
Sahli Y, Zitouni B, Hocine BM. Three-Dimensional Numerical Study of Overheating of Two Intermediate Temperature P-AS-SOFC Geometrical Configurations. In: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology for Stationary Applications. IGI Global ; 2021. pp. 186-222.
Douha D, Mokhtari A, Guessoum Z, Mandiau R. Towards a non monotonic agent testing. 2021 IEEE/ACS 18th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) [Internet]. 2021 :1-8. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Multi-agent systems research community has developed solutions to model dynamic and complex systems. Those solutions have generated a growing interest in a variety of domains such as robotics or distributed controls. It is therefore important to build solutions to analyze the basic mechanisms of multi-agent systems such as interaction. In this paper, we formalize the epistemic interaction, we propose to use default theory to describe state transitions. The introduction of such semantics allows characterizing the verification of agent behavior when dealing with new information. Therefore, we introduce semantics to establish a basis for exploiting the properties of the agent behavior and its messages.We propose to formalize and verify the response of an agent when it receives a new information from another agent of its environment. Our approach extends the actions initiated in the mA * [5] language by applying the Reiter’s default rules [32]. A simple example is used to illustrate our approach.
Douha D, Mokhtari A, Guessoum Z. Towards a non monotonic agent testing, reasoning about messages and behavior, in 8th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2021. ; 2021. Publisher's Version
Meraghni S, Benaggoune K, Al Masry Z, Terrissa LS, Devalland C, Zerhouni N. Towards Digital Twins Driven Breast Cancer Detection. In: Intelligent Computing. Springer ; 2021. pp. 87-99.
Al-Omari AI, Aidi K, Seddik-Ameur N. A Two Parameters Rani Distribution: Estimation and Tests for Right Censoring Data with an Application. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation ResearchPakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research. 2021 :1037-1049.
Boumaiza L, Chesnaux R, Drias T, Walter J, Stumpp C. Using vadose-zone water stable isotope profiles for assessing groundwater recharge under different climatic conditions. Hydrological Sciences JournalHydrological Sciences Journal [Internet]. 2021;66 (10) :1597-1609. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Considering three sites under different climate conditions (arid, semi-arid, and subhumid), this study aims to use the vadose-zone water stable isotope profiles to estimate the groundwater recharge rate. High-resolution vertical subsurface soil sampling along the vadose zone of the investigated sites was conducted. The collected samples were analysed to determine their stable isotope ratios (δ2H and δ18O) that were used along with the piston displacement method to estimate recharge. Annual recharge rates of 0.2% (± 0.1%), 2.5%, and 18% of the total annual precipitation were obtained for the arid, semi-arid, and subhumid sites, respectively. Recharge rates at the semi-arid and subhumid sites are comparable to those previously estimated using water balance-based methods. The recharge rate at the arid site is lower than that previously estimated for that site using the water budget-based method, revealing difficulties in applying the piston displacement method under an arid regime.

Chelaghma W, Loucif L, Bendahou M, Rolain J-M. Vegetables and Fruit as a Reservoir of β-Lactam and Colistin-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria: A Review. MicroorganismsMicroorganisms. 2021;9 :2534.
Rabahi N, Djaiz F, Defaflia N, Guastaldi E, Amroune A. The Vertical Distribution of the Alluvial Chemo-Facies of Boumerzoug Wadi, Constantine, Northeastern Algeria: Paleoenveromental Significance and Climate Evolution. Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria GeografieAnalele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria Geografie. 2021;31 :68-79.
Kiyyour S, Karech T. The Wall Behaviour in the Contiguous Drilled Piles Reinforced by Anchors in 3D the “case study” of Ain-Naadja Metro Station–(Algiers). Geotechnical and Geological EngineeringGeotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2021;39 :2945-2953.
BELAZOUI A, Telli A, Arar C. Web-Based Learning Under Tacit Mining of Various Data Sources. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in LearningInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. 2021;16.
Fedala A, Ounassa ADJROUD, Saouli A, Imane S. ZINC ALLEVIATES POTASSIUM DICHROMATE-INDUCED HEPATOTOXICITY IN PREGNANT WISTAR RATS. Malaysian Journal Of Biochemistry & Molecular BiologyMalaysian Journal Of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. 2021;2 :10-16.Abstract
The present study aimed to investigate the potential protective effects of zinc (Zn) against hexavalent chromium-induced hepatotoxicity in pregnant Wistar rats. Female rats were treated subcutaneously (s.c) on the 3 rd day of pregnancy, with NaCl 0.9 % and served as control, K2Cr2O7 (10 mg/kg bw) alone, or K2Cr2O7 in association with ZnCl2 (20 mg/kg bw). Hepatic biochemical parameters, oxidative stress biomarkers and DNA damage were monitored. Results revealed that K2Cr2O7 disturbed plasma ALT, AST, ALP and GGT, induced hepatic oxidative stress and DNA fragmentation. The co-treatment with Zn has alleviated K2Cr2O7-induced hepatotoxicity by exhibiting antioxidant and genoprotective effects in pregnant Wistar rats.
Asma D, Mahdi K. Analysis and modelling of territorial vulnerability to epidemiological diseases in the Wilaya of Batna (Algeria) – case of tuberculosis. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape [Internet]. 2021;4 :31-45. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Some epidemiological situations, because of their magnitude and their propagation dynamics, can escape local or national control. For example, the world is currently experiencing an uncontrollable cross-border spread of the corona virus (Covid-19). The Wilaya of Batna is among the most affected in Algeria by many epidemiological diseases, including tuberculosis, which raises questions about possible causal links between this contagious and often fatal disease and the environmental and socio-economic reality of this territory. We based our study on a number of factors, covering economic, societal and health aspects, which constitute indicators of the standard of living in each of the 61 communes of the Wilaya of Batna. The relationship between the epidemiological status of tuberculosis in these communes and these indicators showed significant correlations and thus confirmed the reliability of the choice of parameters of vulnerability to tuberculosis. To understand their interaction and impact on the disease and its spatial distribution, we used the hierarchical multicriteria analysis (AHP) method, the results of which were implemented in a GIS database. The aim was to provide health and territorial decision makers with a decision support tool. The results show that the spatial distribution of tuberculosis cases which reappeared in the Wilaya of Batna after its eradication since years is in good correlation with the socio-economic situation of each commune of the territory and confirm that this scourge of tuberculosis is closely linked to the degradation of the living conditions of the inhabitants.

Dassamiour S, Hambaba L, Bensaad M-S. ANTI-HYPERGLYCEMIC ACTIVITY OF CENTAUREA TOUGOURENSIS. International Journal of Human Settlements [Internet]. 2021;5 (2). Publisher's VersionAbstract

In the last decade, the number of diabetic persons has considerably increased and the scientific community approach to understand this complex pathology has become very difficult due to the fact that diabetes is linked to other illnesses which can generate serious complications like glaucoma, nerve damage. Plants are considered new alternative resources to treat various pathologies including type 2 diabetes, and several research works showed that it is significantly more accurate to use Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) when diagnosing diabetes which prompted us to adopt this model to evaluate the possible anti-hyperglycemic effect of n-BuOH extract of Centaurea tougourensis. More than 500 Centaurea species are distributed in Mediterranean and West Asia zones. These species demonstrated over the years their pharmacological potential like antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, cytotoxic, activities due to their richness in secondary metabolites. A Preliminary phytoscreening was first done to identify the most important secondary metabolites in the plant and revealed the presence of key classes like; tannins, flavonoids, triterpenes… The pre-treatment of mice group by the dose of (400 ml/kg, p.o) of plant extract resulted in a significant (P<0.01) decrease of hyperglycemia (1.32 ± 0.06 g/l) 60 min after the induction of a temporary diabetes with a maximum percentage inhibition of (37%) while the reference group treated by Glibenclamide (10 mg/kg, i.p.) was only (31%) the same time. This concluded that C. tougourensis stabilized the blood glucose level and may have the potential to treat other pathologies.

BENDJEDDOU YACINE, Abdessemed R, MERABET ELKHEIR. COMMANDE A FLUX VIRTUEL ORIENTE DE LA GENERATRICE ASYNCHRONE A CAGE DOUBLE ÉTOILE. Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.– Électrotechn. et Énerg [Internet]. 2021;66 (2) :71–76. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Cet article est consacré à l’étude des performances de la génératrice asynchrone à cage double étoile (GASDE) en site isolé. Le système de commande est composé d’une GASDE raccordé à un bus continu et une charge en sortie de deux redresseurs à commande MLI. Une étude comparative entre la technique de commande conventionnelle et la commande adaptée basée sur l’introduction de la SVM-PI-flou et un nouvel estimateur de flux (flux virtuel statorique) afin d’améliorer la qualité d’énergie et d’atténuer les harmoniques du courant
El Houda KN, Hafed T, Nouara O, Antarand S, Djamel B, Ilyas S. The contribution of maintenance to improve the operational performance of an industrial process. Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management , March 7-11, [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In the petroleum industry, equipments must be maintained properly to meet the adequate reliability standards in order to achieve the desired business goals in terms of productivity, safety and environmental protection. This article offers a new approach focused on risk analysis to select a better maintenance strategy. The proposed approach consists of three stages. In the first step, we identify the accident scenarios that could lead to the loss of production and damage to the environment. In the second step, we estimate the frequency of occurrence of these scenarios. In the third step, we calculate the economic losses and environmental taxes. Finally, an appropriate maintenance strategy is proposed, taking into account the evaluation results obtained by the previous steps. A case study illustrates the proposed approach and shows that the latter constitutes an important decision support tool to improve the existing maintenance strategy to comply with regulations and standards in term of productivity, reduction of costs and environmental protection

Cherak I, Bachir AS, Cherak L, Ghazi C, Loucif L, Sellami M. Diversity and distribution patterns of endophytic mycoflora of Atlas cedar, Cedrus atlantica (Endl) G. Manetti ex Carrière, needles in Belezma biosphere reserve (Batna, Algeria). Biodiversity Journal [Internet]. 2021;12 (3) :573–583. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This study aims to assess the diversity and distribution of fungal mycoflora developing on Cedrus atlantica (Endl) G. Manetti ex Carrière needles in three sites in the Belezma National Park (Biosphere Reserve, Northeast - Algeria). Three sites were sampled according to a cedar decline gradient, these are the massifs of: Telmet (healthy site), Boumerzoug (moderately depressed) and Tougurt (decayed site). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) molecular analysis, allows identifying 19 endophytic mycotaxa. All the identified species have a weak occurrence frequency (less than 25%). In terms of specific richness, the moderately depressed site (Boumerzoug) homes the largest number of taxa (S = 17), followed by healthy site of Telmet (12 taxa), while the depressed site of Tougurt was the least populated (8 taxa). The hierarchical classification analysis (HCA) showed that the taxonomic composition of endophyte associations differs clearly from one site to another according to the cedar decline. The clustering representing healthy massif brings 2 species which are demanding phytoparasitic endophytes (Fusarium sp. and Xylaria sp.). The group associated to moderately depressed site hosts 7 taxa with a wide ecological valence, such as: Canariomyces notabilis, Canariomyces vonarxii, Chaetomium aegilopis, Coniolariella hispanica and Penicillium kubanicum. Then, mycoflora group noted in the decayed cedar includes 10 taxa, in particular, saprophytic mycotaxa relatively less demanding with a high ecological valence like: Biscogniauxia mediterranea, Alternaria arborescens, A. tenuissima and three species of Chaetomium genus. The mycotaxa distribution is related to the specific conditions of colonized trees. Taxa specific to healthy and decayed massifs would represent bio indicators of the phytosanitary and ecological conditions of colonized cedars.


In this paper, first we show that the analytical solutions obtained in  the literature for the new coupled Konno-Oono system can be immediately presented  via the Weierstrass elliptic function or Jacobi elliptic functions. Next, we present a  new general real dark-type of soliton and a complex bright-type of envelope soliton  to this system in terms of the solutions of the sine-Gordon and sinh-Gordon equations  involving an arbitrary function via two new different transformations.

Laamari Y, Allaoui S, Chafaa K, Bendaikha A. Highly nonlinear systems estimation using extended and unscented kalman filters. [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The main idea of this study is to evaluate the estimation performance of extended and unscented Kalman filters (EKF and UKF). So, these latter are introduced to estimate the dynamic states of a similar model operating with identical covariance matrices in the same situation. The mean square error (MSE) criterion is used to quantify the estimation error between the actual and the estimated values. The simulation results obtained with Matlab/ Simulink software confirm the superiority and efficiency of UKF over EKF, especially when the system is highly non-linear under process and measurement noises, such is the case of the inverted double pendulum mounted on a cart (DIPC).

Aldjia B, Kamal-Eddine M. Multispectral Images Compression using PSO‐based De‐correlation Matrix and DWT Transform. International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics (ICRAMI), September 21th, 22th [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper proposes a new approach of multi-spectral image compression based on the combination of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the discrete wavelet transforms (DWT). In the first stage, the PSO is used to reduce the redundancies in the spectral domain. In fact, the PSO transforms a given multispectral image to optimize the energy in the first band. Despite to the complexity of this kind of approach, the transformed multispectral image is easily computed by multiplying a de-correlation matrix and the input multispectral image. The de-correlation matrix is estimated via a PSO evolution derived by a defined fitness function. In the second stage, the compressed data, related to the input multispectral image, is computed from the transformed multispectral image using an efficient 2D-DWT based algorithm. In addition to this compression approach, the original multispectral image can be recovered using a decompression algorithm. Experimental results show the validity of our proposed approach. These significant results are evaluated according to Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), compression ratio (CR) and bits per pixel (bpp) metrics.


The mast support for small vertical axis wind turbine is considered an important parameter during the design process of wind turbine structure. It has been receiving a great attention by researchers and academics. This study presents a numerical investigation on the static and buckling strength behaviors of whole wind turbine mast structure by means Finite Element Analysis (FEA) technique. The FEA simulations are performed in order to evaluate the reliability and the strength of the mast structure under the extreme wind conditions (IEC 61400-2 and Eurocode 1991-1-4 standards) and gravity loads. The simulation results show that the mast structure will not undergo structural failure because the maximum stress induced is less than the yield strength of the material and the maximum displacement is within material allowable deformation limit. In addition, the buckling strength of the structure meets requirement of design.
