 2014;28 :1450112.
Bedhief AO, Dridi N. FLOW SHOP HYBRIDE À DEUX ÉTAGES AVEC MACHINES DÉDIÉES ET DATES DE DISPONIBILITÉ DES JOBS. MOSIM 2014, 10ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation. 2014.
D B. Fonctionnement de la station de traitement d’oued EL ATHMANIA (MILA) et la qualité physico-chimique et bactériologique des eaux en amont (brutes) et en avale (après traitement). 2014.
Yamina F, Noureddine B, Mebarek D. Food risk management and sustainable development. Journal of Service Science and ManagementJournal of Service Science and Management. 2014;2014.
Khadidja A. Formal Specification of a Mobile Agent Based Maintenance for Manufacturing System.; 2014.
Toumi T, Zidani A. From human-computer interaction to human-robot social interaction. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.1251arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.1251. 2014.
BEDRA S, BEDRA R, BENKOUDA S, FORTAKI T. Full-wave analysis of anisotropic circular microstrip antenna with air gap layer. Progress In Electromagnetics Research MProgress In Electromagnetics Research M. 2014;34 :143-151.
Hassad M, Boughrara AS, FORTAKI T. Full-wave analysis of rectangular microstrip antenna printed on electric-magnetic uniaxial anisotropic substrates. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and NetworkingInternational Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking. 2014;7 :183-194.
Bouzeria H, Fetha C, Bahi T, Lekhchine S, Layate Z. Fuzzy logic of speed control for photovoltaic pumping system. 2014 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC). 2014 :136-140.
BENDIB T, DJEFFAL F. Fuzzy-Logic Based Computation for Parameters Identification of Solar Cell Models. In: Transactions on Engineering Technologies. Springer ; 2014. pp. 327-338.
Bentrcia T, DJEFFAL F, Arar D, Dibi Z. Gate‐engineering‐based approach to improve the nanoscale DG MOSFET behavior against interfacial trap effects. physica status solidi (c)physica status solidi (c). 2014;11 :77-80.
Yamina O. Grossesse et drepanocytose.; 2014.
Laanani I, Bennoune O. Hépatite virale à corps d’inclusion chez le poulet. Batna-Algérie; 2014.
Soraya T. Hépatite virale B.; 2014.
Soraya T. Hépatite virale E chez l&⋕39;insuffisant rénal.; 2014.
Ferhat R, Laroui S, Abdeddaim M. Huile et profil en acides gras des amandes du Crataegus azarolus L. Lebanese Science JournalLebanese Science Journal. 2014;15 :73-79.
Zoheir TIR, Abdessemed R. Hybrid fuzzy logic proportional plus conventional integrator-derivation controller of a novel BDFIG for wind energy conversion. Journal of Electrical EngineeringJOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 2014;14 :12-12.
