Ouarlent Y.
Le déficit en facteur VII chez les femmeles. 2émes journées médicales de Ain touta(Batna) 16-17 Décembre . 2016.
Aouachria A, Ameghchouche A, Tebbal S.
Le retard intra utérin d’origine infectieuse. 9èmes Journées de printemps organisées par la société algérienne d’évaluation et traitement de la douleur SAETD. 2016.
Bendaoud F.
Le syndrome de JOUBERT et nephrophtise A propos d’un cas pédiatrique. 6ème Congrès Maghrébin de Néphrologie et 23ème Congrès National de Néphrologie. 2016.
Aouachria A.
Les bonnes pratiques de la prévention des infections urinaires associées aux soins. IIième congrès international de gestion des risques et qualité de soins Setif OMS. 2016.
les impacts climatiques sur les eaux souterraines, cas de la plaine de Zana-Chott saboun, Est Algerien. 10th international conference for water ressources and water security in the middle East and North Africa,14th-16th November. 2016.
Ouarlent Y.
Les malformations congénitales en hématologie. 2émes journées médicales de Ain Touta. 2016.
Djenba S.
Les problèmes de mouvements de sols au nord de la wilaya de Setif. 1er colloque international sur la géologie de la chaine des maghrébides et des régions voisines (CIGCM 2016), université Ferhat Abbas Setif1. 2016.
Ouarlent Y.
Les thrombopénies gestationnelles et conséquences føetales. 2émes journées médicales de Ain Touta. 2016.
Mahdjoub H.
Les urgences métaboliques en hématologie. Journées Nationales de lutte contre la douleur . 2016.
Aiche M, Soltani F, Kacha F, Saidi M.
LNH à grandes cellules B et foie. Congrès maghrébin d'Hématologie , Mai. 2016.
Khamsa M.
L’origine infectieuse du retard de croissance intra utérine. Journées Nationales de lutte contre la douleur. 2016.
Mallem A, Slimane N, Benaziza W.
Mobile robot trajectory tracking using PID fast terminal sliding mod inverse dynamic control. 4th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT) [Internet]. 2016.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
This paper presents a PID fast terminal sliding mode dynamic inverse control method for wheeled mobile robots. Because of the nonlinear and nonholonomic properties, it is difficult to establish an appropriate model of the mobile robot system for trajectory tracking. The PID Control is based on a fast terminal sliding mode control to ensure asymptotic stabilization of the robot's position and orientation around the desired trajectory, taking into account the kinematics and dynamics of the robot. The idea behind this strategy is to use the terminal sliding mode control approach to assure the finite time convergence of tracking errors to zero. Simulation works demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed system for mobile robots robust tracking trajectory.
Djeffal F, Menacer F, Kadri A, Dibi Z, Ferhati H.
Modeling of boron nitride-based nanotube biological sensor using neural networks. 17th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA) [Internet]. 2016.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this study, an ultrasensitive biological boron nitride-based nanotube (Bio-BNNT) sensor is modeled and investigated by means of neural approach. The type of configuration studied is a cantilevered BNNT resonator sensor with an attached mass at the tip. The idea behind our resonator sensor is based on the determination of the natural BNNT frequency shift induced by added biological mass. A multilayer perceptron neural network is used to predict the attached mass, which causes a variation of the BNNTs frequency shift with different diameters and lengths. This model is implemented in the form of a component in the ORCAD-PSPICE electric simulator library. The component should reproduce faithfully the biological sensor behavior. Moreover, we have developed an inverse model called intelligent sensor in order to remove the nonlinearity response provided by the sensor. The association of this ANN-based corrector has brought significant improvement for high sensing performance.
Mostéfaoui A, Moumen H, Raynal M.
Modular randomized byzantine k-set agreement in asynchronous message-passing systems. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking. 2016 :1-10.
A Neural and Fuzzy Logic Based Control Scheme for a Shunt Active Power Filter. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications. 2016 :201-211.