Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

Bilal M. Processing a voice query in a Standard Arabic Human-Machine Dialog System (SAHMDS). PAIS’17 The 2nd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems November 16-17th. 2017.
Sonia B. Profil bactériologique et antibiotypique des septicémies à l’hôpital de Batna. 6ième congrès Aurassien international de néphrologie . 2017.
Benamar S. Profil bactériologique et mécanismes de résistance de Klebsiella spp du CHU de Batna. 6ième congrès Aurassien international de néphrologie . 2017.
BRINIS N, Boudoukha A, Djaiz F. Qualité chimique des eaux de l’aquifère Mio-pliocène utilisées pour l’irrigation de la plaine d’El-Outaya au sud algérien. Colloque international Eau–Société–Climat’2017 (ESC-2017), le 2, 3 et 4 Octobre. 2017.
Brinis N, Boudoukha A, Djaiz F. Qualité chimique des eaux de l’aquifère Moi-pliocène utilisé pour l’irrigation de la plaine d’El Outaya au sud Algérien. Colloque International Eau-Société-Climat 2017(ESC- 2017) , 2-3-4 Octobre. 2017.
Zouaoui S, MENANI M-R, Bouabid A-E. Qualité des eaux du Complexe Terminale du Nord-Est Algérien. Région de Tolga. 1St Atlas Georessources International Congress, (AGIC). 20-22 March,. 2017.
Yamina O. Qu’en est-il de la place de l’immunophénotypage dans la prise en charge des leucemies aigues. 37 éme congres de la SFH. 2017.
Bouchiba N, Barkia A, Sallem S, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L, Drid S, Kammoun MBA. A real-time Backstepping control strategy for a doubly fed induction generator based wind energy conversion system. 2017 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC). 2017 :549-554.
Benamar S. Répartition et profil de résistance dans les infections urinaires communautaires : différence selon le sexe et l’age. Batna. 9ème Journées Internationales de Néphrologie d’Annaba. 2017.
Benamar S. Résistance à la ciprofloxacine des bacilles à Gram négatif uropathogènes en 2016 au CHU de Batna. 6ième congrès Aurassien international de néphrologie . 2017.
Benamar S. Résistance des bacilles à Gram négatif aux carbapénèmes. Première Journée de Microbiologie de Constantine. 2017.
Gadda A. Resonant characteristics of a superconducting thin film resonator using the two-fluid method and artificial neural networks. 2nd International Conference on Automatic Control, Telecommunication & Signals (ICATS’17). 2017.
Cherifa AZOUI, Brahim BENMOHAMMED. A review of milling stability using semi discretization method. 3rd International Conference in Mechanics (3rd ICM'2017) [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Recently the investigation of periodic motion of the delayed functional differential equations (DDEs) and the associated variation systems become the focus of many studies. One of the most important motivations is the milling process analysis. Different techniques are used to obtain approximate solutions for the delayed functional differential equations (DDE). All these models used the stability lobe diagrams in order to choose the maximum axial depth of cut, for a given spindle speed associated with the chatter free machining. In this work, a semi discretization method is briefly explained and has been applied for 1-DOF (degree of freedom) and 2-DOF milling system in order to build the stability lobe diagrams.

Ounissi A, Yakoub K, Kaddouri A, Abdessemed R. Robust adaptive displacement tracking control of a piezo-actuated stage. 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC) [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, an adaptive tracking controller for a piezo-actuated stage is designed considering the LUGRE model. The adaptation algorithm of the parameterized hysteretic function is used to achieve a displacement-tracking objective under the mechanical parameters uncertainties. The Lyapunov theory is used to derive an adaptive law for the system stability. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is validated considering real-time simulation. The validation results of the proposed controller presents good performances and robustness under an external load-disturbance and parameter uncertainties.

Ounissi A, Yakoub K, Kaddouri A, Abdessemed R. Robust adaptive displacement tracking control of a piezo-actuated stage. 2017 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC). 2017 :297-302.
Ouarlent Y. Screningof Von willebrand’s Diseas in a region of high consanguinity. XXVI Biennial congress and 63rd Annual Scientific and Standarization Commitee. 2017.
Rafika S. Sedimentology, Geochemistry and Various Microfaunal Component Responses to Environmental Fluctuations of the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary at Thénièt El Manchar (Batna, NE Algeria). 19th International Conference on Geological and Earth Sciences. 2017.Abstract

focuses on the Cenomano-Turonian sediments observed in Thénièt El Manchar, the Bellezma-Batna Mountains, their evolution and the recognition of the main dating markers. The analysis (qualitative and quantitative) of the planktonic and benthic foraminifera and that of the ostracodes makes it possible to reconstitute the evolution of the paleo-environment and to estimate the variations of the relative paleo-depths. During the lower middle Cenomanian (Units IA, IB, IC and the lower part of ID), the microfaunistic associations are dominated by agglutinated benthic foraminifera testifying to a cold environment corresponding to the circalittoral deposits, in association with whole shells of ostracods indicating a weak hydrodynamism. In these deposits, the associations show a low to medium specific diversity and a more or less high faunistic richness, indicating trophic conditions and oxygenation considered normal. As for Unit ID (upper Cenomanian), it contains benthic foraminiferal biocenoses characteristic of warm and agitated seas. The return to deeper conditions, in the final terms of the Cenomanian and the beginning of the Turonian (Unit IIA), during a transgressive phase, is justified by the classical success of the events selected in North Africa, namely: The abundance of planktonic foraminifera, filaments and the drastic reduction of ostracofauna. These different elements open a reflection on the recorded paleo-environmental perturbations, the gradual disappearance of environmental stress and the return to relative normal conditions. These paleo-environmental interpretations agree with the data of the regional palaeogeographic context and highlight Tethysian features. Key words: sedimentology, geochemistry, paleo-environment, Cenomanian, Turonian, Batna, Algeria.

Adjroud O. Selenium Administration Can Alter Some Biochemical Parameters in Rats. HBSRA International Conference, Barcelona July 2017, 19th International Conference on Healthcare & Life-Science Research (ICHLSR), 28-29 July 2017 [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Selenium (Se), an essential micronutrient of several major metabolic pathways, including thyroid hormone metabolism, antioxidant defense systems, and immune function becomes toxic to animal when it is elevated above a threshold concentration. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of selenium in rats Wistar albino on plasma levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, uric acid, albumin and calcium. The experimental groups received subcutaneously graded doses of Selenium (0.3 and 0.5 mg/kg, BW) for a period of 21 days and plasma biochemical parameters were evaluated after 3, 6 and 21 days. The results indicated that the graded doses of Selenium significantly decreased both the calcium and plasma cholesterol level during short-term and long-term respectively. On the other hand, Se elevated significantly the levels of plasma urea by 104% after the first three days, uric acid by 126%, on day 6 and triglycerides by 120% on day 21. Whereas, the higher dose increased the level of plasma urea only on day 21 by 67%. Furthermore, 0.5 mg s.c provoked an immediate and a significant increase in plasma cholesterol level by 47% and in uric acid by 60% during the first three days after treatment. Doses of Se augmented significantly on day 6, the level of plasma albumin by 85% and 52 % respectively. The results of the current study suggested that selenium alters the plasma biochemical parameters in rats. Keywords: Albumin, calcium, cholesterol, selenium, triglyceride, urea. uric acid

Tebbal S. Sida et hépatites virales C. 3ème Journée nationale de Guelma sur le SIDA. 2017.
Benamar S. Situation épidémiologique des bactéries multirésistantes (BMR) aux antibiotiques en Réanimation médicale du CHU de Batna. Première conférence Internationale d’Infectiologie d’Annaba (CIAA). 2017.
