Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

Tebbal S. Evaluation de la concordance entre le fibroscan et le fibrotest chez les patients atteints d’hépatite chronique C. 9 ème conférence internationale francophone VIH/Hépatites( AFRA VIH) . 2018.
Nabila KALLA, Khamsa M, Abderrezak B, Soraya T. Evaluation de la performance du score APRI chez les patients infectés par le VHC. 1ère journée de biochimie CHU Batna . 2018.
Khamsa M, Tebbal S, KALLA N. Evaluation de la progression de la fibrose chez les patients atteints d’une hépatite C traitée : apport de fibroscan. 28ème congrès national de la société tunisienne de pathologies infectieuses. 2018.
Abderrezak B. Evaluation de la progression de la fibrose chez les patients atteints d’une hépatite C traitée : apport de fibroscan. 2018.
Malika ATHAMENA, Redha MENANIM, Ali ATHAMENA. The Evaluation of the Belezma mounts thermal potential: at the South-Eastern confinement of the South Setifian Set, Eastern Algeria. 4eme Colloque International, les Géosciences au service du Développement durable, université Larbi Tebessi, 22 novembre. 2018.
Badra BOUZGHAIA. Evaluation phytochimique de la plante cytisus purgans. CINQUIEME COLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE CHIMIE CIC-5, 4-6 Décembre . 2018.
Fahima B, Ahmed I, Ouahab YA. Evolution tectono-sedimentaires dans la serie aptienne de Telidjene-Tebessa (Algerie oreiental). 4eme Colloque International, les Géosciences au service du Développement durable, université Larbi Tebessi, 22 novembre. 2018.
Bouchiba N, Keskes S, Sallem S, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L, Said D, Kammoun MBA. Experimental control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator based Wind Energy Conversion System. 2018 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC). 2018 :142-147.
Djelloul I, Sari Z. Fault diagnosis of manufacturing systems using data mining techniques. 2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). 2018 :198-203.
Titouna C, Ari AAA, Moumen H. FDRA: Fault detection and recovery algorithm for wireless sensor networks. International conference on mobile web and intelligent information systems. 2018 :72-85.
Assia A. Formulation mathématique d’un processus d’une épidémie dans une zone donnée. Premier congrès de la société algérienne d’infectiologie et 5e congrès de la fédération arabe des sociétés de microbiologie clinique et des maladies infectieuses. 2018.
Saidi A, Youb L, Naceri F, Belkacem S. A Fuzzy Adaptive Control of Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM). 3rd International Conference on Measurement Instrumentation and Electronics (ICMIE 2018) [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we are interested in the adaptive fuzzy control a technique has been studied and applied, namely adaptive fuzzy control based on theory of Lyapunov. The system based on the stability theory is used to approximate the gains Ke and kdce to ensure the stability of the control in real time .the simulations results obtained by using Matlab environment gives that the fuzzy adaptive control more robust, also it has superior dynamics performances. The results and test of robustness will be presented.

Saidi A, Youb L, Naceri F, Belkacem S. A Fuzzy Adaptive Control of Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM). MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018;208 :03008.
Benmessaoud F, Chikhi A, Belkacem S. Fuzzy Compensator of the Stator Resistance Variation of the DTC Driven Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation. International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2018 [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper presents the contribution of a fuzzy controller to compensate the influence of stator resistance variation which can degrade the performance and stability of a direct torque control (DTC). Nevertheless, the original term DTC refers to a strategy that provides good performance, but it also has some negative aspects to the level of switching and inaccuracy in the engine model which recommends the use of a new technique the SVM which proposes an algorithm based on the modulation of the space vector in order to carry out a predictive regulation of the torque and flux of the induction motor and provides a fixed switching frequency, thus improving the dynamic response and the static behavior of the DTC.

Benmessaoud F, Chikhi A, Belkacem S. Fuzzy Compensator of the Stator Resistance Variation of the DTC Driven Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation. International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics. 2018 :89-97.
Hanane Z. Fuzzy Logic Control System in Medical Field. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management , July 26-27, [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Since the work of Lotfi Zadeh in 1965, the fuzzy logic continues to interest researchers and industrialists who gather around the "theories of uncertainty". The ramifications of fuzzy logic extend to fields as varied as control, the diagnosis of complex systems, bioinformatics, decision support. Research work is done in bio-informatic field where a system for decision support of anesthetic depth fuzzy basic. This study was carried out under general anesthesia with propofol. We use in our work some parameters influencing the patient’s condition during the course of surgery to control their effects on the depth of general anesthesia by fuzzy logic. In this paper, we propose using the environment MatLab R2017a to realize this application. A comparison between the predictions of the anesthesiologist and anesthetic predictions according to fuzzy logic of our work is done. This study will serve as a guide in developing new anesthesia control systems for patients.

Hanane Z, N Z, Samia A, R K. Fuzzy Supervision of an Industrial Production Process by Extracting Experts Knwoledge. International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2018). 10th ed. IARIA . 2018.
Hanane Z. Fuzzy Supervision of an Industrial Production Process by Extracting Experts Knwoledge . International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2018). 10th ed: IARIA . 2018 :44-49, 25-29.
ACHI A, DEMAGH Y. Generation directe de la vapeur d'eau dans les unites solaires cylindro-paraboliques. seminaire national sur les energies renouvelables et le devetoppement durable snerdd-18, le 25 & 26 juin . 2018.
Beghoul M, Demagh R. Ground movements induced by tunnels excavation using pressurized tunnel boring machine-complete three-dimensional numerical approach. International Congress and Exhibition" Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology". 2018 :42-52.
