
Bahloul NEH, Boudjit S, Abdennebi M, Boubiche DE. A Flocking-Based on Demand Routing Protocol for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Journal of Computer Science and Technology [Internet]. 2018;33 :263-276. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The interest shown by some community of researchers to autonomous drones or UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) has increased with the advent of wireless communication networks. These networks allow UAVs to cooperate more efficiently in an ad hoc manner in order to achieve specific tasks in specific environments. To do so, each drone navigates autonomously while staying connected with other nodes in its group via radio links. This connectivity can deliberately be maintained for a while constraining the mobility of the drones. This will be suitable for the drones involved in a given path of a given transmission between a source and a destination. This constraint could be removed at the end of the transmission process and the mobility of each concerned drone becomes again independent from the others. In this work, we proposed a flocking-based routing protocol for UAVs called BR-AODV. The protocol takes advantage of a well known ad hoc routing protocol for on-demand route computation, and the Boids of Reynolds mechanism for connectivity and route maintaining while data is being transmitted. Moreover, an automatic ground base stations discovery mechanism has been introduced for a proactive drones and ground networks association needed for the context of real-time applications. The performance of BR-AODV was evaluated and compared with that of classical AODV routing protocol and the results show that BR-AODV outperforms AODV in terms of delay, throughput and packet loss.

Ali ATHAMENA. Flux azoté : origine et devenir dans les eaux souterraines, cas de la région de Zana-est Algérien. 2018.Abstract
Nous avons essayé, par ce travail, d’apporter une contribution à l’étudier les aquifères de la plaine de Zana, et d’évaluer les risques de la pollution liée au flux azoté.La plaine de Zana fait partie du bassin versant des hauts plateaux constantinois et plus précisément du sous bassin versant Merdja Zana, qui s’étend sur une superficie de 369 Km² environ.L’étude de la géologie en association avec les données de la géophysique met en évidence l’existence de deux formations. La première formation, de surface d’âge Mio-Plio-Quaternaire formée par desniveaux de sable, de gravier, de calcaire lacustre et des intercalations argileuses. La deuxième formation, elle est carbonatée et formée essentiellement par des calcaires du Crétacé inférieur et du Jurassique supérieur de l’ensemble sud sétifien et du parautochtone aurésien. Le recouvrement de surface atteint dans certainsendroits les 150m d’épaisseur notamment au milieu de la plaine et une faible épaisseur au voisinage des massifs. Quant aux formations carbonatées elles ont 350m d’épaisseur.La géomorphologie, montre que notre bassin est allongé, il a une altitude moyenne de 935m et il est caractérisé par un relief modéré et de pente douce.Le réseau hydrographique est pet développer et de type endoréique avec un écoulement temporaire.L’étude climatologique a montré que la région d’étude a un climat semi aride avec un bilan hydrologique déficitaire.L’aperçu hydrogéologique de la plaine montre que les formations du Crétacé inférieur et du Jurassique supérieur peuvent offrir des possibilités aquifères très intéressantes de même que la formation superficielle, elle présente des potentialités aquifères non négligeables. La piézométrie montre une convergence vers les dépressions de Merdja de Zana et le Chott Saboun, qui représentent des exutoires naturels dela nappe.L’étude hydrochimique a permis d’attribuer l’origine évaporitique aux éléments Na+, Mg++, K+, Cl-,SO4–, quant à l’élément HCO3-, il est issu des formations carbonatées. Les deux compagnes d’analyses effectuées montrent que les eaux issues del’aquifère superficiel et de l’aquifère karstique ont le même faciès hydrochimique qui est de type chloruré et sulfaté magnésien, ce qui témoigne de l’existence d’une interaction probable entre les deux aquifères
Assia A. Formulation mathématique d’un processus d’une épidémie dans une zone donnée. Premier congrès de la société algérienne d’infectiologie et 5e congrès de la fédération arabe des sociétés de microbiologie clinique et des maladies infectieuses. 2018.
Ben Attia H, KAHLOUL L, BENHARZALLAH S. FRABAC: A new hybrid access control model for the heterogeneous multi-domain systems. International Journal of Management and Decision MakingInternational Journal of Management and Decision Making. 2018;17 :245-278.
Hayat D, MOULOUD YAHIA, Abdelali B. Frequency and coexistence of the C677T and A1298C polymorphisms of the MTHFR gene in Aures region of Algeria. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological DiversityBiodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. 2018;19 :1169-1175.
Saidi A, Youb L, Naceri F, Belkacem S. A Fuzzy Adaptive Control of Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM). 3rd International Conference on Measurement Instrumentation and Electronics (ICMIE 2018) [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we are interested in the adaptive fuzzy control a technique has been studied and applied, namely adaptive fuzzy control based on theory of Lyapunov. The system based on the stability theory is used to approximate the gains Ke and kdce to ensure the stability of the control in real time .the simulations results obtained by using Matlab environment gives that the fuzzy adaptive control more robust, also it has superior dynamics performances. The results and test of robustness will be presented.

Saidi A, Youb L, Naceri F, Belkacem S. A Fuzzy Adaptive Control of Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM). MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018;208 :03008.
Benmessaoud F, Chikhi A, Belkacem S. Fuzzy Compensator of the Stator Resistance Variation of the DTC Driven Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation. International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2018 [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper presents the contribution of a fuzzy controller to compensate the influence of stator resistance variation which can degrade the performance and stability of a direct torque control (DTC). Nevertheless, the original term DTC refers to a strategy that provides good performance, but it also has some negative aspects to the level of switching and inaccuracy in the engine model which recommends the use of a new technique the SVM which proposes an algorithm based on the modulation of the space vector in order to carry out a predictive regulation of the torque and flux of the induction motor and provides a fixed switching frequency, thus improving the dynamic response and the static behavior of the DTC.

Benmessaoud F, Chikhi A, Belkacem S. Fuzzy Compensator of the Stator Resistance Variation of the DTC Driven Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation. International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics. 2018 :89-97.
Benmessaoud F, Chikhi A, Belkacem S. Fuzzy Compensator of the Stator Resistance Variation of the DTC Driven Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 845. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, ISBN: 978-3-319-99009-5 ; 2018.
Mazouz F, Belkacem S, Ouchen S, Harbouche Y, Abdessemed R. Fuzzy control of a wind system based on the DFIG. In: Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems. Vol. 35. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-73191-9 ; 2018.
Zermane H, Mouss H. Fuzzy control of an industrial process system using internet and web services. International Journal of Industrial and Systems EngineeringInternational Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. 2018;29 :389-404.
BENDJEDDOU YACINE, Abdessemed R, Merabet E, Bentouhami L. Fuzzy controller for self-excited dual star induction generator with online estimation ofmagnetizing inductance used in wind energy conversion. Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.– Électrotechn. et Énerg. BucarestRev. Roum. Sci. Techn.– Électrotechn. et Énerg. Bucarest. 2018;63 :417–422.Abstract
Induction generator with direct field oriented control is preferred for high performance applications due to its excellent dynamic behavior. The accuracy for the dual star induction generator control in the remote area highly depends on estimating the undetectable machine parameter values, such as the magnetizing inductance and flux. The aim of this paper is to propose a novel direct rotor flux oriented control with online estimation of magnetizing current, which applied to stand alone dual star induction generator supplying a wind turbine in remote area. The induction generator is connected to nonlinear load through two PWM rectifiers. The results of the proposed technique based on the magnetizing inductance estimation that used to control of induction generator shows an importance to determine the rotor flux position.
Hanane Z. Fuzzy Logic Control System in Medical Field. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management , July 26-27, [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Since the work of Lotfi Zadeh in 1965, the fuzzy logic continues to interest researchers and industrialists who gather around the "theories of uncertainty". The ramifications of fuzzy logic extend to fields as varied as control, the diagnosis of complex systems, bioinformatics, decision support. Research work is done in bio-informatic field where a system for decision support of anesthetic depth fuzzy basic. This study was carried out under general anesthesia with propofol. We use in our work some parameters influencing the patient’s condition during the course of surgery to control their effects on the depth of general anesthesia by fuzzy logic. In this paper, we propose using the environment MatLab R2017a to realize this application. A comparison between the predictions of the anesthesiologist and anesthetic predictions according to fuzzy logic of our work is done. This study will serve as a guide in developing new anesthesia control systems for patients.

Ali M, Noureddine S, Kheireddine CHAFAA. Fuzzy Logic Controller using the Nonholonomic Constraints for Quadrotor Trajectory Tracking, e-ISSN 2600-7029. Revue des sciences et sciences de l’ingénieurRevue des sciences et sciences de l’ingénieur. 2018;Volume 6 :pp 51-59.
Medjghou A, Slimane N, Chafaa K. Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Based on Backstepping Synthesis for Unmanned Quadrotors. Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering Journal, Volume: 16, number: 2, 2018.DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v16i2.2231ISSN 1336-1376 (Print) ISSN 1804-3119 (Online)Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering Journal, Volume: 16, number: 2, 2018.DOI: 10.15598/ae. 2018;16 :135-146.Abstract
The main purpose of this paper is to integrate fuzzy logic technique and backstepping synthesis to sliding mode control to develop a Fuzzy Backstepping-Sliding Mode Controller (FBSMC) to resolve the problem of altitude and attitude tracking control of unmanned quadrotor systems under large external disturbances. First, a backstepping-sliding mode control for quadrotor is introduced. Moreover, a fuzzy logic system is employed to adapt the unknown switching gains to eliminate the chattering phenomenon induced by switching control on the conventional Backstepping-Sliding Mode Controller (BSMC). The dynamical motion equations are obtained by EulerNewton formalism. The stability of the system is guaranteed in the sense of the Lyapunov stability theorem. Simulation results are carried out using Matlab/Simulink environment to illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller.
Ali M, Noureddine S, Kheireddine CHAFAA. Fuzzy sliding mode control based on backstepping synthesis for unmanned quadrotors, ISSN / e-ISSN 1336-1376 / 1804-3119. Advances in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringAdvances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2018;volume 16 :pp 135-146.Abstract
The main purpose of this paper is to integrate fuzzy logic technique and backstepping synthesis to sliding mode control to develop a Fuzzy Backstepping-Sliding Mode Controller (FBSMC) to resolve the problem of altitude and attitude tracking control of unmanned quadrotor systems under large external disturbances. First, a backstepping-sliding mode control for quadrotor is introduced. Moreover, a fuzzy logic system is employed to adapt the unknown switching gains to eliminate the chattering phenomenon induced by switching control on the conventional Backstepping-Sliding Mode Controller (BSMC). The dynamical motion equations are obtained by Euler-Newton formalism. The stability of the system is guaranteed in the sense of the Lyapunov stability theorem. Simulation results are carried out using Matlab/Simulink environment to illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller.
Hanane Z. Fuzzy Supervision of an Industrial Production Process by Extracting Experts Knwoledge . International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2018). 10th ed: IARIA . 2018 :44-49, 25-29.
Hanane Z, N Z, Samia A, R K. Fuzzy Supervision of an Industrial Production Process by Extracting Experts Knwoledge. International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2018). 10th ed. IARIA . 2018.
Beghriche A, Bilami A. A fuzzy trust-based routing model for mitigating the misbehaving nodes in mobile ad hoc networks. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and CyberneticsInternational Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics. 2018.Abstract
Security is one of the major challenges in the design and implementation of protocols for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). In such systems, the cooperation between nodes is one of the important principles being followed in the current research works to formulate various security protocols. Many existing works assume that mobile nodes will follow prescribed protocols without deviation. However, this is not always the case, because these networks are subjected to a variety of malicious attacks. Since there are various models of attack, trust routing scheme can guarantee security and trust of the network. The purpose of this paper is to propose a novel trusted routing model for mitigating attacks in MANETs.
