Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

Bouali K, KADID FZ, BERGOUG N, Abdessemed R. Optimization of an Annular MHD pump by Simulated Annealing Method. International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering, (IC3E 2018), IEEE, November 12 - 13. . 2018.
Louchene E-H. Performance of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for the Photovoltaic Generator Monitoring. CNPER1-18 National Conference on Environmental Protection and Renewable Energy, UB2. 2018.
Boudra S, Yahiaoui I, Behloul A. Plant identification from bark: A texture description based on Statistical Macro Binary Pattern. 2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). 2018 :1530-1535.
Soria Z. POLYPHENOLIC CONSTITUENTS FROM AERIAL PART OF VERONCA ROSEA. Séminaire International sur les plantes Médicinales(SIPM-2018)-Université d’el-oued du 17 au18 Janvier . 2018.
Mokrani K, Tebbal S. Première description de l’infection à R. felis en Algérie. XXIVe Actualités du Pharo , . 2018.
Arar K, Mansouri S, Benbouta R, FEDAOUI K. Processing and Characterization of a Copper Based Binary Alloy Achieved by Solid Phase Compaction and Sintering. International Journal of Engineering Research in AfricaInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Africa. 2018;38 :1-8.
Benamar S. Profil bactériologique des péritonites en Néphrologie, Batna (Algérie). 28ème congrès national de la société tunisienne de pathologies infectieuses . 2018.
Ouarlent Y. Profil epidemio-clinique et prise en charge therapeutique des lymphomes du manteau experience monocentrique. XVème congres maghrebin d’hematologie . 2018.
Sonia B. A propos d’une épidémie clonale d’Enterococcus résistants aux glycopeptides. 28ème congrès national de la société tunisienne de pathologies infectieuses . 2018.
Tarek D, Khedidja A, Moufida B. Proposal for a new method for assessing the vulnerability of aquifers to contamination. 3rd International Conference on Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development "ICIEM 2018" , May 02 to 05. 2018.
Samia A, Djamel MM, Samira B. Proposal of a flexible and universal survey generator for a Business Intelligence. 2018 6th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT). 2018 :1-6.
Samia A, Mohamed-Djamel M, Samira B. Proposal of a flexible and universal survey generator for a Business Intelligence. 6th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT) [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we reviewed business intelligence in scientific research aspect, its existing tools on the market; its situation in the world and its situation in Algeria. We then analyzed the situation of the business intelligence at SCIMAT company which is our case study. We proposed a moderated monitoring system in management of alerts and monitoring of web pages, management of external events or internal to the production systems (training, conferences...etc.) and its most consistent module; a configurable and customizable survey generator (which we have called STL 1.0) into categories of questions, types of questions, the choice of languages to allow the members of the sample, to better understand the questions and to answer them correctly, come later the statistical calculations which are on several parts; as a positive response rate tables questions, accompanied by charts.We have applied this tool to generate several e-questionnaires or e-surveys that make it possible to make global or regional cartographies on the studied aspects.

Sami K, Fouad DJAIZ, Ali ATHAMENA. Qualité des eaux de surface d'Oued Saf-Saf (Nord Est Algerien). 4eme Colloque International, les Géosciences au service du Développement durable, université Larbi Tebessi, 22 novembre. 2018.
Djaiz F, Defaflia N, Lamouri B, Boushaba A, Chairat I. Quaternary Fluviatile Terraces of the Oued El Gourzi (Batna, NE Algeria): Sedimentology and Characteristics of the Depositional Environment. Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2018 :331-334.
Samia A, Hanane Z, Mawloud T, Naima Z, Khaled L, Abdelghafour K. Relative bibliometrics of intellectual capital and knowledge management in SCOPUS. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management July 26-27, 2018 [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The purpose of this work is a bibliometric analysis of the evolution of knowledge management (KM) and intellectual capital (IC) as scientific fields in time. The used data was all articles having “intellectual capital” or “knowledge management” in their title from SCOPUS database exported in Excel and R language is used to compute the indexes. The analysis is using the indexes (H index, N index, G index, I index, lotka’s law), which are most related to references and citations of the articles. We find that KM and IC fields are heterogeneous in cases and homogeneous in other cases vis à vis the applied indexes. This analysis is usefull to researchers in the two areas to find the pionners and the most productive authors to potentially collaborate with them and, the most read articles to use them in literature review. In databases of researches, only H index is offered but to all articles of area defined by the database and not for a set of requested articles. This paper is filling this gap, as the first study of KM and IC using relative bibliometric indexes

Samia A, Samira B, Hanane Z, Naima Z, Khaled L, Abdelghafour K. Relative scientometric analysis of knowledge management journals in SCOPUS. 3rd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems (PAIS) [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The analysis is comparing the scientific journals of the field of IC and knowledge management. The results are presented under tables and graphs and, are commented to make a comparison between these journals. The overall objective of the final work would be the implementation of scientometric indexes using the programming language R and the interpretation of the obtained results. The originality of the paper is the proposal of relative indexes to a query, i.e., relatively to a set of papers and not applied to the overall research database.

Aitouche S, Brahmi S, Zermane H, Zerari N, Latreche K, KAANIT A. Relative scientometric analysis of knowledge management journals in SCOPUS. 2018 3rd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems (PAIS). 2018 :1-7.
Sonia B. Résistance des entérobactéries aux carbapénèmes et carbapénèmases. 3ème conférence internationale d’infectiologie . 2018.
Abderrahim Y, Hichem B, Lamir S, Amir AM. Role of High-K and gate engineering in improving Rf/analog performances of In 0.2 Ga0. 8As/Al0. 3Ga0. 7As HEMT. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-4.
Redha MENANIM. The SASS transboundary water resources, joint management and risk of conflicts. The International Journal of Arts and Sciences Academic Conference, 12 to 16 March [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's Version
