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Ferradji M-A, Zidani A.
A Collaborative Learning Environment of the Medical Diagnosis on the Basis of the Clinical Reasoning Theory. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2016) [Internet]. 2016.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
In collaborative clinical learning field, several recent pertinent studies showed that gathering learners with their tutor still insufficient to improve students' learning quality and knowledge acquisition. Consequently, focusing attention on professional skills within a collaboration environment seems to be the most appropriate way to reach the wished learning objectives, particularly in a complex specialty such as medical diagnosis learning. In this paper, we firstly introduce the concept of medical diagnosis from cognitive studies view that have been performed in the field of medical education. Then, we will discuss our shared web environment designed to support distance diagnosis learning, which aims to promote knowledge coconstruction and collaboration between learner
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A comparative study of PI and Sliding mode controllers for autonomous wind energy conversion system based on DFIG. 2016 17th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). 2016 :612-617.
Contribution à l’étude de la biodiversité entomologique de l’Abricotier dans la région de Batna-Algérie. 0th Maghrebian Congess on Marine Sciences and the 5th Franco-Maghrebian Congress of Zoology & Ichthyology. 2016.
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De la prophylaxie primaire à la prophylaxie secondaire. 3eme journées nationales de pédiatrie . 2016.
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Description de deux cas de LMC précédés de tumeur solide. Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai,. 2016.
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Development of an internet-based fuzzy control system of manufacturing plant. IOEM 2016 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management,. 2016.
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Diététique et IRC de l’enfant. 3ème journée nationales de Pédiatrie. 2016.
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Douleur et hémopathies bénignes. Journées Nationales de lutte contre la douleur . 2016.
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Effet d’administration du chlorure de nickel associé avec le sélénium sur les paramètres hématologiques et la glande surrénale chez le rat wistar. Les 14 èmes journée nationales de département de pharmacie –.les méthodes d’analyse en milieu hospitalier,état des lieux et perspectives d’avenir, 27 _28 Avril. 2016.
Bendaoud F.
Efficacité de la technique de miniséquençage du gène HBB dans le diagnostic moléculaire de la beta-thalassémie majeure chez des enfants de la région de Batna, Algérie. 14èmes Journée de Pharmacie : Les méthodes d’analyse en industrie pharmaceutique et en milieu hospitalier, état des lieux et perspectives d’avenir » . 2016.
KADID F-Z, Aggoune MS-alah, DRID S, Abdessemed R.
Electromagnetic, Flow and Thermal Coupling in a MHD Pump Taking Account the Saturation of the Ferromagnetic Material. Eleventh International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER) [Internet]. 2016 :1-7.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The coupled finite element method - finite volume method are applied to solve magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow equations and the thermal equation in the linear induction MHD pump taking into account the saturation of the ferromagnetic materials. This study is done using the stream-vorticity formulation. The purpose of this paper is to represent the velocity and the temperature respectively in linear and non linear cases because it is required to have the knowledge of the flow and the temperature to design an MHD pump. Additionally, the effect of the electromagnetic thrust on the flow distribution in a linear induction MHD pump is studied.
KADID FZ, Aggoune MS, Drid S, Abdessemed R.
Electromagnetic, flow and thermal coupling in a MHD pump taking account the saturation of the ferromagnetic material. 2016 Eleventh International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER). 2016 :1-7.
Benamar S.
Emergence de la résistance des entérobactéries aux carbapénèmes à Batna. IIième congrès international de gestion des risques et qualité de soins Setif OMS. 2016.