Publications by Year: 2018

Aoun Y, Medjghou A, Slimane N, Maaoui B. Improved Sliding Mode Controller Using Backstepping and Fuzzy Logic for a Quadrotor Aircraft. International Symposium on Mechatronics and Renewable Energies 10- 11 December [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this work, a new robust nonlinear controller is presented in presence of large external disturbances for a quadrotor aircraft. The controller is based on an improved sliding mode control. The improvement is done by adding two other terms, one is a backstepping synthesis and the other one is a fuzzy logic term in order to reduce the chattering phenomenon and achieve more acceptable performance. The dynamical motion equations are obtained by Euler-Newton formalism. Lyapunov theorem is used to prove the stability of control system. A simulation is carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control.

Douadi T, Harbouche Y, Abdessemed R, Bakhtib I. Improvement Performances of Active and Reactive Power Control Applied to DFIG for Variable Speed Wind Turbine Using Sliding Mode Control and FOC. International Journalof Engineering (IJE Transaction) A: BasicsInternational Journalof Engineering (IJE Transaction) A: Basics. 2018;31.
Marref SE, Benkiki N, Melakhessou MA. In vitro Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolics and Flavonoids Contents of Gladiolus segetum Extracts. Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyResearch Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2018;11 :5017-5023.
Sonia B. Infection urinaire du sujet âgé : étiologies et résistances aux antibiotiques. 38ème Journées Annuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie (JASFGG). 2018.
Fayçal BAIRA, Mosbah Z, Messaoudi S, Baudin T. Influence du traitement de recuit sur la microstructure et les propriétés mécaniques et électriques d'un fil de cuivre tréfilé industriellement. 4Th International Conference on Energy, Materials, Applied Energetics and pollution (ICEMAER'18),At: Constantine , Algéria ,29th and 30th April . 2018.
Soumia L, Redha MENANIM. The influence of the aquifer geometry on the groundwater flows (Timgad Basin, North-East Algeria), ISSN / e-ISSN: 2220-6663 /2222-3045. journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES)Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES). 2018;Vol. 12 :pp. 354-360.Abstract
The basin of Timgad belongs to the North-Eastern Algerian Saharan Atlas; it is located at the northern extension of the Aures Mountains. The basin is an asymmetrical syncline oriented East-West covering an area of 1000 Km2. The climate is semi-arid (cold winter and hot summer) with average annual rainfall not exceeding 400 mm. Recently, the increasing agricultural activities led to an excessive exploitation of groundwater resources. In order to meet this rising water supply demands, implementing a water resources management policy is a priority which should be based on a basin hydrogeological study. Effectively, the geological and geophysical studies have confirmed the presence of permeable Miocene and Cretaceous formations (sandstone and carbonate); relatively resistant affected by fractures network, which are probably forming a confined aquifers. Indeed, recent wells drilled in the basin center and their boundaries; show that the aquifers are artesian. The sandstone aquifer of the Miocene is the most important, it is characterized by significant thickness which can exceed 200m, its extension as well as its particular corrugated geometry, characterized by a wavy shape, which forming a series of shale-marl filling depressions, influences the groundwater flow, actually, the piezometric surface illustrates groundwater convergent flow oriented to the east, towards Bou el freis, likewise the sandstone aquifer is marked by the presence of a West-East drainage axis which separates the basin northern part characterized by a low reservoirs hydraulic capacity from the southern part distinguished by the groundwater relative abundance. Groundwater is generally easily extracted, except the northern part of the basin where the top shale-marl layer is thickens to over 1000m.
Hoggas B, Hezil C. The influence of the parameter γ choice on the variation of the pressure and flow rate, when the valve is closed at the end by the gravity feeding of the pipeline. 2018.
Farid B. Intégration des problèmes de lot Sizing et d’ordonnancement dans les ateliers type Flow Shop. Département de Génie Industriel. 2018.Abstract

Le lot sizing et l’ordonnancement sont deux problèmes applicables dans différents domaines, en particulier dans le secteur industriel. Ils sont généralement effectués de manière séquentielle, ce qui génère des coûts élevés ou des conflits d'infaisabilité. En outre, la résolution de ces problèmes d’une manière intégrée, dans les systèmes de fabrication complexes, est très difficile. L'objectif principal de cette thèse serait de développer des approches de résolution pour le problème intégré de planification et d'ordonnancement dans les ateliers de type flow-shop. Dans ce travail, le cas plus simple du flow-shop qui a une structure particulière, devrait pouvoir être exploitée pour concevoir de nouvelles méthodes de résolution ou adapter les méthodes proposées dans des travaux précédents. Le cas de fabrication ou de chaîne logistique à plusieurs niveaux pourrait aussi être étudié dans cette thèse

RAZIKA B, SAÏD GMOHAMED. INTEGRATION OF AN MCA-GIS APPROACH FOR THE MODELLING AND ASSESSMENT OF MASS MOVEMENT RISK. CASE OF AЇN EL HAMMAM, BASIN OF TIZI-OUZOU (ALGERIA). Annals of the University of Oradea, Geography Series/Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Seria GeografieAnnals of the University of Oradea, Geography Series/Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Seria Geografie. 2018;28.
BATACHE D, KANIT T, KADDOURI W, BENSAADA R, OUTTAS T. An iterative analytical model for heterogeneous materials homogenization,. Composites Part B: EngineeringComposites Part B: Engineering. 2018;Volume 142 :Pages 56-67.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to establish a method based on an iterative scheme to approximate the numerical solution obtained from finite elements analysis for an RVE in two and three dimensions based on the homogenization concept for the assessment of the effective properties. The bounds of Hashin–Shtrikman and Voigt–Reuss were considered in the iterative process based on an updating of the constitutive relations of these models respectively. In this study, by assumption, we took the particular case of the heterogeneous materials with several elastic isotopic phases. The output variables considered using the iterative process are the bulk, shear modulus and the thermal conductivity. We have found a fast convergence of the iterative solution to the numerical result with a suitable concordance between the two solutions at the final step.
Houda G, Tayeb B, Yahiaoui D. Key parameters influencing performance and failure modes for interaction soil–pile–structure system under lateral loading. Asian Journal of Civil EngineeringAsian Journal of Civil Engineering. 2018;19 :355-373.
Bensekhria N, Benhassine W. L’analyse angulaire des postures adoptées lors de la confection et l’ablation des plâtres au service d’orthopédie. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'EnvironnementArchives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement. 2018;79 :355-356.
Bensekhria N, Chenouf N, Benhassine W. L’impact de diverses formes d’organisation temporelle du travail sur l’aspect quantitatif et qualitatif du sommeil chez les pompiers. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'EnvironnementArchives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement. 2018;79 :417-418.
Messaour A, Khadraoui E, Messaour R. La compétence interculturelle: quelle didactisation dans les manuels scolaires en Algérie?. DidactiquesDidactiques. 2018;7 :109-128.
Khamsa M, Nabila KALLA, Ameghchouche A. La corrélation entre l’IL28B et la fibrose hépatique chez les patients atteints d’hépatite virales C. 28ème congrès national de la société tunisienne de pathologies infectieuses . 2018.
Tebbal S. La corrélation entre l’IL28B et la fibrose hépatique chez les patients atteints d’hépatite virales C. 28ème congrès national de la société tunisienne de pathologies infectieuses . 2018.
Nora R. La Diagnostic étiologique des encéphalites et méningo-encéphalites chez les patients VIH négatif à Batna. 2018.
Riad MESSAOUR. La dimension culturelle dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères: de la compétence à la performance. حوليات الآداب واللغاتحوليات الآداب واللغات. 2018;6 :74-86.
