Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

Tebbal S, Nabila KALLA, Mokrani K. Les génotype du virus de l’hépatite C à Barika. 28ème congrès national de la société tunisienne de pathologies infectieuses . 2018.
Benyahia A. Les méningites post-rachianesthésies, à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature. Sixième Journées Maghrébines d’Hygiène Hospitalière et Qualité des Soins. 2018.
Siham Z, Redha MENANIM, Ennasser BA. Les ressources en eau du Nord Est Algerien region de Tolga, qualité des eaux de la nappe des calcaires. 4eme Colloque International, les Géosciences au service du Développement durable, université Larbi Tebessi, 22 novembre. 2018.
Fahima B, Ouahab YA, Ahmed I. Lithostratigraphie de la serie Aptienne du DJ Bouroumane-Tebessa (Algerie oriental). 4eme Colloque International, les Géosciences au service du Développement durable, université Larbi Tebessi, Alger 22 novembre. 2018.
Fedala A, Ounassa ADJROUD, Asma S. L’effet néphrotoxique du chrome hexavalent chez la rate gestante de la souche Albinos wistar. Séminaire National de "Biotechnologie, Environnement & santé" Université de Jijel, 27-28 . 2018.Abstract

L'objectif de c travail est d'évaluer les effets délétères du chrome hexavalent sur la fonction rénale chez la rate gestante.

Mokrani K, Tebbal S, Ameghchouche A, KALLA N. L’impact de l’IL28B sur la fibrose hépatique chez les patients de l’est Algérien atteints d’hépatite virale C. ères rencontres internationales d’infectiologie . 2018.
Ouarlent Y. Lymphome de la zone marginal ;à propos de 7 cas. XVème congres maghrebin d’hematologie . 2018.
Management des compétences dans l’entreprise et sa relation avec la formation. ISKO Maghreb 2018 (International Society for Knowledge Organization 25-26 Novembre. 2018.
Abbache F, Kalla H. Maximizing Reliability of Heterogeneous Distributed System Using an Adapted Discrete Flower Pollination Algorithm for Task Allocation Problem. 2018 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC). 2018 :1-6.
Dendouga A, Oussalah S, Lakhdar N, Lakehal B. MDAC Design for an 8-bit 40 MS/s Pipelined ADC in a 0.18 μm CMOS Process. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-3.
Belkebir A, Aggoune MS. Modeling and Simulation of Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP). Eighth International Conference On Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2018 [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The purpose of this paper is to present a simplified model of inductively coupled plasma (ICP). The study of the effect of parameters such as current and number of turns in the coil is simulated using Comsol Multiphysics 3.5 by applying the fluid dynamic models that are generally appropriate for the investigation of inductively coupled plasmas.

Assia A. Modélisation Aérodynamique Des Blocs Opératoires. 3ème conférence internationale d’infectiologie . 2018.
Modélisation numérique de transfert de chaleur et de masse dans la cuisson du pain. VIeme congrès international de biotechnologie et valorisation des bio-ressourcées . 2018.
Mouss L-H, Berghout T, KADRI O. Moving From unknown to known feature spaces based on TS-ELM with random kernels and connections. IntelliSys2018. International Conference on Intelligent Systems. 2018.Abstract

In this paper, we propose an algorithm for classification based on extreme learning machine, named TS-ELM (Two feature Spaces Extreme learning Machine). It is a hybridization of two distinct feature mapping of SLFNs (Single hidden layer feedforward neural network). Both are realized based on ELM theories. The first feature space resulted from a random kernel distributions of a randomly connected input samples, that inspired initially from conventional random connected neural network and it is also included in ELM theories. The second feature space that gives the training or testing samples is the result of a random probability distribution of fully connected samples taken from the first feature space, and adjusted with their own weight and threshold parameters. This algorithm was applied on three datasets of multiclass and binary classification, and the results shows that it has strong classification capabilities and universal approximation as well. The mechanisms of the algorithm and universal approximation are discussed in this paper.

Mosbah Z, Lakhdar B, Salim M, Hichem F, Fayçal BAIRA, Marie-Hélène M, Anne-Laure H, François B, Baudin T. Multi-scale analysis by EBSD, X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction of microstructure and texture of Al-Mg-Si aluminum alloy wires drawn and annealed; 27th Int. METAL 2018 [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The ENICAB company in Biskra uses the cold drawing process on several types of wires rod of different materials and grades. Our study was carried out on an Al-Mg-Si (AA6101) aluminum alloy wire rod, the most used by the ENICAB company in the manufacture of electrical energy transmission cables. The purpose of this work is to understand the evolution of the deformation texture and the stored energy in the grains during cold drawing of wire, as well as the combined influence of deformation and annealing at 400 °C during different holding time on recrystallization kinetics and evolution of local and global crystallographic texture. Characterization methods used in this work is: Optical Microscopy (OM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Back Scatter Electron Diffraction (EBSD), X-ray diffraction, Neutron diffraction, Vickers microhardness and Chemical analysis by EDS.

Fayçal DJEFFAL, Zerroumda B, Toufik B, Hichem F. Numerical Analysis of 4H-SiC MOSFET Design Including High-k Gate Dielectrics for Power electronic Applications. ICSENT 2018: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Engineering and New Technologies [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we present a comprehensive investigation the impact of various high-k gate materials on both breakdown voltage and drain current of a vertical 4H-SiC-based power MOSFET, operating in the quasi-saturation regime. The device electrical behavior is numerically investigated using a TCAD-based computation provided by ATLAS 2D simulator. Moreover, the performance parameters, governing the power MOSFET breakdown characteristics are extracted in order to reveal the role of the high-k gate materials in improving the transistor electrical performance. The effect of the dielectric permittivity on the derived current capability in also analyzed. After, we conduct a sensitivity analysis of the breakdown voltage with several high-k materials (Al2O3, HfSiO4, HfO2, and TiO2) and different dielectric thicknesses. It is found that the proposed power MOSFET design exhibits improved electrical behavior not only enables enhancing the drain current but also allows achieving superior breakdown performance as compared to the conventional design, making it suitable for high-performance power electronic applications.

Bouatia M, Demagh R. Numerical Assessment of Slope Stability of Ain-Tinn Mila Province (Algeria). International Congress and Exhibition" Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology". 2018 :133-143.
AMADJI M, Ameddah H, Mazouz H. Numerical Shape Optimization of Cervical Spine Disc Prosthesis Prodisc-C. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical EngineeringJournal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. 2018;36 :56-69.
BENDIB T, Lakehal B, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, Dendouga A, Chebaki E, Aouf AE, Meddour F, Barra S. Numerical Study of Low Gain Avalanche Detector Performance. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-5.
Mokrani K, Aouachria A. Obésité et antibiothérapie : adaptation de la posologie. 1ères rencontres internationales d’infectiologie . 2018.
