Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

Adel B. Etude, modélisation et simulation des propriétés magnétiques par le modèle Jiles-Atherton d’une couche ferromagnétique déposée par pulvérisation cathodique magnétron RF. NUMELEC 2017. 2017.
Sonia B. Etude rétrospective des dispositifs invasifs. Profil bactériologique et mécanismes de résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques. 2015. 9ème Journées Internationales de Néphrologie d’Annaba. 2017.
Benmansour S. Étude tectono-sédimentaire de la série campanienne de Dj. Lekhal (plaine d'ain Touta). La 4eme édition du Congrès des Doctorants 2017 de la FSTGAT se tiendra le 24 et 25 Avril 2017, &aacut la maison de la science, USTHB,. 2017.
H. Madani, FEDALI S. Etude thermodynamique de la famille R407. Premier Séminaire National de Génie des Procédés (SNGP2017) qui a été déroulée les 11-12 Décembre 2017 . 2017.
SEDRATI M. Evaluation of QoS parameters with RPL protocol in the Internet of Things. International Conference on Computing for Engineering and Sciences [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The objective of this work is to present an analysis of RPL Routing protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) in the Internet of Things (IoT) and to determine the adequate working mode between storing and non-storing. Objects in LLNs networks have limited processing power such as battery and memory. The study examined the behavior of RPL towards some number of quality of service parameters in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Simulations are conducted under ContikiCooja Simulator. Results show that non-storing mode has better results in terms of delay and loss rate, but the storing mode consumes less energy.
Maamar S. Evaluation of qos parameters with rpl protocol in the internet of things. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing for Engineering and Sciences. 2017 :86-91.
Sonia B. Evolution du profil épidémiologique des entérobactéries uropathogènes productrices de B-lactamases à spectre élargi à Batna. 10ème Journée Nationale d’Hygiène Hospitalière et de lutte contre les infections associées aux soins. 2017.
Ouarlent Y. Fer injectable et thrombophlébite à propos de deux cas. 2017.
Houhou S, KAHLOUL L, BENHARZALLAH S, Bettira R. Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks Code Generation from Formal Specification. CS & IT Conference Proceedings. 2017;7.
Mazouz F, Belkacem S, Ouchen S, Harbouche Y, Abdessemed R. Fuzzy control of a wind system based on the DFIG. International Conference in Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems. 2017 :173-181.
Brinis N, Boudoukha A, Djaiz F. Géométrie de l’aquifère Néogène dans le bassin d’El Outaya, Atlas saharien au sud algérien. Colloque International Eau-Société-Climat 2017(ESC- 2017) ,2-3-4 Octobre. 2017.
Ouarlent Y. Hémophilie sévère et prophylaxie. XIV Congres maghrébin 11-13 Mai. 2017.
Tebbal S. Hépatite C actualités thérapeutiques. Première Conférence Internationale d'Infectiologie d’Annaba (CiiA). 2017.
A B, A A, Soraya T. Hépatite chronique B chez la femme enceinte, à propos de 42 cas. Journée d’infectiologie de Constantine 15 Décembre. 2017.
Benyahia A, Tebbal S. Hépatite chronique B chez la femme enceinte, suivi de 42 cas dans le service des maladies infectieuses de Batna. 12émes Journées nationales d’infectiologie de Constantine. 2017.
Khelifi C, FERROUDJI F, Meguellati F, Koussa K. Heuristic Coupling Design-Optimization between a Variable Speed Generator and a Wind Rotor. International Journal of Engineering Research in AfricaInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Africa. 2017;32 :133-138.
ZAIDI A. How to develop signal classification tool, basing on stochastic model. 5th International Conference on Control & Signal Processing, 28-. 30 October . 2017.
Drias T, Fehdi C, Bellouala M. Hydrochemical Analysis and Evaluation of Groundwater Quality of an Alluvial Aquifer. Algeria. Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration. 2017 :637-639.
Drias T, Fehdi C, Belloula M. hydrochemical analysis and evaluation of groundwater quality of an alluvial aquifer. algeria. Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The study of the water quality in the shallow aquifer of Tebessa-Morsott was carried out to perform a preliminary assessment of the hydrochemical quality of same groundwater samples and their suitability for irrigation uses. The high salinity coupled with groundwater level decline pose serious problems for current irrigation and domestic water supplies as well as for future exploitation. The statistical treatment of hydrochemical data by principal component analysis revealed two components related to salinity and pollution. The US salinity diagram illustrates that most of the groundwater samples fall in C3S1- C4S1 quality with high salinity hazard and low sodium hazard.
Yamina O. Hypofibrinogenemia and thrombose. XXVI Biennial congress and 63rd Annual Scientific and Standarization Commitee. 2017.
